5/10/08 - The Nock


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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2007
Reaction score
Bucks County, PA
went to the Nock today, not sure what conditions to be expecting on arrival. well, the water temps started at 58, and only got up to 60 during the time i fished, 8-3. winds were shifty. made things difficult considering i forgot/lost my boat keys somewhere and have yet to find them, and was forced to use the trolling motor to get around. anyways, i ended up with 4 fish, the biggest around 3ish lbs, another a bit smaller, and two others that were small but fought like champs. my buddy lou from work had a few hits, and actually hooked up on one, but didnt set the hook, and it shook off. all fish were caught between 3-5 ft, on the inside edges of the weedline, where rocks were found. i caught all mine using a 1/16oz owner shakeyhead/jackall flick shake combination. lou was using tubes.
took 2 hours to get the 1000 yards back to the dock in a headwind and got there with no battery showing on the gauge, but it was a nice day overall.


Nice fish. Too bad about your boat keys, you better find them, there is lots more fishing to be done 8)
yeah, the way the wind was shifting, i thought i was at galena. headwinds no matter what way i went ;)
and im sure the keys are around, im just not exactly sure where, as ive rearranged my tackle a few times since the last time i took the boat out due to the tourney thing, and i have a pile of tackle + stuff in my office about 5ft long by 5ft wide by 5foot high that i need to go through to try and find em.

i think its time for a yard sale.
Good luck findin them keys sounds like a nice pile to sift thru, glad you didnt let the keys stop you from gettin out there. Shakey heads in rocks, catch fish.