2 stroke to a 4 stroke?


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My 50/35 Tohatsu jet 2 stroke outboard weighs 192 pounds. A Mercury, 4 stroke 40/29 weighs 267 pounds. A 70 pound difference is quite a bit and a loss of an extra 6 hp made it a no brainer for me to choose the 2 stroke.
My 25 HP Mercury four stroke with elect start and PT&T weighs in at 180#. I think that is kind of heavy. Fuel usage is decent. I can run 3 - 4 miles, troll for hours, and run back on well under 2 gallons. With my boat, I don't think I could make the 22 mile upriver runs like TurboTodd, but the fuel economy is still pretty darn good.
The new Mercury 20 hp lightest advertised weight is 99 lbs. I'm wondering if that much of a weight savings would affect the 5 hp difference between the 20 hp and the 25 hp??????
crappie777 said:
The new Mercury 20 hp lightest advertised weight is 99 lbs. I'm wondering if that much of a weight savings would affect the 5 hp difference between the 20 hp and the 25 hp??????

Interesting question. You gain 5 HP and 80 pounds. I don't know. Maybe as long as the power to weight ratio is better you are ahead of the game. Other than that, I wouldn't even begin to know how to figure something like this.
The Mercury sounds interesting and the dealers are all over. I wonder when they will be available? Tahatsu or Suzuki will probably still get my business because if I buy on line I will end up doing all the service myself anyway. No dealer around here will touch it if I don't buy from them. Cant blame them but I can save a lot of money ordering it and I don't mind doing the service work. Everything around my area is full retail because of or last oil boom. Dealers don't care that we all don't have Oil jobs because a lot do LOL.
Well, for whatever it is worth and as already said, Tohatsu makes the smaller HP outboards for Mercury and Nissan. They seem to have a decent rep.
I may get a 4 stroke once the new lighter ones make it to the used market but for now old 2 strokes are fine. They seem to last forever and they weigh 60 lbs or so less.
I cant find his posts on that motor but seem to remember some kind of problem? Pretty sure all companies have a problem now and then. Just have to hope they stand behind there product. The Suzuki has been out for a few years was my thinking and this I think is the first year for the Tahatsu.
nytebyte said:
I cant find his posts on that motor but seem to remember some kind of problem? Pretty sure all companies have a problem now and then. Just have to hope they stand behind there product. The Suzuki has been out for a few years was my thinking and this I think is the first year for the Tahatsu.

I am probably misunderstanding what you are saying, but Tohatsu has been producing outboards for quite a while. I'm not pushing them over another brand. I don't have near the experience to do that. LOL

The amount of joint venturing is kind of crazy. At one point a while back Yamaha was making major components for Mercury and I see that Honda will produce higher HP outboards for Tohatsu.
What I meant was the Suzuki has had the fuel injection for a few year and I think this is the first year for Tahatsu. I wouldn't think they would put it out on the market without feeling they have it right but without a close dealer the Suzuki has proven themselves where this is new on the small Tahatsu near as I know.
nytebyte said:
What I meant was the Suzuki has had the fuel injection for a few year and I think this is the first year for Tahatsu. I wouldn't think they would put it out on the market without feeling they have it right but without a close dealer the Suzuki has proven themselves where this is new on the small Tahatsu near as I know.

I think they have been doing EFI for a while. Maybe for other brands. Again I'm not promoting Tohatsu. I've actually never used one. Just know that they made my Merc which has EFI. I think if I were looking at a lower HP Merc I would go with the Tohatsu logo just to save a few $$.
Computer problems this morning, I'm BACK all you lucky people!!!!!. I'm really interested in that new Mercury 20hp if my local dealer can get me one I think it would work pretty good on a new Lowe 1648. What you think???? Opinions??????

crappie777 said:
Computer problems this morning, I'm BACK all you lucky people!!!!!. I'm really interested in that new Mercury 20hp if my local dealer can get me one I think it would work pretty good on a new Lowe 1648. What you think???? Opinions??????

As said earlier, if it were me I would also look at the 20 HP Tohatsu. Say that only because I think they are mechanically the same motor and there could be a savings. But I don't have extensive experience so getting other feedback and doing some additional research is a good idea.

Suzuki is not unheard of, but Suzuki has nowhere near the "clout" that they had 15 years ago.

A number of years ago, Suzuki had some financial issues that they were not able to effectively deal with. As such, some of their product line vanished as a cost savings. To my knowledge, they have never really bounced back. We get publications at work that are specifically for dealers; and a lot of it is advertising similar to "cycle world" and the like. Suzuki hasn't been mentioned in YEARS. Aside from the GSXR's, they don't have anything really new. A lot of the older stuff that has been bandaged up, updated to meet emissions, etc but nothing really new-at least on the motorsports side of things. Suzuki has always been known for motorcycles. Well, motorcycle sales across the board are DOWN about 80% in the last few years. With them relying so heavily on motorcycles, they have lost a TON of the market share by not expanding into the side-by-side and ATV markets; and also the outboard market. They got into the side-by-sides with the QUV which was about the same time they had a joint venture with Kawasaki. The QUV was a Mule with different colored plastic; and some of the Kawi's were Suzuki's with different colors and stickers. They did that for a few years.

On the OB stuff, I've tested some of them-and most of them sub 25hp. Some before they were officially released to the public. I'd honestly say that I was not impressed with any of 'em. If I were, I'd certainly tell you about it here first. It's almost as if they've got great ideas and intentions but seems like never goes anywhere?

Maybe Suzuki stuff is more popular in other areas of the country. Dunno. I'd like to know the whole lowdown though.

Locally there used to be 3 dealers that sold OB's and outdoors stuff (ATV's and motorcycles). All 3 of them are gone. I was working at a Kawasaki dealer and they were hit by the IRS, the agents let us shop guys leave earlier than the sales maggotts, and I ran right over to Suzuki dealer and applied for employment. Got an offer immediately and I said let me give my boss a 2 week notice. He was fine with that. So I did, the next day. A week and a half later, I go back over to Suzuki dealer to reserve a place in the shop, to park my boxes and get acclamated. This was on my lunch break. Bought an oil filter and 4 quarts of oil for my bike while I was there and was impressed with the facility and it's personnel. Looked forward to working there. That evening I realized that I had gotten the wrong oil filter. Next day on lunch I ran back over there to exchange, sign in the window "closed indefinitely". And they-and 2 other dealers within 40 mile radius-are gone. All close to the same time frame, well within a month of each other. I hated it for 'em. And I hated the fact that I had to go back to the Kawi dealer and tell the boss I wasn't leaving after packing my stuff up, cleaning the work area up, etc. Made me look like a shifty idiot, but I will say that he was understanding given the circumstance. Some bosses would say hit the road. Nowadays, if you want a new Suzuki outboard, you can order it, or drive a MINIMUM of 110 miles from where I sit right now to get one. And even then, it's one dealer, in the worst possible part of that town, so bad that they had to put up razor wire around the perimeter. So you feel like you're going to jail. And then once inside, they all look at you like you're fixin' to rob the place at gun point. Not for me, although I have stopped in once or twice on the (quick) way through town.

I have a class tomorrow and will speak with some higher-ups, may be able to get some more lowdown on Suzuki and why I don't hear much about 'em anymore.

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