In-line not onlineI’m a welder by trade no electrian but I can’t find fuse box on my 1991 bass tracker pro ? I’ve found online fuses but no box? Do I have one or where would I look? Needin help
Usually, it's somewhere under the console, sometimes on the side of the hull, sometimes on the opposite side, sometimes up behind the dashboard. It's probably there.
But many of them have no fuse panel, but circuit breakers built into the switch panel. RARELY, they will just have inline fuses.
Follow the wires and you will find it.
Hmm... Nothing wrong with inline, just more work to find.
I recently replaced the switch panel in my big boat with a nice, 8-switch with breakers. I cut out a ton of spaghetti and it's nice and neat now. I should have done that 10 years ago!
If no problems, then no rush, but maybe you should add breakers next to your switches. Mine is this one:
But you may not need as many switches, so maybe something like this one?