14' My last boat, I swear!


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Jan 31, 2009
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Ok my first 3 boats was my learning lesson. I got the crawdad, then the 16 footer, then the 12 and now I got the 14 that I that was offered to me from the beginning LOL. I am going to build this thing from the ground up and this will be the last one (for now :p). I have a Johnson 15 motor, year 1979. I need to find a manual for that. It runs, but I want to keep it running and it doesn't run that great. I don't know what to call the material that is around the edges of the boat but I have to replace that also because the wood is rotted out. I would like to do metal...



front View

from back

I think the boat has promise, I didn't take it on the water yet because those 2 decks sucks, but I am trying to rig something for Temporary fishing, any ideas will be appreciated. I am looking through the forum and putting my ideas together.
When your wife sees that thing, It may just be that "Last Boat" ! =D>

I've had two or three like that. They fish good in lakes. The fixing is the fun part! :D
Looks like a good challenge! After you get all of the old wood off it will look much better. Looking forward to seeing what you have planned for it.
Yeah on the future. I got a 16' Starcraft that had been used for a "Catch Boat" for an aquarium. They had removed the middle seats and put a big tank in there for the collection of species.

When I got it the tank was gone and all the wooden junk was left.
It had a High transome and only the rear seat plus a modified bow.

I finally got it all back together and looking good. with Marine plywood and ingenuity and a bunch of Rivets, scews and even a little welding.

It'l work and you'll like the bigness of the boat in mildly choppy days.
Well at least I know what kind of boat it is now LOL, I stripped it down, I am about to sand it down with a electric sander (unless anyone tells me that would be wrong) and go from there.

I will actually design this one first instead of "on the fly'. I don't know what to do about the rotten wood on the edges (what is the proper term for that). Should I replace it with wood or do something else. It has holes in the bottom where it was sitting on the trailer. Would steelflex take care of that or do I have to do something else besides that. Small holes, looks like it rusted through. About the size of screw holes.

I was thinking about leaving the current transom on, or should I replace it?

these are pictures of all the "mess" taken off.


rotten wood



I am totally open to ideas and answers to these questions.
Lot's A Luck. Appears you have a project for sure. It will be interesting to see the progress.
For the holes I think JB Weld Marine, then sand, then Steel Flex. That should be fine. I think the term is gunnels? or gunwales? But there is a guy that redid the wood with lots of clamps, hot rags, and was able to bend the wood along the boat - it's pretty amazing work. Project for sure, but as long as it's otherwise structurally sound, you'll have a good boat.
I don't know for sure, but I am guessing that the wood around the top was put there to reinforce since the seats were taken out. It also gave them something to mount stuff to. 1xs will be easy enough to put back on because they flex so easy. Good luck!
Ok I got the boat turned over and I am ready to do some stripping. I have a couple of questions:
1. Can I use a belt sander to do it or do I have to use the wire scraper and drill?
2. I am working outside, I don't have a garage so what is the cure time for steelflex? How long before it can get wet because it is rain season so the most I can do is like 12 - 24 hours without rain. :( so anyone have any other solutions or ideas on how i can keep it covered or dry if it rains.
I dont think I'd sand. I used a Paint stripping wheel, a Hair dryer and some Chemical (El Pico) when I did the bottom of my Starcraft.

Remember the paint that's sticking now, has a great grip on the boat. You cant make that better. Just brush off the loose stuff.
Well my luck keeps going down the tube! Trying to work on the boat, with minimal funds because I was laid off. Can't steelflex the bottom because in South Florida, it is rain season. So everyday it rains for like 2 hours and you never know when it will start. I tried to find aluminum gunwales but can't and the wood on the the boat are done. I am trying to bend new wood after coming to the conclusion I can't pay for/ find aluminum gunwales and I get a letter from my apartment complex (yeah, I rent) remove the boat. Gosh!!! I got to find a relative that will hold it at their house until I:
1. Get it fixed
2. Get on my feet

Just giving an update, I will have it in the water by the end of July!!! I am missing spawning season, bream are the best :(
JustMel said:
Well my luck keeps going down the tube! Trying to work on the boat, with minimal funds because I was laid off. Can't steelflex the bottom because in South Florida, it is rain season. So everyday it rains for like 2 hours and you never know when it will start. I tried to find aluminum gunwales but can't and the wood on the the boat are done. I am trying to bend new wood after coming to the conclusion I can't pay for/ find aluminum gunwales and I get a letter from my apartment complex (yeah, I rent) remove the boat. Gosh!!! I got to find a relative that will hold it at their house until I:
1. Get it fixed
2. Get on my feet

Just giving an update, I will have it in the water by the end of July!!! I am missing spawning season, bream are the best :(

Sorry to hear about the setbacks. I'll be losing my job soon too so I can simpithises with that. The "remove the boat" just figures. You can have something that's hurting nothing and they is always somebody that has to make an issue of things.
Hope everything works out for you.
Ok, back in the game!!!! :D got a new job, some new money (just a little) and I am tired of not having a boat to fish in although I have a boat and I am paying for storage. I took the boat home turned it over and started stripping the paint. Gosh that chemical stuff is strong and messy! I created a mess because I spread it on with a brush with no plan. Some parts bubbled up and others just stuck on. I see the more you use the better the stuff comes off (from how I poured it on and the puddles was stripped clean). I used 3/4 of it already. I figure I need to go section by section and form a paste and it all will come off. At $17 a bottle kind of an expensive lesson. Easier than a drill and brush though...
After I take the old paint off I am putting on the steelflex I bought ;) (glad I live in Miami) and painting it. I got to get in the water because I am missing all types of fishing and the dock or land won't do after you've been in a boat.
The wood around the top edge is called gunwales or gunnels. It is there to strengthen the top edge of the boat. All open boats have them in some form or another. Most nowadays are aluminum extrusions, usually round but some are square and some even have a built-in slot used to mount accessories like a rod holder without drilling into the boat. Some older boats used wood and also had matching wooden seats. Yours may have been one of those. Somewhere on this site is a project where the builder redid his wooden gunnels and they turned out really well. I looked quickly just now but didn't find it. Maybe one of the moderators will remember. This guy did a really nice job and it would be worth your time to try to find this build.
JustMel said:
Ok my first 3 boats was my learning lesson. I got the crawdad, then the 16 footer, I don't know what to call the material that is around the edges of the boat but I have to replace that also because the wood is rotted out. I would like to do metal...

Welcome aboard, Here is a link to Dyintofishs boat that he is working on that will help you ton's I think https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=9177 he did a awesome job on. He did his gunwales that are like yours. Good luck on a great boat. 8)
recon2g said:
JustMel said:
Ok my first 3 boats was my learning lesson. I got the crawdad, then the 16 footer, I don't know what to call the material that is around the edges of the boat but I have to replace that also because the wood is rotted out. I would like to do metal...

Welcome aboard, Here is a link to Dyintofishs boat that he is working on that will help you ton's I think https://www.tinboats.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=9177 he did a awesome job on. He did his gunwales that are like yours. Good luck on a great boat. 8)

That's the one!
Here is a tip for you next time you strip. Do an area like the size of a car hood,after putting on a thick wet coat, cover is with plastic or paper. That will keep it wet longer and the fumes will attack the paint a lot better.Let it sit for about half an hour. then scape it off, and hose it down,dry it off and do it again. Have fun, please wear a mask!
Yep, I learned fast those fumes are nothing to play with!! I have industrial strength padded gloves besides the mask, I am not playing! Yes, I kind of wasted that quart of paint stripper. I am going to follow your advice and do sections. I used the drill with the wire brush on some parts, this is a chore. I think I should have just scuffed the paint up and threw the steelflex on! But I guess I am doing it right because going over the boat instead of rivets there is alot of steel screws in the boat so I have some riveting to do :( Alot of pin holes where the treated wood was touching the bottom so I witnessed the truth on treated wood and aluminum corrosion, not pretty. They are small so I am putting jbweld on them and then covering it with the steelflex, this is a long process, I want to fish already...
Ok, progress report!!! I got over my fears (which was keeping me from working on the boat like I could have) learned a couple of things.
1.The aircraft paint remover does its job but is real messy and creates allot of work.
2.A wire attachment for your drill works but a $19.99 from Harbor Freight grinder with a sanding attachment $4.99 works 20x faster. I finished 75% of the boat in 1 1/2 hours.

Well I finished the bottom of the boat, but it was 65 degrees here, after being 95 degrees the day before. I am reading that I shouldn't have put it on when the temperature is so low. Well I will find out what will happen but I am happy I did it because it was a hill that I struggled to get over. I will put up pictures in the morning when I have some light. The Steelflex went on thick and heavy. I poured it on and spread it with an epoxy roller, worked like a charm. I can't wait until it hardens so I can turn it over and work on the gunwales and the decks! I know, I know, it took me long enough but I am happy now.