1995 Grumman 1784 TC Complete Rebuild


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Transom skin pitting built up with JB and sanded smooth and primed. I'm really happy with the way the transom skin turned out. looking forward to getting the wood core installed.


gunpackinpanda said:
Man! you are a wizard with metal work!

Your local maker of blades
AB knives

Thanks for the compliment....spend a lot of time working on aluminum boats, also gained a lot of knowledge over the years from this site as well as others.
Just about done with the corrosion removal and stringer replacement, I can FINALLY see some daylight with this part of the build. Got a lot of material in this weekend. The epoxy/cabosil is in along with 8 yds. of 6 oz. glass for the transom. My 4x8 sheet of .063 aluminum plate is in for the splash well back plate, and nose cap. We fixing to kick this build into high gear.




Got the new bow cap metal cut, also the splash well back plate is cut, both need to be cleaned up. Removed some more braces, Hope to remove the last 3 tonight.


Old metal

New splash well back plate against the old

New bow cap next to the old

3 Bow braces removed exposing more corrosion

New bow cap sitting in place


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Had to login in just to say nice work your doing there! I cant wait to get started on another old starcraft over here.
Haven't done a lot to the boat past week or so, Had 4 boats come In the shop back to back and its been miserable Hot past couple of days. Well last night I finished cleaning and primering the last 4 stringers, sanded down the JB filled pits and primed the bottom. Tonight we plan to install these and hopefully get the bow supports ready to install. I've gotten everything ready to lay up the transom and bow plate, just need to get after it.

I had planned to use the old gunnels, even welded all the holes up and sanded them down, but they warped on me so, I'll use the old as a template and cut new ones out of .063. No sense in cutting corners now, we still got a long way to go.


Maybe I shouldn't have said we fixing to kick this build into high gear, more along the lines of we fixing to throw an anchor out on this build! No worries, she's been put aside for the winter to get some work done, between boat jobs I've been getting material together to get started on her again soon. Looking forward to working on my own stuff LOL!
Well after many, many set backs I have officially begun the rebuild of my V-Hull.....again! I've stopped taking in large jobs In the shop for a while so I can get my house ready to sell. I figured since the shop was empty and I just finished my Jet boat I will need something to tinker with at night....So I brought the ole girl up to the shop, give her a quick pressure washing and backed her in the operating room Lol. It will be slow going so don't expect the mods to come quick like my jet boat, like I said I'm trying to finish the re-modals on my house so everything will be done at night, slow but steady wins the race right. First order of business is to finish up the stringer install's, still have several left to do.

She looks as good as she did when I put her up almost a year ago.....



Ive been away from the site for awhile, just reading this thread....glad you didn't leave the site, really enjoying your revamp.
I read you are going to use wood again in the transom, any thought about going all Aluminum? I mean I'm sure you could fab something up that would be eye appealing and safe.

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Zum said:
Ive been away from the site for awhile, just reading this thread....glad you didn't leave the site, really enjoying your revamp.
I read you are going to use wood again in the transom, any thought about going all Aluminum? I mean I'm sure you could fab something up that would be eye appealing and safe.

Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk

Glad your enjoying the build.....

I did think about a full aluminum transom, and believe I could fab one up that would work. This transom core is 1 3/4" thick, my plan is to use 2 pieces of 3/4 ply and sandwich 2 pieces of .125 aluminum plate in between the 2. Epoxy coat in and out with a layer of 6 oz. cloth wrapping the entire piece. No doubt this would be plenty strong. I am planning to overpower the vessel from the original max 90 H.P. to a Optimax 125 if I go back 2-stroke or a Suzuki 140 if I go 4 stroke, hadn't made up my mind yet, but I do love Mercury engines, and this boat will be built to handle either.

Cleaned up the remaining stringers today, got all the corrosion off, acid washed, and Primered. If I got some help this evening I might even get 1 or 2 installed.

These are the stringers that are left to install before I can move forward.

Before acid wash....

Well we managed to get a few things done to the V-Hull past couple of days, but not much. Got the bow stringers in place with Cleco's one stringer has been nailed down with rivets, I got some help coming Saturday so all the stringers should be installed this weekend, then I'm planning to pull the nose keel to repair or replace it. Its seen better days, and a ton of rivets to drill out to remove it.


Finally done with stringers! Got all the stringers riveted in yesterday. Went through nearly 2 - 100 pcs boxes of 3/16" x 1/2" brazier heads sealed with 5200. I'm glad that's over with, I still have the Keel cap, nose cap and 4 strakes to pull and re-rivet, but man these stringers seemed to never end. Feels good to be working on the Ole girl again, hope we can keep up the momentum.







Got a little time to work on the boat this weekend. Acid washed and primed the fuel tank/floor truss supports, Got most of the truss supports installed. This one piece requires over 100 - 3/16" pop rivets to install, I managed to get 40 installed last night before I ran out. I plan to pick up another batch and finish this tonight. Also started cleaning and primering the floor area between all the stringers. Once I finish this and pull and re-rivet the Keel plate, I can Gluvit all the seams, then move on to the transom build up. The transom will take some time, Its 1-3/4" thick and I plan to use 2 pieces of 3/4" ply with 2 pieces of .125 aluminum plate sandwiched between the 2. everything will be epoxy coated and covered with a layer of 6 oz. cloth. This should make for a bomb proof transom.

Before Cleaning.....


After cleaning and primed....







Jumped into removing the Keel plate last night. Boy the PO sure went through a lot of JB trying to stop a leak somewhere down here. Once I got all the JB chipped away I did manage to get about 10 drilled out last night, only 50 more to go LOL. I'm hoping to have this removed in the next few days, sand under the Keel strip, SE primer, and replace with a bead of 5200 around the perimeter and on each rivet. Also got a little more sanding and primering done on the inside between the stringers.





Ok, Keel plate has been removed, cleaned, Primered, ready to be re-installed. All 4 strakes will be cleaned and primed, one is bent pretty good, and will have to be massaged back into shape Lol. Im hoping to get these riveted back in this weekend, hopefully. Having another set of hands to help you buck rivets is hard to come by sometimes. Once this part is done, I'll start drilling out all the nose Keel strip rivets and either fix that strip, or fabricate a new one.





Back from the dead? I know how that goes. Just money and time right? Bottom looks like it has seen better days.

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Yep pretty much.

Took a shot of all the holes in the transom, I think what Im going to do is get a sheet of .125 aluminum plate and use it to put a new skin on the inside, and plug weld the old skin to it. Of course there will be plenty of 5200 and Brazier head rivets involved Lol. I've got to finish up the Keel, strake and nose keel operation first.



Finishing up on the last boat jobs for this season. This has been by far the busiest repair season I've had In years. Finishing up a big 2072 SeaArk job right now, suppose to deliver tomorrow. If all goes like it should, my shop will be clear of all boats that don't belong to me by the end of the week. I have made a commitment, This winter will be spent working on the V-hull. I would at least like to have the bottom complete, Gluvit the seams, water test and flipped before thanksgiving. This will put me working on the trailer and interior over the winter, ready for paint come spring. Just hope I can keep up the pace. Finally settled in our new place, no more distractions for a while....I hope.

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