Prizes updated! :beer:
Thanks to all the sponsors.
3 chances to win something now! =D>
Thanks to all the sponsors.
3 chances to win something now! =D>
perchin said:I'm going to stop at a couple spots on the way home from work today.... shore fishing in my office clothes :mrgreen:
stew6371 said:Jim, do we post pics here or email them to you? Wife and i are fixing to head out.
cali27 said:heres the best I could get today.
poolie said:Well, nothing to win a tournament with, but caught four about this size today so at least I didn't zero. The JDBaits mP worms in junebug seem to be the ticket. First half of the morning I threw the motoroil color with little results. I switched to the junebug and even though the size wasn't there, the bite was.
... now where's their momma?