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  1. C

    AlumaCraft 1442 Jon Boat pictures

    Here's my 1442 NCS.
  2. C

    Getting a Jon boat to load straight on trailer

    I have always done it this way as well. The long rope (about 2 ft. longer than the length of my trailer) is useful for solo launching the boat too. I connect the rope to my boat, lay it loosely rolled on top of the front deck, and connect the other end to my truck hitch. I then just have to...
  3. C

    How I added decks, storage, and floor to Alumacraft 1442NCS

    I done redid it. Or did redone it. :mrgreen: An idea I had to make this boat very light was to use foam panels for everything unless it absolutely needs to support weight on its own. I discussed my idea a long time back in this thread here:
  4. C

    Easy toung jack.. replacement...

    I've had the Harbor Freight one in use for 3 years now. Shows some signs of corrosion but I've never done any maintenance to it and it sits outside. Works great still.
  5. C

    Anyone ever install rod tubes in Jon boat benches?

    The benches are likely filled with foam. I've installed them. I went through the front bench deck. 1-7/8" hole saw was perfect cut for 1-1/2" PVC. Your bench likely has foam in it, but you should be able to cut into it with a hole saw and then cut away enough material with a knife to get the...
  6. C

    Finished my 1968 Nichols Semi V

    The caster wheels on the trailer is a bad idea - you will get dents and leaking rivets in no time. Some neat ideas there though.
  7. C

    Watching Alaska reality shows

    Have you see the 20ft+ long flat bottom boat that Jesse built himself out of wood?
  8. C

    1648 jon boat

    G3 1652 - you get a few extra inches wide, can't hurt. The G3 also has a raised motor platform at the nose and the Alumacraft does not.
  9. C

    rebate or extended warranty?

    If you've ever made a living by selling anything, you would understand that any "extended warranty" is a bonus to the salesperson and extra profit to the company. Therefore that bonus to the salesperson and that profit for the company is paid for by the consumer. If odds are that the consumer...
  10. C

    rebate or extended warranty?

    You don't need no stinkin warranty on a Yamaha!
  11. C

    Furniture Design and Application

    You are a century too late to be famous for those.
  12. C

    Skunked today..AND..I left the plug out, too.

    I was waiting at the launch to load up one day, and a guy who was putting in what looked to be a brand new boat/trailer/motor, forgot to take ONE of the transom straps off. I approached the ramp and couldn't figure out what was going wrong with that guy's boat, sitting so crooked and cock-eyed...
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    Looks like a young Vince McMahon in that commercial.
  14. C

    Chaotic Storage from Amazon.....and my workshop

    Well you don't keep looking for it after you find it do you?
  15. C

    Full Boat Baits Giveaway

  16. C

    Use ALL your braid!

    The daisy-chain you speak of is what I do as well. From one reel to another, old end to fresh end as it loads. Once a year I do this. I only use 20lb and 30lb braid. I usually get myself at least one new reel per year, so that's my empty one that I start with.
  17. C

    Changing out Mono

    I use Power Pro moss green on everything, and no leaders. I re-tie when it gets nicks or tooth marks on the end. Not very often. I also reverse the line on the reel each year so I'm using it from both ends.
  18. C

    You are getting old

    Let's keep getting off topic, since at 36, I can't relate to most of what is being spoken of. I did grow up poor though, and I believe we were the ONLY household who didn't have cable TV (or satellite, since we were farmers WAY outside of town), nor a VCR, nor a microwave in our kitchen...
  19. C

    I'm in Awe

    No project is never really done, is it? I have built and re-built (rebuilding now) my boat twice in less than 3 years. You're right, when things are done you often do wish you had done it differently. Fortunately I like making things unique to my needs and doing it myself. Whereas I believe...
  20. C


    You just need to rotate the motor shaft by hand to aim it further left or right and then re-tighten the gate screw. For instance, rotate it to the right so that you have to be steered "more left" in order for it to be pointed straight in reference to the boat.