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  1. C

    Moving on to paint. Help with Wagner?

    I used the Wagner brand to paint the inside walls of a house once. My advice is to get a large box and practice painting it. The nozzle, paint consistency will dictate all the answers to your questions. Paint temp also contributes to thickness and flow rate. I found it to be trial and error...
  2. C

    What have you been up to lately?

    Nice hobby, nice bike, hope you get her back together for spring.
  3. C

    What have you been up to lately?

    I'm an intermediate player, a shame we don't live closer, I'd gladly play with you, maybe get you better. It was a lot more natural for me at 15 then it is now at 62. But I am learning.
  4. C

    What have you been up to lately?

    I have hobbies, I play guitar (I can always get better at that), I do enjoy a small garden and yes, will definitely be taking that boat out more. My daughter is already making plans and asking why we have to wait until April to drop her in. I'm more concerned with the shift in finances. My...
  5. C

    What have you been up to lately?

    As of late I'm trying to wrap my head around and organize my exit from work plan. Retirement is scary as much as exciting. I just am not a fan of the unknown and change, I like routine.
  6. C

    GAS! GAS! GAS!

    The bigger the boat the less a little weight matters. When I had my 12' tinner, If I was alone the car went up front. When with another person it went in back with me. I found once you hit 16' the gas can position matters less and less. Of course it also depends on how much gas you haul.
  7. C

    GAS! GAS! GAS!

    I vote for portable. It helps when you don't have a consistent load.
  8. C

    New Member and need help with motor selection

    Tahotsu makes reliable engines, the issue is dealer support. Without knowing your financial situation I can't say what you should do. If money wasn't an issue I'd go the the T. Waiting until Aug to get on the water is a waste of many months of boating IMO.
  9. C

    My first boat

    What's the max HP rating on your boat? Whatever it is, get it. Unless the weight is prohibitive for you.
  10. C

    12-14ft aluminum boat on a 6x12 utility trailer

    I'd do it, tie her down well and hit the water.
  11. C

    My first boat

    I think you will miss the quiet of a water cooler engine. Photography sounds to me like a quiet pastime/hobby. The mud motor will certainly get you into the shallowest of locations.
  12. C

    New Member, first post

    I grew up clamming Barnegat bay/Manahawkin bay and zipping around Mud City with my friends. These days I mostly boat in North Jersey along the Hudson in a much larger more comfortable boat.
  13. C

    1967 starcraft 14 ft Seafarer repower.

    25 is fine enough. You can always drop the pitch for more get up and go hole shot being you aren't interested in WOT much.
  14. C

    New 4-Stroke or old 2-Stroke

    I would grab the older 2S, have it gone over top to bottom, spend money on any issues and run like the wind. Assuming you are still in shape to pull start that engine. Any carb or spark issues can mean a lot of pulling! Ask me how I know... If it were just boating I'd say grad the 4S for...
  15. C

    New Member, first post

    Elmer NJ, that's pretty far south and west. Do you boat in the small lakes or along the lower Delaware?