Well the time has finally come. I've setup 2 other trackers using the ideas and knowledge I've gained on tinboats, one a Topper 14, and the other was a 1983 Bass Tracker III. I learned a ton but those were mere add ons and upgrades. This project is going to be much more involved and time consuming as well as wallet consuming.
Way back when in 1990 my grandfather bought a Tracker Pro Deep V17 which was a high brow boat for my family back in them days. My grandfather was always in poor health due to the company he once worked on poisoning him over time with caustic chemicals that they stayed hush hush on its evil side effects. He knew he wasn't gonna be around forever but he always used to tell me that "Peach, yes my nickname was Peach growing up, this is your boat when you grow up and don't let anyone tell you different". Well when he died the family went to crap and there was a lot of people that just looted his fishing stuff and the boat included. My aunt got the boat out from under my grandmother and I spent the next 17 years begging her to sell me my boat back. Not only did I want what was always supposed to be mine but they weren't using it and it was just sitting in their yard going to crap.
Well hell froze over and she called and we made a deal. It wasn't registered since 2011 and didn't hit the water again till she finally sold it back to me in 2017. I payed $3500 for it mostly because of the barely used 60hp 4 stroke mercury on the back of it. Now of course that boat motor wasn't stored properly so ethanol just had it's way with a lot of parts on it and almost 2 years later on still fighting gremlins from time to time as a result.
My plan is to convert it over to vinyl flooring like the newer Trackers for a few different reasons. The wood is pretty much shot throughout and I've been in the process of ripping the flooring and carpet up for the past couple days. My uncle used nothing but sheetrock screws throughout the boat when he "fixed it up" so all hardware is rotted away to nubs and also lots of other rinky dink hack work on the wiring and other things in gonna have to tackle. I'm using the same game plan as a few other members on this site have done on the same model with the carpet to vinyl conversion. There maybe modifications made to the layout but I'm not quite sure if I want to change due to the sentimental reasons, that's a decision I'll make when im putting the flooring in. I don't have a lot of pre rip out pictures but rest assured the floor was a total loss with no wood able to be salvaged for a reinstall.
Way back when in 1990 my grandfather bought a Tracker Pro Deep V17 which was a high brow boat for my family back in them days. My grandfather was always in poor health due to the company he once worked on poisoning him over time with caustic chemicals that they stayed hush hush on its evil side effects. He knew he wasn't gonna be around forever but he always used to tell me that "Peach, yes my nickname was Peach growing up, this is your boat when you grow up and don't let anyone tell you different". Well when he died the family went to crap and there was a lot of people that just looted his fishing stuff and the boat included. My aunt got the boat out from under my grandmother and I spent the next 17 years begging her to sell me my boat back. Not only did I want what was always supposed to be mine but they weren't using it and it was just sitting in their yard going to crap.
Well hell froze over and she called and we made a deal. It wasn't registered since 2011 and didn't hit the water again till she finally sold it back to me in 2017. I payed $3500 for it mostly because of the barely used 60hp 4 stroke mercury on the back of it. Now of course that boat motor wasn't stored properly so ethanol just had it's way with a lot of parts on it and almost 2 years later on still fighting gremlins from time to time as a result.
My plan is to convert it over to vinyl flooring like the newer Trackers for a few different reasons. The wood is pretty much shot throughout and I've been in the process of ripping the flooring and carpet up for the past couple days. My uncle used nothing but sheetrock screws throughout the boat when he "fixed it up" so all hardware is rotted away to nubs and also lots of other rinky dink hack work on the wiring and other things in gonna have to tackle. I'm using the same game plan as a few other members on this site have done on the same model with the carpet to vinyl conversion. There maybe modifications made to the layout but I'm not quite sure if I want to change due to the sentimental reasons, that's a decision I'll make when im putting the flooring in. I don't have a lot of pre rip out pictures but rest assured the floor was a total loss with no wood able to be salvaged for a reinstall.