2nd page of smilies


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Jim said:
So I just tried something, see if it happens to you.

I did a "reply" to this thread and clicked on "view more smilies" and I was able to add all the smilies I wanted.

I then did a "reply" typed a word or two then clicked on "View more smilies" and was not able to add smilies.

So if the box is balnk you can add smilies, if I type in anything I can not add smilies from the "view more smilies" box.

Can someone with the issue confirm this?

I did this on IE7. Firefox had no issues whatsoever.

I'm getting the same thing... I'm not sure what version of IE I have though.?
With no text in the reply box I can get it to work. when I type anything then no workie...
:fishing2: :fishing: :BS: :postpics: :LMFAO: :LOL2: :WELCOME: :LOL22: :eek:fftopic: :popcorn: :sick: :roflmao: :USA1: :beer: :-# \:D/ :-s :-$ :-({|= :-& =; O:) :- ](*,) :-k [-( 8-[ [-X :---) =P~ #-o =D> :mrgreen: :| :arrow: :idea: :?: :wink: :twisted: :evil: :cry: :oops: :p :x :lol: 8) :? :shock: :eek: :( :) :D






It took me a while to find the new ones...
I've been having the problem for quite awhile now myself. It used to work :) . I'm running IE7.


Nope, still doesn't work. When I click on a smiley, it minimizes the smiley page. :shock:
:D :) :( :eek: :shock: :? 8) :lol: :x :p :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :| :mrgreen: =D> #-o =P~ :---) [-X [-o< 8-[ [-( :-k ](*,) :- O:) =; :-& :-({|= :-$ :-s \:D/ :-# :beer: :USA1: :roflmao: :sick: :popcorn: :eek:fftopic: :LOL22: :WELCOME: :LOL2: :LMFAO: :postpics: :BS: :fishing: :fishing2:

These are all the smiles that I see when I click the view more smilies link.Can't find any others.
ben2go said:
These are all the smiles that I see when I click the view more smilies link.Can't find any others.

Maybe Jim didn't give you the secret password?

Or maybe you aren't a great hunter?

Or maybe I posted them from my photobucket page.
:lol: :x :postpics: :-({|= :-$ ](*,) :- :LOL2: :LMFAO: :fishing: :fishing: :fishing2: :fishing: :fishing2: :fishing2: :fishing2: :fishing2: :fishing2: :fishing2:

Just posted the above using IE8 , has got to be some sort of browser setting.

BTW, IE is one of the worst browsers going in case anyone was wondering.

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