2-19 to 2-27-2009


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Sep 26, 2008
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Diamond Pond 2-20 & 2-21-2009

Diamond Pond 2-20-2009

I fished from the road for about 1.5 hours and lost 2 nice Pickerel and landed these 4 small Crappie . Winds were wicked and the fish didnt want to play much . Took me an hour to get a bite and for a moment I thought I'd get Skunked .. NOT :)!!




Diamond Pond 2-21-2009

Met up with surfphishn at about 6:30am .. Loaded up the canoe and made some coffee and we were on the water at about 7:45am . It was bitter cold with a bit of ice and very sunny with winds from the SW at 5 to 10 MPH .
There was 1 other boat out there with 2 guys and they were on fire .. Crappie , Yellow Perch and they must have an ALL time record for total landed Pickerel .. No joke they must have been targeting them and I am sure they landed 20 to 30 a piece .. WE landed a good 25 to 30 between the 2 of us and lost about half that many .
So we set up and ..

Yepp the Pickerel were feeding hard .. Just how hard .. Keep reading ;):)
We found some Neds and we landed more than I ever have for Diamond Pond but most were males that averaged 10" .. They are SPAWNING ! Some of the Male Neds were oozing "white stuff" .
The sun came up really bright and almost on Cue I said they's shut down soon and sure enough the bite slowed to a crawl .
I got about 4 Gills with the largest being 9.25"

These guys were relentless .. Seemed to be no end to them ..

This Pickerel was caught 2 times in an hour by Sporto .. There is no doubt it is the same fish .. It has a 9" Bluegill in it ..



We caught Neds sporadically the rest of the day and mid afternoon Spoto finally gets his Live Release Citation fish :)
WTG Bro !

I got 1 LMB ..

The Crappie bite didnt really start till almost 4:30pm .. By that I mean the real SLABS .. The little guys bite here and there all day .
The Pickerel never stopped biting and even at dark they bite ..

A few for Sporto's Mom :):)

I am glad someone was with me today as no one would believe the amount of Pickerel caught today .. Not just by us but all 3 other boats that came out .

Wagamons & Diamond Ponds 2-22-2009

With winds at 10 to 15 MPH and rain expected all day and snow later on this afternoon I figured I go to Wagamons and check the tide for Seaford . The tide was HIGH on the Broadkill at 7am so I dismissed Seaford .

Wagamons Pond
The winds were dead calm and had overcast skies with light rain so I decided to see whats biting .. Since this is connected to Diamond Pond and the Neds are SPAWNING in Diamond I figured they should be here in Wagamons also ..
I caught about 8 YP from 10 to 13 inches but no signs of spawning .. I also got a Red Ear and about 10 nice Crappie .
My friend Dave shows up and the winds start but the rain has stopped and even a bit of sunshine broke through the clouds .
I went to get the camera and ruler ;)
First "photo op" was .. Go figure :)

He had a missing LIP !


The winds picked up and slowed the bite a tad but they still bit ..

Caught 2 LMB .. This one and a small 10" ..



This was the last fish as soon as I let it go the sky broke lose and it poured ..

There was a total of 6 guys fishing and no one but me caught anything and we ALL ran when the rain hit .
I talked to Dave and told him I was waiting it out and may just hit Diamond since the wind was right in our face and ALL the fish were 50 yards out .
Dave told me there was 3 guys fishing the bank at Diamond so I went to see if they left because of the rain .
On my way I saw Scotty and his Pop Leonard and knew they were 2 of the 3 at Diamond but they said they only got a few Pickerel .. Didnt matter to me as I knew better :):)
No one was at Diamond and while I waited out the rain Dave and Scotty and his Pop also waited .

Diamond Pond
After 15 minutes the rain left up enough for me to give it a go and dont ya know it .. I get 4 Crappie in my first 4 casts ;)
Yepp I rubbed it in to Scotty and his Pop :)
So now by this time I look over and see Josh and his daughter too fishing near the spillway .
It was still raining and I wanted to take some pics especially of the larger Pickerel and Crappie but I decided not to until I got this 10" Red Ear for my Live release :):)

Got another one at 9.5"

Seems the "Day of the Pickerel" continues ..



He has a STY on his EYE :)

I landed 10 Pickerel from 15" to 25" , 7 Crappie to 14" , 2 LMB at about 12" , 2 Red Ears 9" to 10" and 3 small Bluegills .
Dave got 1 Pickerel and lost 2 more and landed about 8 Crappie .. No one else caught a fish .
Everyone left by 1pm and I stayed until the snow started at about 2pm .. First time the snow let me down .. I could not find a bite for the last hour and called it quits at 2:45pm

2-24-2009 Broadkill , Wagamons , Diamond & Seaford

Had plans to fish Seaford today but wanted to do an "ICE" check at a few spots first ..
Stopped at the Broadkill and saw NO ice and was about to pull out but I saw fish breaking .. I had to give it a shot :)
Caught 10 Crappie like this ..

Then 3 Otters and 2 Diving Ducks came and spooked the fish .

I then stopped at Wagamons and saw very little ice and the same went for Diamond . I tried both spots for about 40 minutes a piece and got this at both ..

Yepp NOT 1 bite ..

At 11am I was at Seaford and it was dead low tide so I hit the back island and they were there .. I got 3 nice YP before 2 guys and a bucket of minnows came down on the other side and put 2 rods out a piece .. I didnt want to show my hole card anyways so I walked under the green bridge and fished the 2nd hole from the 1st island . The fish were bigger and I got about a dozen before a man and 2 kids came down and started chucking nightcrawlers out for Gills.
I moved over to the spillway and set the camera up and took a video of me that lasted 36 minutes before the batteries died . In 36 minutes I landed fish on almost every cast .. All YP and LMB nothing else .
So anyhow I thought I had a treat for you guys but I cant edit it and its too big to upload (1.5GB) . SUX !!
So anyhow I stayed until 5pm and nailed fish until 4pm and nothing in the last hour . I got into a few pods of nice YP but 85 percent were 4 to 8 inches .
If anyone knows how I can put up this video then please let me know .. Its a Quicktime movie .

2-25-2009 Seaford , Broadkill and Diamond

Had some issues so got a late start but I was in Seaford at 9:15am .
Bait was ..

Tide was outgoing and water clear .. winds were calm with very sunny skies .
I started out in the same spot I left right near the spillway but got no bites so I moved to the center and nailed about 3 dozen like this ..

I moved to the 2nd island and caught 2 small YP and that was it so I went back to where I was catching and just like I left them ..

Thought this was funny :)

Saw a lot of these little Gills ..

And also lots of tadpoles but I couldnt catch one .
I caught fish until about 11:30 am when the tide bottomed out and it was very LOW .. No water = No fish .
Caught about 60 fish in 2 hours with a 50/50 on Males and Females .
No Crappie or Gills but got 4 10" LMB also .

At Noon I left and went by Diamond Pond and watched a man and woman launch a small boat and break ice the whole way out . I went by Wagamons and it was twice as bad with the ice covering 75% so I went to the Broadkill and found Gene fishing alone so I joined him for about an hour and landed 4 YP , 3 Crappie and 1 Gill .. Nothing over 8" .

At 2pm I headed over to Diamond Pond and on my way Wagamons was now 50% ICE .
Diamond was pretty much wide open and I found Dave fishing alone .. He said he'd been there an hour without a bite and we both fished for another hour with NO FISH !!
Before I left my Friend Scotty and his Pop Leonard had been out in a boat all day and they had Zero fish at 4pm .. 5 hours and NOT 1 Fish :(
At 4pm they both landed 1 Crappie and 1 YP .. WOW 4 fish in 6 hours .

2-26-2009 Diamond Pond

Drove over to Diamond at 5am for an ice check and found it clear of ice so I head home to load up the canoe and wake the woman so she can drop me off . I am on the water by 7am .
Went to the spot and ..

Found the YP minutes later ..

3 hours of nothing but YP with a Pickerel about every 10 YP ..


At about 10:30am I landed a Crippled Crappie (1st of the day) ..


So now the YP are done and Its Crappie , Gills and Golden Shiners .. Oh and PICKEREL :)
What funny is about noon I landed this same Crippled Crappie :p




Dont know why this happened ..


Pickerel , All in all I landed over 40 Pickerel with 3 bite offs and many fish that just popped off .. I had 4 over 24" and 1 at 26" . Scotty and Leonard got about 20 Pickerel between them with about a dozen bite offs and lots of fish that pulled off .
YP , Got about 2 to 3 dozen this morning and picked up 3 more throughout the day .
Gill and Golden Shiners , Too many to count .
Crappie , From 10:30am to 3:30pm I landed a few dozen Crappie with only about 6 being over 12 inches .. At about 4pm the bigger Crappie bit good till 5pm with the average fish being 12" .

Big fish of the day .. 26" Pickerel ;)



The YP have not dropped their eggs .. YET ;)

Diamond Pond 2-27-2009

Got a late start but ended up in the canoe at Diamond at 7:30am . Winds were 20+ MPH and very sunny .. Too sunny ;)
I tried for YP but I guess the bite was already over as I got ZERO .. Got to get up earlier :)
So anyways Scotty shows up sometime around 8:30am followed by fishforever (Josh) .
I fished for 3 hours with only 4 of these to show for it ..









Atleast they were nice healthy Pickerel :)

Josh hooks up and loses it at the kayak ..

Josh hooks up again and land this one :)

After 4 more Pickerel I finally manage a small Crappie :)

With nothing else playing Scotty heads home and I head to the truck for another rod to toss spinnerbait and maybe Traps .
Josh and I head to the bend (2nd cove) .. That was a bitch .. Worst part was trying to get off the shoreline .. The wind kept grabbing the canoe and spinning me "about face" .
Plan was to drift back and toss lures for Pickerel and LMB but it would not have been drifting but "trolling" instead so I had to deploy the anchor .. That too was a PITA because when I pulled it up it would have massive amounts of Grasses and slime .
We fished almost back to where we normally fish before Josh hooks up but loses the fish and I believe a spinnerbait . I land one right after and after retying so does Josh .

Back to square one .. Josh and I both have a few more fish that bit us off or just popped off and we also land a few as well .
I am not sure what time Josh left but he should have stayed :) not long after he left I got into CRAPPIE and of course more Pickerel ..




The difference was this :)

And it made ALL the difference today :)












Even got a small LMB ..


Lost another about 3 pounds after 2 nice aerial jumps :(




Eagles were soaring high today ;)

So the winds increased around3:30pm and I had to scat or I might not have been able to get back .. Stuck it out for 30 more minutes and called it a day at 4pm .

Make sure you listen to this .. You can hear the wind howling .. Had "white caps" by the time I left .
<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="https://i276.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=https://vid276.photobucket.com/albums/kk40/Hengstthomas/100_3830.flv">
That was an awesome post! Great picks, and great catching!

I wish we had a few more of those Pickerel around here. I have caught a few, but far and in between.
FishinsMyLife said:
You catch all those big pickerel on that little jig under a cork? Nice catchin, especially on those big slime darts
99% of these Pickerel were caught on 2.5" Fin"S" or Crappie Magnets . The "cork" is very important ;)
Look close at the Casting Bobber in this pic ..

The added weight allows me to cast twice as far as most ;) Cover more water and you have a better chance at having a great day not to mention since no one around you can reach these spots its untouched :)
This is from land mostly but I do use the same bobber from the canoe .

Love the screen name :)

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