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  1. Boosh

    What a day... (Long Rant)

    Where do you live?! I want to be friends! 😆
  2. Boosh

    Going after two free boats and motors?

    I can’t believe how many motors some of you guys have! All of you must be single😆
  3. Boosh

    What have you done to your Tin Boat today?

    Lake Jennings in San Diego is currently open for night fishing. They do it a few months out of the year.
  4. Boosh

    What have you done to your Tin Boat today?

    Been doing some evening cat fishing to beat the heat!
  5. Boosh

    Wild Fires in Alberta, British Columbia

    For the USA folks, there’s an app called watch duty that warns of, and keeps you up to date on fires near you. I just zoomed out on the app and it looks like the west side of the Country is on fire ☹️
  6. Boosh

    What have you done to your Tin Boat today?

    Added some side guides to the trailer. Boat floats over my low bunks when the winds blowing. Hopefully this will make my life easier when when I’m by myself
  7. Boosh

    Boat Wanted Looking for a large aluminum cruiser

    If this Link works, here's a bunch of Marinette's
  8. Boosh

    Boat Wanted Looking for a large aluminum cruiser

    32' Marinette I use Search Tempest to find unicorns :)
  9. Boosh

    Driving a Tesla

    When you DON'T have batteries, the power from solar is sent to SDG&E (or your local power company), don't know exactly how that works but the solar generation is sent into their grid. They pay pennies for that power, then turn around and charge you much more when you use it. Batteries hold all...
  10. Boosh

    Driving a Tesla

    I'd be reluctanct as you are, with a metal roof...but I guess a metal roof has screw/nail holes all over too? I think if I were to do it all over again, I'd build a big shade cover or patio that had all the solar on it. No batteries on my system. I ended up going with a whole house generator...
  11. Boosh

    Driving a Tesla

    We're on our 2nd Tesla. The one we have now is the wife's car. We have a boat load of solar on the roof so we pretty much use the Tesla to go most everywhere and never have a fuel or electric bill. I'm not sure if all the expenses of solar and the tesla have justified what I would have paid...
  12. Boosh

    Trailer Setup Help

    Mind snapping a pic the next time you’re by the boat? Or a link to the rollers? My keel roller doesn’t “role” very well 😆
  13. Boosh

    Trailer Setup Help

  14. Boosh

    Boat 1 - 12' V-Bottom

    What a clean lil boat! Nice job! You’ll out fish your buddy with that snoopy pole while he’s still rigging his 10 and you can give him “the look” as you’re holding your lil zebco
  15. Boosh

    Trailer Setup Help

    I’ve been having trailer problems since I bought mine and am still tweaking things. I put a second roller to try and stop my keel from banging on the center trailer support and found it didn’t roll much, couldn’t get the boat off unless I floated it off. That puts me too deep for side bunks...
  16. Boosh

    Livewell loosing suction on plane

    All super helpful info, thanks! What are NPSC threads used for? Saw one article saying air tool fittings?
  17. Boosh

    Opportunity to buy back my old boat.....BUT???

    What about the transom? is that good? Boat doesn't look too bad in the photos.
  18. Boosh

    Totally Exhausted

    Haha! 4 days is a LOT for grandkids! I totally get you, I have 4 of them, two in CA and two in ID. Having to watch the 2 and 6yr old ALOT these days as my son in law goes through cancer treatments. My back screams at me most of those days, along with the 2 yr old.
  19. Boosh

    Livewell loosing suction on plane

    Took the tinny to the bay the other day, I don’t normally use the live well but decided to get some sardines from the bait barge. I noticed there was little water in the livewell when we arrived, no water going in. Turned the pump off then back on and it started filling again. Long story...
  20. Boosh

    Have any of you upgraded your Minn Kota PD to I-Pilot w/BT? Questions....

    I found this thread just before buying a Helix 7. My Minn Kota has bluetooth so I assumed it would connect to the Helix via BT and I would link them together. After reading this thread I realized my BT just connects to my phone for an app and wont connect to the Helix because it doesn't have...