15 johnson has water at the tell tale hole but still overhea


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Not hijacking but I have a question about how much water it spits out (if any) of the exhaust hole just below the cowling while at idle running on the muffs now that you've fixed it. My tell tale just doesn't seem to put out a whole lot of water and I don't get anything out of the exhaust hole or the holes by the cavitation plate. Thanks in advance. Mine a 1985 9.9 Johnson

Based I what I've been told most of the water would go out the exhaust at the prop. With the new impellor the volume and pressure doubled what I had before at the tel-tale. I'm just happy to see the temp drop off, I can rest my hand on the top of the engine and feel warmth, not skin searing heat!

Hope this helps.

BoatingCop said:
Not hijacking but I have a question about how much water it spits out (if any) of the exhaust hole just below the cowling while at idle running on the muffs now that you've fixed it. My tell tale just doesn't seem to put out a whole lot of water and I don't get anything out of the exhaust hole or the holes by the cavitation plate. Thanks in advance. Mine a 1985 9.9 Johnson

I had water at the hole directly below the cowling when it was overheating.The motor got very hot and the gasket was blistered and thats when I notice a mix of water and exhaust here.
BoatingCop said:
Not hijacking but I have a question about how much water it spits out (if any) of the exhaust hole just below the cowling while at idle running on the muffs now that you've fixed it. My tell tale just doesn't seem to put out a whole lot of water and I don't get anything out of the exhaust hole or the holes by the cavitation plate. Thanks in advance. Mine a 1985 9.9 Johnson

Before going into it blow out the nipple for the tell tale hole or run a toothpick or something up in there and see if you can clear it. If that doesn't satisfy you then we start back at the beginning. Read the complete thread. Am assuming your engine is also a saltwater engine. First off, is your engine overheating? You should be able to rest the palm of your hand on the top of the cylinder head at idle for around 3-4 seconds before it becomes uncomfortable. If the engine is much hotter then you may have to do the same repair I outlined earlier for the OP. Actually, regardless of whether or not yours has been in the salt it may need it. Fresh or salt, engines that have been overheated at one time or another are also candidates for this repair. Yours will take exactly the same parts as his did. You will need to check your water pump and replace the impeller at a bare minimum and the complete assembly if you can catch a fingernail in any grooves in the cup or lower plate. You may want to check this first.