dkuster said:
That's an amazing conversion you did with your boat, especially given the short time frame!
A couple of questions:
1) In constructing your aluminum framing, were any of the rivets through the hull, or were they only into the bottom "ribs" and bench seats?
2) Did you use "blind" rivets?
3) What kind of plywood did you use? How thick? Did you waterproof it with polyurethane?
4) Are all the plywood pieces permanently bolted to your framing? I can't tell how those angled side pieces (where your rod holders are attached) are held in place.
Thanks for the help. I'm in the process now of trying to locate a project boat for myself!
thanks for the compliments dkuster. i had a good time with this project
- i didnt rivet through the hull only to the ribs and benches
- i used standard aluminum pop rivets and an air rivet gun (buy one and you will love it!)
- for the the casting decks & floor i used 5/8" sub floor plywood which is sanded on one side and ok to use outdoors. its also affordable
- for the sides i used the same wood in 1/4"
- i sealed the wood with "Pittsburgh Paints" brand Ultra advanced deck,fence & siding stain semi transparent, advanced 2-way waterproofing, ultra uv protection, acrylic oil formula, in a cedar color "716" i believe. (5yr protection on decks & 7yr on fence/siding)
the paint rep said it would be the best for my application and that the colored stain will penetrate much deeper. not sure if i made the right decision but time will tell. and water just beaded up on it and ran off when i tested it.
- the seat bases are enough to hold the decks in place but for good measure i added one screw in the front corners of the back deck and one screw in the rear corners of the front deck. as for the sides, after carpeting them they were tight enough to stay in place but i added one screw on each side towards the front also for good measure. the vertical pieces on either side of the floor are basically sandwiched in place and are not fastened at all.
i can take all of the wood out of the boat in about 5 minutes.
good luck!