17 days and counting.....


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Reaction score
Ogden, Illinois
each day is one more mark off on my calendar.....opening bow season right around the corner.....oh boy....oh boy..... =D>
hah. none yet, was over 2 miles in the woods at a good crossing from there bed to where they walk down the mtn and what do ya know, here comes to guys diggin ginseng. second time in a row thats happened so far. i think i need to setup some boobie traps

all i wanna do is stick one :oops:
yup...i can relate to those unexepected intruders....turkey huntin one season....had me some birds slowly moving my way when all of a sudden here comes two kids on four wheelers daredevil dickin it thru the woods....funny thing is they came withing 25 yards of me and had no idea at all that i was purched next to a tree with gun.....evil thoughts runs thru yer head when something like that happens.... [-X
lol. i was about 10 feet off the trail leaned up against the bank behind a bush when the feller's came walking by me. of course when i park to close to the gate the game warden is around, but when fellers are diggin sang illegally and messin with my deers theres none around... hows it always work out like that

anyhoo western nc is a pretty tuff place to hunt though. no thick deer populations and the terrain is eather up or down. on an up side, i did see one of the biggest deer prints ive seen in along time. its been 2 or 3 years since ive seen one that size and it was in the same area. maybe its the same grandpa walking around
Ours opened September 5th and I still haven't been in a tree yet.

Too many irons in the fire trying to get all of the house projects caught up before I go into full on hunt mode in October. I just bought my tags last night. Being 85+ degrees every day hasn't really had me too upset about not being able to go, though... but I know that first cold snap of the year can't be too far around the corner.

I'm going to try to get out at least once this weekend if the temperature doesn't jump back up into the mid 80's. Those kind of temps are hard on a fat boy trying to climb a tree while keeping his scent to a minimum. :lol:
i'm really surprised with our weather......been in the low 80's / high 70's....just how i like it....buddy of mine been scoutin my area for me.....which makes it easy....it's his property...he's been seeing quite a bit of movement in the last week or so.....he said he saw big ole 12 pointer....but of course i'm not a trophy hunter....i'll take whatever the good Lord puts around me.....nuttin like a good ole "honers" recipe backstrap =D>
oh boy....i have without a doubt a question that is rather...... :oops: ......went to my local shop to have my coach take a final lookover of my bow and while we were chattin he asked me how i was grouping my arrows at 20 yards....20 yards i asked....thought you set my pins at 25-30-40....now i had him thinking....but he said he hardly ever sets pins at that kind of distance....but i've been grouping my "20" yard pin at a distance of 25 yards....course i had the bad luck of my sight falling off my bow cause i had turned the wrong knob when adjusting but when i reset it i set the top pin at 25 yards...

does this make a difference since i've re-sited or should i go back and re-site my pins set at the 20-25 and 35 as it was originally set at....

my thought was as long as i'm pretty consistant at 25 i should leave as is...but can this effect my shots at longer distances if need be....i have shot at 30 and 40 but confidence is not exactly high on a 40 yard shot....30 yards....well...only if i got me a bullwinkle around me will i take that long of a shot....plan on keeping most of my shots at 25 or less.....

any thoughts on this :?:
Next Saturday I'll be in the woods for the opener and have a spot where I shot the turkey last year for morning hunt. Another spot for evening hunt. Got camcorder camo'd and bracket made for my stand to mount it too. Hope to get some footage this year.

Just made fried steakfingers from venison from last year and got one last backstrap for later this week. So, it's time for the smackdown!
saturday will be my first day....goal is to make it an all dayer...temps only reachin the upper 60's with cloud cover...think the rain has been taken out of the forecast...water and beef jurky my diet for that day...never been this pumped for deer season in a long while....
sure hope i can git er done on the first day....then i can get a little picky as to what i want to shoot.... :---)
Just made fried steakfingers from venison from last year and got one last backstrap for later this week. So, it's time for the smackdown!

hey quit your braggin! us boys are goin hungry down here

course i had the bad luck of my sight falling off my bow cause i had turned the wrong knob when adjusting

i did the same thing w/ mine last month after i finially got my 20 rite on the money.

i'd shoot it at 20 and see how far your off if any. 5yds shouldnt make much of a difference unless your shooting an antique like me
funny thing Logger....after this happened....once again thinking that it was a 25 yard pin i made all my necessary adjustments as if it "were"....and now i'm daggone near dead nuts on with it at 25 yards...so i'm gonna leave er alone till this saturday since i'm gonna be sitting in a treestand all day long...now if i go and miss my dinner for the nite...then i'll have to reconsider what i've done...

but sure appreciate the advice on this....good luck to you and all the other folks who get to enjoy the new season in a couple of days
I'm not sure what sort of problem you think you may have with the 25 yard pin but... you should be good with your 30 & 40 if they were not messed with.

I can shoot one pin with mine from zero to 30 and could probably stretch it out further than that if I wanted to tinker with the site a little bit. Of course, there's only about 3/8" difference between my first pin and my fourth pin, too (30-60 yards). :LOL2:

I just about had a doe yesterday morning. I walked right up into an entire herd of them just over a hill feeding on white oak acorns. One of them that I didn't see up the side hill from me caught me reaching for my range finder and stomped. That put them all on high alert and I had the biggest doe walk right up to me at about 15 yards trying to figure out what I was. The foot stomper on the hill managed to sneak around downwind of me and that was that. :lol:
quackr....it's not that i've moved any of my pins...no...my prob was a misunderstanding on my "coach" and me....i thought my pins were set at 25-30-40....but he states that they were set at 20-25-35.....so the prob i had was when my entire site fell off my bow...when i began to get er sited back in...i used what my coach said was a 20 yard pin...well i sited it in at 25 yards...

this is why i was wondering if it makes any difference that a pin thought to be set for a 20 yard shot is now set for a 25 yard shot....i'm hoping not...cause 5 days from now i'm gonna be putting it to the test....

just to let ya know...i've been bow hunting for 3 years....2 of those years i was using an old PSE....and it did not have the ability to lower the draw to my size...it was a good 1/2 or more longer...this is the first year i have a bow that is set up for my preferences and that's why i have all these questions....never really worked with my own bow...always took it to my coach when i had probs...but this year i'm wanting to learn to do this on my own without having to drive and have him do all my adjustments....so that's why i'm actually treating it as if i was a beginner cause that's what's it's gonna feel like....
If you left your pin spacing the same and set the entire site by the first pin, you should now have a 25, 30 & 35.

Although, I've never known anyone to have (or need) their pins set in 5 yard increments. Even 30 years ago with bows that slung arrows at the speed of smell by today's standards, we were setting them in 10 yard increments.

What poundage and draw length are you shooting?
can you telll by looking at this pic if they are indeed at 10 yard intervals ??


now just for the fun of it here is a pic of my bow...
