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  1. thill

    TimeUSB 100AH 12.8V Pro LiFePO4 Battery Review

    ALL TimeUSB batteries have a BMS. Not all of them are bluetooth, though. I have two cheap LiFePO 10A chargers, and TimeUSB approved them for use with my 100AH batteries. They do a great job. Usually, they take @ 4 hours to charge from 1/2 charge to full. I guess that equates to about the...
  2. thill

    TimeUSB 100AH 12.8V Pro LiFePO4 Battery Review

    I was going to say their shipping was very fast, and customer service was excellent. Glad you got it figured out before canceling payment. You are going to love your battery.
  3. thill

    Please help identify 14' semi v aluminum boat has most parts for OMC motors. If not, I use the site to find the part number, using their schematics and then order aftermarket parts, if available. A few parts, like Ficht parts, are simply not available, and must be found used. That's why I have a parts motor for my engine.
  4. thill

    1967 starcraft 14 ft Seafarer repower.

    And THIS is why I can never keep 15-25 HP two-strokes around. They sell like hotcakes around here. I think "Hoarder" and several others on this forum have 2-strokes they would be willing to sell.
  5. thill

    Battery Selection and APH

    I have always been suspicious. I have ordered from them, but I used Paypal, as I didn't want them having my credit card info. Thanks for the warning, and sorry about your wife's problems. If you catch it quickly, you should be able to get the charges reversed through the credit card company
  6. thill

    Sealing around LED light strips?

    Actually, you can run the interior lighting at any time, sitting or running. It is not visible to other boats. They are always offset, under the rails outsole or a light shield in certain places. The docking lights are only used for docking or momentarily for locating buoys or such.
  7. thill

    New 4-Stroke or old 2-Stroke

    4-srtroke are the latest and greatest, but we are seeing more and more who have water in their oil, or whatever, and go back to a good-running 2-stroke and are very happy with their choice at 1/5 the cost. A good 40 or 50 HP can often be had for less than $1,000, and those things typically...
  8. thill

    Battery Selection and APH

    Dude.... Click on the link and order one. You will NEVER go back.
  9. thill

    Battery Selection and APH

    YES, that can reduce life. They come with a 5 year warranty, but still. I understand. I had to deprogram myself, but it's a SO much easier only charging for an hour or so before heading out. The lithiums have so much capacity that my problem is leaving too much power in them, NOT having...
  10. thill

    Lifting boat off trailer to replace bunks

    It will work, yes. Using a floor jack, lower the tongue all the way to the ground, then put, cinderblocks with wood on top, large logs or whatever you want to hold up the back. Then, when you jack the front up as high as it can go, the only thing touching the trailer will be the bow eye...
  11. thill

    Battery Selection and APH

    With lithium batteries, you do NOT charge at the end of the day. They like to rest at 30-60% charge, so you only top them off the night before a trip. Less to think about after a long day on the water.
  12. thill

    Battery Selection and APH These are very good batteries, last much longer than regular, are lightweight, and don't require the careful maintenance that lead acid batteries do. There are a number of choices on that search page. Some are simple, and...
  13. thill

    How Much HP?

    I've done both... The 50 is quite a jump over the 35. Much better in almost every way. Even better fuel mileage, as the 50 barely had to work to jump it up on plane, and cruised easily at the same speed as the 35 running at WOT: That 50 was the perfect fit for that boat, but then I moved...
  14. thill

    Yamaha 15 HP electric start not starting!

    Glad you found the problem
  15. thill

    Are these trailer bunks correctly positioned for a jon boat?

    Most here prefer cedar or cypress, but it's expensive. I've used a pressure treated wood that doesn't react with aluminum under marine carpet for many years under my bare aluminum hull with no issues. You have to find the brand and check the literature and data sheet before choosing PT wood...