Boat ramp traffic way down and fewer boats on the water?

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I turn 60 this year and before the pandemic hit I was big into going to car shows and crewing for a armature race car team but that all went to crap so I sold my car and bought a boat and got back into fishing. I had to quit back in the day because of health issues but always relied on going with someone who had a boat. My son never really got into fishing and hes an only child. He did get into the car scene though. Alot of my younger friends ended up having kids during this time and sold a lot of their stuff. Last year I didn't get out much because it seemed like it rained every weekend or my back just wasn't cooperating. I also had a heart attack at the end of the year and still having some issues so my wife doesnt want me going out by myself like I use to which is understandable. Will see how it goes this year. Our season has already started but again the back. Drs trying to figure out whats going on. Before last year though I did notice not as many people out but I do mostly reservoir fishing. Im sure there are alot of factors involved. Gas prices, everything prices, no interest with the youth.
During our spring fishing, it was normal for us. Basicly we are the only boat out there. Occasionally, one or two others. The fall we will see more boats, and seen a few new jets, the last year. Now, when they have the catfish derby weekend contest, it is a $hit show. People in bathtubs to pontoon boats, all over, running in the dark. Needless to say, we are not out there then.

On the lake, most have pontoon boats, with a good sprinkling of jetskis and fiberglass V boats. A few dedicated ski boats and wake boats. Plenty of tinnys too. Very occasionally, a go fast, but its a smallish lake. Memorial Day it will pick up, but the July 4th weekend is always peak.
I turn 60 this year and before the pandemic hit I was big into going to car shows and crewing for a armature race car team but that all went to crap so I sold my car and bought a boat and got back into fishing. I had to quit back in the day because of health issues but always relied on going with someone who had a boat. My son never really got into fishing and hes an only child. He did get into the car scene though. Alot of my younger friends ended up having kids during this time and sold a lot of their stuff. Last year I didn't get out much because it seemed like it rained every weekend or my back just wasn't cooperating. I also had a heart attack at the end of the year and still having some issues so my wife doesnt want me going out by myself like I use to which is understandable. Will see how it goes this year. Our season has already started but again the back. Drs trying to figure out whats going on. Before last year though I did notice not as many people out but I do mostly reservoir fishing. Im sure there are alot of factors involved. Gas prices, everything prices, no interest with the youth.

I am partnering with a slightly older gentleman than myself who is in the same boat. Has some issues as do I and we will try and keep an eye on each other. One requirement is auto inflating life preservers for both of us. I used to have to find people with a boat to go with and had trouble. Now it is reversed.
Man, I wish!

Lake Anna seems to be more and more crowded every year. They actually built barricades at the state park to keep the crowds out of certain areas, like the fishing pier. It's a beautiful lake, not too huge, with lots of lodging around it. Many people come here from NJ and NY and surrounding areas.

The biggest thing are the fishermen. You are allowed to keep four stripers or hybrids here, where in the Bay and ocean, you are only allowed ONE. So people come here to fill their coolers. Good for them, not so good for us locals, but I guess it helps the economy in the area, so no complaints.

I haven't been out much this year, but I'll have to see how the crowds are this year,once it warms up a little. With fuel prices over $3/gal, there might indeed be fewer boats out there...
I am partnering with a slightly older gentleman than myself who is in the same boat. Has some issues as do I and we will try and keep an eye on each other. One requirement is auto inflating life preservers for both of us. I used to have to find people with a boat to go with and had trouble. Now it is reversed.
I actually purchased proper fitting auto inflating preservers for me and my buddy this year. He had just one of those fit all orange vest and I had a very bulky one that really didnt fit all that great being as I am a big guy. Have been looking into adding some kind of ladder to keep in the boat for when we fish the reservors. It may be over kill but I would rather have it than not.
Me and my young grandson wear ski vests. Not too bulky and even though the self inflating vests are likely pretty reliable, if they fail, you're screwed. A ski vest will never fail you.
If you scrutinize our fishing pictures, you would see my son prefers the inflatable and I, a kayak life vest. The kayak vest allows for 360 arm movement.
Just seen our first wake boat of the year quite certain its someone who lives on this stretch of river as I'm pretty far from the dam. Was the last thing I expected to see round the bend as it's only 5 ft deep this far up today and the water is up about 2ft from the rains over the weekend.
We bought two of these. Will float you unconscious face up. Auto inflate, manual inflate or mouth inflate if needed.
I tried something similar to those and when I decided to test it I was glad I did it in a pool. I jumped into the water with my legs tucked in and hit the bottom so hard it hurt for month. The vest slid up under my arms and I and the vest hit the bottom, even though it was inflated.
In fact, I've yet to find a vest that'll float me. I bought a cold water full size flotation jacket, it goes down below my waist, and has a collar that comes around the rear and is a full jacket style meant for cold weather.
It also has leg straps. I can walk across the bottom of a pool with a snorkel with it on.
Even if I relax and lay back I don't float. Most vest without leg straps get pulled up over my head. I've gone so far as to call a couple of manufacturers and only one took interest and then gave up saying they don't make anything suitable. I'm 6ft 3in tall 390 lbs with a 44" waste and I don't float.

As far as ramp traffic, its been dead so far this year, and it was last fall too. Between ramp closures, security issues, the cost of gas, and ridiculous bag limits I suppose its more trouble than its worth and too costly for many.
If I'm going out for stripers, it makes no sense to burn 6 gallons of gas each way plus 2 stroke oil and gas in the truck to get to the ramp for one fish. Then most of the free ramps have theft issues, trucks are broken into parts stolen off them, and trailers either stripped or stolen. I went to one and it looked like I was in Tijuana with all the illegals hanging out fishing without a license on the docks and ramp. They don't have a license and they do nothing about it.

The pay ramps are expensive and far away, most are a yearly membership, I think the one used to be $90/season but that's now $210.

I've considered selling my boat but after looking at how cheap old aluminum boats have been listed for here and how long they stay listed I don't suppose I'd get much for it. I've watched boats 30 years newer than mine going for cheap all spring, and many stay listed for months. Motors are even slower selling lately.
I picked up a clean but older 2003 Yamaha Four stroke 9.9hp for $125 off marketplace after it sat listed all spring for $600. I tossed out a low ball offer and the guy took it. it was turn key with a new impeller, fuel tank, and controls. If things were normal that would have been long gone in an hour. I didn't need it but its super clean.
Sorry to hear you issues with the vests. Neither of us in in your weight class, so I would imagine we will have better luck. I have tested mine and no issues. I don't jump in the water with it inflated though. More interested in it inflating when I accidentally fall in. Inflating it first will make it do what you stated.
The lake I currently frequent has a BLM maintained ramp that used to be free. Then they implemented a fee using a pay by credit card machine ($5 for seniors). Last several times I've gone the machine is busted. So, the ramp is still free! Apparently they are in no hurry to fix it, or someone just keeps breaking it.
The lake I currently frequent has a BLM maintained ramp that used to be free. Then they implemented a fee using a pay by credit card machine ($5 for seniors). Last several times I've gone the machine is busted. So, the ramp is still free! Apparently they are in no hurry to fix it, or someone just keeps breaking it.
The pay to launch ramps here are enforced by either park comm police or the local PD. You have to sign up and pay online before a deadline date before the season opens, then they only sell 200 permits to non-residents of that town. I heard that this year they extended the deadline indefinitely due to only selling 5 permits.

We used to have a small local pond with a 'donation' box at the ramp but someone stole the box and post. It later turned up at a local scrap yard. One private pond charges $20 to launch and fish but its closed after dark and on Sundays and holidays. They also do not allow any type of motor, only paddles. I was there once about 25 years ago and its a decent pond but the owner runs around scrutinizing your every move. We never went back, it was only $3 back then and they allowed you to run a trolling motor so long as it had a weed guard for an extra $2. If your motor didn't have a basket around the prop they would rent you one for $2/hr then.
I think the old owners are gone and its now owned by the local parks department in that area. They also have a 14ft max boat size and only allow they're own rental canoes on the water now. I wrote that place odd after the first time, there's no way I'd pay to fish or launch anywhere these days.

One state ramp, way back in the marsh has a money box and your supposed to pay $10 to launch. They have no way of knowing who paid so no one does. The last time I drove back there it looked like someone emptied a box of buck shot shells on it. One game warden told me people keep dumping they leftover bait in it instead. The worse part is that its so far back along one creek that the ramp goes dry at low tide and the cross current is so strong when the tide is moving its almost impossible to launch there, They spent a fortune to build a beautiful ramp in a place no one wants to launch from.
I can say that in the past 4-6 weeks, I haven't had my boat out because I have been mowing grass from all the darn rain we have been getting !! Mowing at last two times a week and other yard work from everything growing keeps me busy !
I tried something similar to those and when I decided to test it I was glad I did it in a pool. I jumped into the water with my legs tucked in and hit the bottom so hard it hurt for month. The vest slid up under my arms and I and the vest hit the bottom, even though it was inflated.
In fact, I've yet to find a vest that'll float me. I bought a cold water full size flotation jacket, it goes down below my waist, and has a collar that comes around the rear and is a full jacket style meant for cold weather.
It also has leg straps. I can walk across the bottom of a pool with a snorkel with it on.
Even if I relax and lay back I don't float. Most vest without leg straps get pulled up over my head. I've gone so far as to call a couple of manufacturers and only one took interest and then gave up saying they don't make anything suitable. I'm 6ft 3in tall 390 lbs with a 44" waste and I don't float.

As far as ramp traffic, its been dead so far this year, and it was last fall too. Between ramp closures, security issues, the cost of gas, and ridiculous bag limits I suppose its more trouble than its worth and too costly for many.
If I'm going out for stripers, it makes no sense to burn 6 gallons of gas each way plus 2 stroke oil and gas in the truck to get to the ramp for one fish. Then most of the free ramps have theft issues, trucks are broken into parts stolen off them, and trailers either stripped or stolen. I went to one and it looked like I was in Tijuana with all the illegals hanging out fishing without a license on the docks and ramp. They don't have a license and they do nothing about it.

The pay ramps are expensive and far away, most are a yearly membership, I think the one used to be $90/season but that's now $210.

I've considered selling my boat but after looking at how cheap old aluminum boats have been listed for here and how long they stay listed I don't suppose I'd get much for it. I've watched boats 30 years newer than mine going for cheap all spring, and many stay listed for months. Motors are even slower selling lately.
I picked up a clean but older 2003 Yamaha Four stroke 9.9hp for $125 off marketplace after it sat listed all spring for $600. I tossed out a low ball offer and the guy took it. it was turn key with a new impeller, fuel tank, and controls. If things were normal that would have been long gone in an hour. I didn't need it but its super clean.
I'm sure ya;ll know that there are different levels of inflation/flotation?? One is in the 20's and uses the small cartridge and the other is in the 30's and uses the large canister. Make sure you have the larger type and you should be okay.....
All the river ramps in the section of the river we run, are free. Most are maintained by the parks that they are located in. On the lake, we have one DEC ramp which is also free. On weekends and holidays it is maned by someone that checks for evasives.
The weather has not been very nice this spring so the activity on the water is down for now. But it looks like we might finally be at comfortable temps from this point on and it will be interesting to see how quick it picks up. A lot of the locals like to get their docks/boats in by Memorial Day so this is the week it should get more active.
The weather has not been very nice this spring so the activity on the water is down for now. But it looks like we might finally be at comfortable temps from this point on and it will be interesting to see how quick it picks up. A lot of the locals like to get their docks/boats in by Memorial Day so this is the week it should get more active.
In our area rain then more rain and high winds have been the issue. High muddy water and rough chop has limited boating. This who have ventured out earlier in the season didn't do well. However in recent days things have really picked up. Fishing reports have been good if your not stuck mowing grass !
So today was a bit puzzling we decided with all the rain lately ro just take the kayaks to the 300 acre lake within 15 min of home. It's an electric only lake full of stumps several miles down rutted out dirt "roads" . I've taken a boat to this lake once and only once. It's situated in the middle of 30k acres of wildlife management area. It's way more popular with hunters than fisherman. I turned the last corner before the ramp today and their was a line of boat trailers. I've never seen anything like it on this lake. Must have been 40+ boats on the lake today typically might be 1 or 2 on the weekend. The fishing is only good for crappie in early spring the bass fishing while plentifull it's a lake full of stunted 12-14" fish. Very odd to see so many boats I've been hitting the river atleast once a week since April 1 and only seen a couple.