14' Flat Bottom Jon Boat Sea Nymph Modification


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Looks like the SeaNymph is coming along nicely Shawn! Hey, where did you get those aluminum strong ties? Also, what is the grey box with wires coming out of it, power inverter?
Great work.

Cheeseball said:
Looks like the SeaNymph is coming along nicely Shawn! Hey, where did you get those aluminum strong ties? Also, what is the grey box with wires coming out of it, power inverter?

I found the aluminum ties at my local nut and bolt dealer.They are outrageously expensive.I believe the gray box with wires is an on board battery charger.
I am the co-builder in this project. The gray box is the 3 bank pro charger. The simpson strong ties are found at 84 lumber, home depot etc...

The drain plug always left open? That is the built in coolers he is refering to. He is leaving the plug in the cooler open all the time for drainage.

We should wrap up all the electric today and the fitting of the deck. We are still waiting on hatches to be delivered. If we get the hatches tuesday we should be done this week.

The project is coming along very nicely. Its going to be ne of the best looking electric boats on the lake. More pics to come.
The drain plug always left open? That is the built in coolers he is refering to. He is leaving the plug in the cooler open all the time for drainage.
Sorry about that...think I had livewells on my mind.
Zum: The though behind the leaving the plug out of the coolers was simple. If we are to fill the cooler on the left with drinks etc. it will contstantly drain to the back and the bilge will pick it up accordingly. On the right I have it out so that if any rain water would ever get into it, it would also drain.

The treated 2x2 spindels are just for overall quality...but I truly dont think this boat will ever see water, especially under the deck as it will be garage kept. just a precaution.
How much did all that hardware and wood cost? And weight added? Anyway, which lakes you guy's gonna be fishhinn in MD?
Fish 18: The wood and the hardware were about 200 bucks total. We used the treated spindels etc to reduce weight without losing support. The last owner used 1" think decking and I think with using 1/2" and using the 2x2" we are not acutally adding much weight at all. It was worth every penny. The brackets are very very light and strong. Did alot more on the boat today...lots of finishing work. turned out awesome...pics to come maybe tonight!
Thanks to yo boy and Matt, today the boat got power. Alot of the finishing work got completed - the back compartment, battery compartment, front storage and main storage area along will all of the electrical and bilege pump. Awesome day for the Sea Nympho.


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NickK- thanks for the kind words. honestly Clarkster 2000 (aka yo boy) and I have about 4 days of framing and electrical work into this. Just goes to show what can be accomplished in a short period of time. The trailer pics should be up this week too. It looks brand new now. Should hopefully be done as soon as the hatches arrive...Top deck starts tomorrow.
Cheeseball said:
Looks like the SeaNymph is coming along nicely Shawn! Hey, where did you get those aluminum strong ties? Also, what is the grey box with wires coming out of it, power inverter?

Cheeseball - the grey box is an onboard charger which will have a female outlet attached to the top of the deck with a waterproof cover. When I come home that will all be hooked up under the deck to the 5 batteries and I will pull the cover off of the female outlet and plug it into the wall and auto charge the entire boat...NICE.
Paint ???? How many coats did you apply? Did you use a thinner? Looks great!
For the second time what lakes do you fish in MD? I live in Fredneck MD.
fish18 said:
Paint ???? How many coats did you apply? Did you use a thinner? Looks great!
For the second time what lakes do you fish in MD? I live in Fredneck MD.

This was the last post with a question Fish 18 - Gotta love that color! Was thinking about painting my entire boat also. Great job! I am in Frederick MD, used to fish them resevoirs all the time Liberty, Prettyboy, Loch Raven, 4 batteries ain't gonna cut it! I did not see a question in here.

I fish Liberty, Prettyboy, Loch Raven. Paint details were in the very first post I made on this project: I used I coat of Primer let dry for 24 hours then 3 coats of paint.

Steps to Painting an aluminum boat:

1. Clean the boat thoroughly with just a simple wash. Wipe the boat down with either mineral spirits or Pettit 120 Thinner.
2. Rough sand the boat with 120 Grit paper just to scuff the boat a little so that the paint will adhere better.
3. Wipe again with mineral spirits or 120 thinner to get all dust off of the boat
4. Make sure to wear a mask while sanding - ALUMINUM is very dangerous to breathe.
5. If there is any bare aluminum showing is the Pettit 6455-044 primer for the bare spots only. The actual paint will stick to the old paint no problem. This comes in a quart and plastic bottle combo pack.
6. WAIT at least 2-4 hours
7. Use the Pettit Coat EZ POXY paint which comes in about 12 colors to paint the boat. The rep said it would be no problem to roll it on, but have someone come behind you with a china bristle bush and going with the length of the boat, use long finishing strokes as it will make the boat look awesome.
8. For a 14' boat he told me I would need two quarts. Use the site as a bearing for your project and call them for specifics.
9. Let that completely dry and then come back with a light 240 grit sand job to get out all of the imperfections.
10. Make sure to get all of the dust off and repaint and let set for 3-4 days.
fish18 said:
How much did all that hardware and wood cost? And weight added? Anyway, which lakes you guy's gonna be fishhinn in MD?

Hey basshole, Thanks for answerin my ?s I am getting ready to paint my boat also and trying to get some idea of how many coats I am going to get outta the Pettit Easy poxy. I also bought 2 quarts
and if you got 3 coats I should get almost that.
Thanks for the info and have fun fishin them lakes.
Great Boat you put together!
Fish 18 - thanks alot. It is coming together nicely! Should almost be finished this weekend. Will post more pics for everyone to see! Three coats will be more then enough and I have a bit of paint left over too...you will be fine. Remember to put the paint on with a FOAM roller then smooth it out with a china bristle brust...it will look like glass. If there is an area with any vertical rise to it, keep on the paint. Smooth it over a bunch of times as it has a tendency to bunch and run...Just an FYI!

Good luck and send the pics when you start it.

Hey B-Hole, POst those pics from yesterday. The rig is almost complete. Im getting ready for my tournament thats why Im up so early. Hopefully I will bring home some bacon!!!! If I get home early, I will come up.
Ok clarkster 2000 and I got about 80 percent of the deck complete yesterday. I think the best addition so far were the coolers for the deck. They butt up against the top of the deck so they should work perfectly. They look awesome. We made a few additions under the deck as well for storage etc, will send pics of them when I finish the deck. Right now I am in the middle of chiseling the deck down so the hatches will flush mount...that part sucks.


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