1967 Crestliner 14 FT. Super Seaman Restoration


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Jun 20, 2012
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Hi, I am going to be starting up my boat project pretty soon here. I have a few ideas in mind of what I want to do with my boat but I think I should start it off by giving it a new paint job.
I am new to this whole restoration stuff so I do not really know what the process of any of it is.
But first is first, If it isn't too much to ask I would like to know what the steps are to start the painting process and what items I will need to purchase, ect ect.. Thank you :lol:
Welcome to TinBoats!

The paint process can vary alot depending on the condition of your boat and what you intend the finished product to look like. Take a look at all of the mods here and you'll get a good idea of what is involved with different situations:


Once you have some pics up of your boat and some more details on what you're going for in a paint job, you'll likely get more input from the members on suggestions/advice etc...

Good luck!
Here is a look at what I have to work with. (Click on picture and it makes it larger.)

Other Side -

Rear -

Inside View -

Front to Back -

Hull -

Basically I just want to paint the top portion of the boat red, and the bottom half of the boat with an aluminum looking color before I start doing anything to the inside of the boat. I need to know what the steps are for prepping the boat to paint and I also am looking for what I will need for this process, paint, primer, ect. Thanks for the help.
Hey, nice boat you have there to work with! You are very lucky, it all looks original interms of paint. I wouldnt paint the interior, its really great that its aluminium finish. As for the outside, if it were me, I would use the existing paint job as my base coat. Just powerwash and then wipe it down with acetone, then use a good quality paint rolled on and then 'tipped'. This is what I did with my build, and as long as the paint that is there isnt peeling, it will be fine. The hard way to do it is to strip off all the old paint and then prime and paint. Best piece of advice is dont create more work if you dont have to!
Just go to you tube and search 'roll and tip paint' to see bow its done.

BTW, if it were my boat, id try and match the same colour, I love that retro look! Of cojrse I painted mine red and white.....
I used a brand called tremclad, but whixh is canadian but recently acquired by rustoleum. If youre not going to let your boat sit for weeks in water (ie docked) then I woukd use the rustoleum topside paint. Im assuming you are going to be in freshwater?
Freshwater is correct, and no it will not be docked so I don't have to worry about it being in the water for long periods of time. Does the Rustoleum Topside Paint work for the whole boat or is it just for above the water line?
It can be used on the bottom, provided like you said its not left in the water or used in salt wate... Put it this way, many people including myself have repainted aluminum lawn furniture or touched it up with spray bomb rust paint (like rustoleum)..that stuff gets left out in the open subject to weathering, and Ive never seen it flake off. Heck, think about house paint and whats it exposed to.. Just go for it!
Alright, I think I will get started on the painting process Monday after a long weekend of Fishing. Thanks for all of the help! :LOL2:
SlayinMinnesota said:
Alright, I think I will get started on the painting process Monday after a long weekend of Fishing. Thanks for all of the help! :LOL2:

You got the right idea. Fishing is more important. :LOL2:
That boat is super clean. Congrats.
What part of MN. are you from?
Well today I was going to start with 2 primer coats before I paint, but as I flipped the boat over I noticed that most of the paint was already stripped off to bare aluminum. Do I need to buy an Aluminum Primer now and if I do purchase that, will it work over areas that have my old paint or do I have to sand the whole boat down to bare Aluminum?

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It looks likes the bare areas are from use,.ie beaching the boat. I wouldnt strip it all down, just make sure to get any flaking paint off (which i dont see any in your pics), acetone wipe and then just prime. Aluminum primer will work on all of it, so will a good rust primer, your choice.
So I just Acetone all of the Previous paint and bare Aluminum and then start with the Primer? Sounds a lot easier than sanding the whole boat that's for sure. :D
I'm not too sure yet, boat has a lot of dings in it so the roller doesn't work out too well. Just finished the 2nd coat of primer and I think just by doing it with a paint brush it should look pretty good. Still haven't decided on colors yet though! #-o

Here's the pictures of the 2nd Coat.

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