14' Sea Nymph- Finished!!


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Well-known member
May 25, 2009
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Canton, Ga
So here's the new boat. It's a 1983 Sea Nymph "Traveler", 14' x 38" Floor width at the widest point. I assume that's how you measure one. It's about 58" across gunwales. As you can see the info plates are worn off and not legible. Anybody know what size motor this boat was rated for? I'm starting my search for everything, but priorities are trailer and motor. If anybody's got either of those give me a shout. Galvanized trailer preferable, but not required. Short shaft motor, and I would like to max out the power rating for that hull. Where can I get a replacement aluminum / tow loop for the bow? I have owned several other boats, but never built one from the ground up. The wife wants to know what I'm doing on the computer so late at night, and why I mumble in my sleep about casting decks and livewells. This is serious, and it's only 50 square feet of beat up sheet metal. What's wrong with us? Anyway, looking forward to getting started. I'll post pics along the way. First up is getting my rough layout in my head and on paper, then paint outside, and I think Herculiner inside. That seems like a simple way to waterproof and soundproof in one step. Great site, and I have enjoyed looking at all the talented people here sharing their mods. :beer:


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Nice boat, lots of options. Don't quote me, but most boats that size with that style transom aren't rated for anything over a 10 horse. Mines similar and only rated for a 7.

I'm sure someone else can help you out tho.
Thanks, Dyeguy. I was hoping for atleast a 15hp. I tried to search that model boat but couldn't come up with anything as far as hp rating.
Congrats on the boat. As for Herculiner, I prefer not to apply that. It didn't work well on the boat I bought (though it may have been bad prep work) and was a nightmare getting off. I think some good paint with interdeck or non skid type stuff is better, but just my opinion. You could always reinforce the transom inside and out and maybe go a bit bigger on the motor, but stay close to the manufacturer's suggestion. Also if you get it re-registered and it looks sturdier, they may re-issue you a higher HP rating..that's what I am hoping for in NJ anyway. Good luck and post pics along the way, I'll definitely be look on with interest.
Ober51, what was it you didn't like about the Herculiner? I am also using it as a second line of defense against leaky rivets. I'd like to hear some feedback on Herculiner from some others before I move forward. I know it has been used by some of you guys on your projects. Thanks.
Cheeseball, how does that 15 hp push your boat? That's probably what I'll be looking for. I'll post pics along the way. Got it all mapped out in my head.
fullmoon said:
Ober51, what was it you didn't like about the Herculiner? I am also using it as a second line of defense against leaky rivets. I'd like to hear some feedback on Herculiner from some others before I move forward. I know it has been used by some of you guys on your projects. Thanks.

I've heard that it has a tendency to peel off after a few seasons - and my boat indicated as such. When that happens, it's a PITA to get the remaining off (think heat guy and a lot of time). If you are using for leaky rivets and seams, I suggest Gluvit, which can then be painted to any color. I am using Gluvit on the inside and Steel Flex on the outside, so it should be sealed extremely well. Just some food for thought. I know the Herculiner would be good, I just question the long term durability on marine applications, that's all. Just keep your options open, as I think there may be some products that may be more attractive for what you're thinking.
fullmoon said:
Cheeseball, how does that 15 hp push your boat? That's probably what I'll be looking for. I'll post pics along the way. Got it all mapped out in my head.

I don't know... I'm still in the process of moding my boat and haven't had it out on the water yet since I got my new 15hp. I imagine it will do about 20 - 25mph, but that's just a guess.

Check you PM's. I sent you one a couple days ago.
fullmoon said:
Thanks, Ober. I've heard of both those products here before. Wher do you get Gluvit?

I actually got a crazy deal at Boater's World before it went under, I think like $70 or something low. Boatbandit.com had it pretty cheap, under $100 to your door (cheap compared to like iboats which wants close to $130). The good thing is that it can be painted, so it won't have that epoxy look.
I haven't had time to work on the boat much lately, but here's what I've done:
- Fill holes with JB weld
- Replace all the rusted transom hardware with new stainless and 5200
- Fabricate a two sided patch for the transom where there were 5 holes close together. I used an old stop sign my buddy had (didn't ask how he got it). It's the perfect thickness, and a freebie!
- Scavenged an old rack from behind a thrift store. 1" x 1" square tube (28') and
1" x 1 1/2" angle (30'). Should come in handy for framing up my deck supports.
- Next will be to prep the bottom for Steel flex. Hopefully that will be applied next weekend. I have leak checked the bottom- only 3 leaky rivets. Not bad for a 26 year old boat!
More pics to follow. :beer:


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Cheeseball. Get a metal cutting blade, goes thru that thin aluminum like butter! I cleaned it up with my bench grinder and wire wheel.
cgeane , You've got the same boat? It seems like a well made jon. Do you have a 20hp on yours? Someone else here thought it might only be rated for a 15. If it can handle a 20hp even better. I want to max out the power without over doing it. I may add an extra transom support when I build my back deck just in case.
O.K. more stuff today. For those of you who contemplated cutting out a seat but were worried about losing support (I was one of those), I said to hell with it, I'm going for it and if it flexes too much I'll figure something out. I want that extra floor space! Wow, what a difference in the room. It's going to give me alot of low deck space for chasing stripers around the boat! Yes, the gunwales do flex there a bit. I don't think it's going to be a problem, and I also think when I'm through with all my deck building I will gain some strength back. Also, the Sea Nymph has 3 seats, and many other 14'ers only have two to begin with, so that helped in the decision.
So if you wondered what's under that aluminum seat, here's what I found. A solid block of styrofoam, and what was left of the original plastic wrap used to seal the styro. It was falling apart and not really waterproofing anything. But, for 26 years old there was only a little saturated styro. Less than I expected. I now have a nice piece of aluminum to re-use somewhere else. My floor will go right over what's left of the seat. I didn't want to get into removing rivets, so I trimmed it close enough to go right over it. There were no bug colonies or hidden treasure.
Also found a used galvanized trailer today close to home. It will need some work, but basically sound and heavy duty. I looked at jet ski trailer also, but they just don't look like they could be easily modified to give enough support. It seems like after we put all this work (and extra weight) into our boats, why skimp on the trailer. I want atleast 6' -8' of bunk under the hull. Here's a few more pics of the seat removal.


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I had a 1973 14' Ouachita flat bottom it measured 36" at the beam of the gunwales. Transom was 17". I had my 25hp mercury on it with no problems at all. I did however rebuild my transom with 3/4" cdx and a 1/2" osb plywood. The boat took all the power with not one problem. GPS told me that i was doing 30mph, fully loaded. The boat sat perfect in the water, and planed out really well. Pictured with my old 4hp suzuki.


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O.K. A little more progress. Got the bottom prepped for Steel Flex. You guys are right. That part of this project isn't a lot of fun. Grinder with 80 grit pad, plus drill with coarse wire wheel (went thru 2 of those). Paint and aluminum dust in every orifice. If you're going to do this buy and use a good mask. You do not want that dust in your lungs. I ordered two quarts based on Jerry's recommendation. Worked out perfectly, with a little left over, for my 1436. Since it came in separate containers (1/2 pints) it was easy to mix a half batch. I just added half of the grey pigment Fasco sent. First coat thin, second a little thicker. Three hours between coats to get the right "tack". I used a high quality solvent resistant roller (1/4" nap), and still got some "lint" in the finish. But step back you don't see it. No big deal, but a foam roller may have worked better, although the roller I had worked really well to apply the stuff. Here's the pics. Next project is the trailer. Got a used one that needs some work.


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