Well I have managed to get out on the water several more times, even took the wife once and we got poured on.
Below are some more pics to highlight my last couple of mods.
On to some night shots.
There were a couple of things pointed out through out the build thread.
I did move the rear seat back as far as possible and have debated putting it on the floatation box. Good catch Baptistpreach....
Baptistpreach also had questions about my switch panel location and someone was concerned about my circuits shorting out in the rain due to the location of my connections. I mentioned eralier that the wife went with me one night. We got dumped on. Rained, thunder, lightening, rained, rained and did I mention it rained. The boat did great. No electrical shorts, all the switches, electrical circuits worked perfect, and I even got to use the bilge pump for about 3 seconds.
After rereading the whole thread I have some general comments to add.
I ended up buying 3 more linear feet of carpet and wished I would have bought a half gallon instead of the three pint cans. I ended up useing about a gallon of contact cement overall.
I used trailer wiring for my general light circuits. Its color coded wire, 25' goes for about $12 and it comes with 4 wires connected together. Hard to pass up the price of $12 for 100' of wiring.
I picked up a new lawn garden 12v battery and ShipN Shore battery charger for the boat. The battery was $28 with a core, and $10 off with a rebate.
The charger is regularly $60, on sale for $40, and has a $10 rebate. So I bought them both. Glad I did.
I used MikeA idea of the eye bolts, instead I used them to anchor the batteries instead of the livewell.
I decided not to add any support to the port side. I figured the floor is anchored front and back so the boat will never buckle, the front deck spreads teh gunwalls up front and the rear floatation strengthens teh rear gunwalls, plus the two storage boxes int eh rear are also anchored to botht eh gunwall and floor. There pretty solid. Plus I watched the gunwalls while under power, no flex in them at all.
I did lower the overflow the 1" and it made a huge difference. Teh pump still exceeds the drain capacity, however I have at least a minute or so to catch it. Shouldn't be a problem, I have to manually turn the pump on and off and you can hear it run.
I did get teh main motor to run and the boat moves along nicely. It almost gets up on plane. Although I think I need to rebuild the carb, she isn't winding out (hitting the rpms) like she should.
For those looking at my livewell connections, there are no clamps on the pipes and they dont leak, yet. I have the clamps, just need to put them on.
As of right now I am very satisfied with the boat and how she turned out. Showed it to my wife uncle, the one who sold me the boat, and he was impressed with the mods. Now my biggest problem is putting fish in teh boat and that ain't the boats fault. :mrgreen:
I did manage to catch another dink.