Wiley Coyote


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We are small town in a wildland interface setting. Coyotes have become an increasing problem. There is a group that has started to put out food in the town for stray cats. Cat population has grown. Coyotes coming in for easy pickings. I have seen a few reports where they gang up on pet dogs.

My porch seems to be a main thoroughfare for critters. Every night cats cross through. Raccoons are pretty common. Lately there have been a lot of possum.
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There is a group that has started to put out food in the town for stray cats. Cat population has grown. Coyotes coming in for easy pickings. I have seen a few reports where they gang up on pet dogs.
The world is full of stupid people. Feral cats will breed like crazy, and just increase the cascading problem(s). The town better get a handle on it before some kid gets hurt by a rabid cat.

Coyotes will definitely eat cats and dogs. Cougars are now in the midwest and it’s believed that eating pets was a large part of that migration.

And don’t forget about the owls. They can take a small dog or large cat.

Lots of hungry critters out there, keep your small pets inside.
We had a grey fox in our area recently. It's nice to see one, but concerning they are coming closer to people.

Great video!
More power to the coyote, cats are more destructive than any other animal as far as Wildlife is concerned. Allowing cats to run at large should be illegal with high fines for their owners. The best food for feral cats is a bullet.
Cats come in handy to keep the rodent population down but, giving them food is not the right approach. Our local animal controls does a catch and release after neutering. This keeps the feral population under control given that the average life span is less than a year due to predators.

The problem with arbitarily killing cats is that you might be killing someone’s pet. If I caught someone shooting a pet of mine I would likely shoot back and everything goes downhill from there. I’m sure others feel the same about their pets.
There are hundreds of coyotes in the deep woods around where we live. The sounds at dark freak people from the city out completely.

Because of this, when we first moved here, we lost a couple of cats to coyotes. They didn't know to stay inside the fence.

Then we got Katie, a mix that kind of looked like a coyote mixed with a German Shepherd. The coyotes would be making noise close to our yard and she would break through the gate and race off into the woods. There would be growling, yipping and screaming. Terrible sounds, then it would go quiet. After a while, Katie would appear at the gate, panting. That crazy dog would regularly go out there and fight the whole pack!

Not sure how she did it, but she won every time and never had much more than some hair pulled out in spots.

I miss that crazy dog. She was amazing.
Cats come in handy to keep the rodent population down but, giving them food is not the right approach. Our local animal controls does a catch and release after neutering. This keeps the feral population under control given that the average life span is less than a year due to predators.

The problem with arbitarily killing cats is that you might be killing someone’s pet. If I caught someone shooting a pet of mine I would likely shoot back and everything goes downhill from there. I’m sure others feel the same about their pets.
Your pet should be on its own property. When ferral cats or personal pets come onto my property to attack our ducks and chickens they are dealt with whether a pet or not. My pets, do not go on other properties unless invited. My neighbor lady is the "cookie" lady to our dog...and our cat stays in the house !
You can break most chicken-killers if they are your dog, especially if they are young. Almost all of ours killed a chicken early on, but now they are EXCELLENT livestock guardian dogs, even little Maggie, the Beagleweiler:

The other day, there was a kerfluffle in the chicken coop at night. Didn't see anything, but a chicken got a bite and was limping. Maggie and Rocky were wound up tight, so we left them out there to do their thing.

The next morning, Maggie was tossing around a rat almost as big as a squirrel. GOOD dogs!!!

Our cats have been great, too. All 3 were fixed at a young age, and they catch a lot of mice. The male will go visit our neighbor, but they stalk around our property for the most part.
Squirrels run along the top fence stringer to get gather acorns from the neighbor's oak tree. They used to pretty much have a feast on our apples but we lost that tree. For whatever reason they leave the persimmons alone and I'm OK with that. It is kind of fun to watch our neighbor's cat, Smokey, hide out on the fence stringers prowling for the squirrels. She is never is able to catch one as far as I know. It never occurred to me before, but she does keep her stalking to the fence shared between our two yards.

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