8-foot king cobra - is FOUND


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Satx - you are so right . . .
Many states are being over run by non-native critters.
Take Louisiana for example. That big rat called the Nutria.
It is decimating their natural wetlands at an alarming rate.
Open season is on them, with a bounty per tail.
And, the restaurants are trying to incorporate it into their menus.

The infamous LionFish is doing the same on our natural reefs.

and the list goes on and on and on. Each state has their own demons.

If the local governments don't get these non-natives in check pretty soon,
our kids and grandkids will be the ones tasked with the resolutions that
may not have an end . . . .
I don't fish or hunt in the Florida Everglades anymore.
But, that does not mean that I am not concerned about a natural ecosystem
being turned upside down with the pythons. Yes, it does bother me a great deal !!!!
I am sure each state has its own rants . . . and rightfully so.

I guess the rhetoric in Central Florida about the cobra is not really about the danger,
but, about one more dangerous critter being released into an already sensitive
environment by an irresponsible exotic pet owner.
The governor has tasked a committee to view all FL laws about exotic pets and come
up with a resolution to keep this sort of thing from happening again.
AFTER the horse has already escaped from the barn.
ok, my rant is over LOL
I heard that some research scientist were going to to turn loose some pythons in the Savannah River Basin to see if they can breed or live this far north. If not no big deal. But what if they thrive in that habitat? Then what? They will then be wondering how the snakes managed to invade this far north. They will never look into the mirror to spot their problem.
w h y ??????

all they gotta do is build some outside ENCLOSURES to keep the
snakes confined through a couple of winters to see if they survive.
Of course, in the summertime they will proliferate.
I have been to Charleston several times over the years and the winters
there are sometimes not all that bad . . . . sometimes downright brutal.
Charles Darwin wrote a pretty good book about adaptation in 1859.
Maybe the government officials should read it sometime.

On the realistic side, I don't recall any wild pythons being found North of Orlando.
I guess the main reason would be the 10,000 roads and interstates it would have
to cross to get past Mickyville.
But, the St. Johns River starts its headwaters way South of Orlando and flows
North all the way to Jacksonville. And, the pythons are excellent swimmers . . . .
Anyone that is interested should do some research on the old interweb.......
One fertile adult female python can produce 50-75 eggs per year.
The University of Florida has a 21 foot python from the Everglades that had 102 eggs in its belly.

- - - do the math - - -


You know, I had forgotten about that. = GOOD catch.

The MD PWD also (VERY quietly) allowed some archers to take swans.
(SHHHHHHH! - That's a "deep dark secret" - Wouldn't want to upset the "animal rights" nitwits.)

yours, satx

The folks that hunt Nutria in south LA are called "ratcatchers" & some make a decent living in that trade.

Btw, "rat" is a good meal. = I used to have a lot of "upriver folks" on my payroll & therefore ate lots of "rat", gator, etc.

yours, satx
satx, You have the solution right there. Teach people how to cook it and your problem will be solved. Teach them how to prepare a python, king cobra or anything for that matter and the numbers will dwindle. Take bowfin, mudfish for example. That used to be one of my grandmothers favorite fish to eat. We ate a lot of them.
N O P E !!!

As of last nights news, all search efforts have been called off.
It is feared that all the commotion may have driven the cobra
underground or up into the trees - - - -
Special "snake traps" have been placed all over the area and
the 3 adjacent elementary schools have have been given "cobra training"
of what to do if anyone sees anything crawling.
All the school grounds grass has been cut down close to "deter" wandering
snakes. Including other types of big snakes we have in Central Florida.
Everything has returned back to normal - - - with the exception of his neighbors.
Which have shotguns at the ready and have been given free shotgun training by
the local police. . . . . .

The Saga Continues !!!

But, not to worry. We still have the Pythons, Diamond Backs, Cotton Mouths, Corals and Alligators !!!!
LOL us Florida Natives know how to walk around in grassy or wooded areas - - -
it is the flippin TOURISTS that gives us the most trouble !!

Are your rattlesnakes PROTECTED in FL?
(IF you disturb, much less kill, a rattler in VA, you get arrested/heavily fined.)

yours, satx
Thankfully not - we have PLENTY of rattlers to go around.
But we do have a few non-venomous snakes that are protected.

with the population EXPLOSION in Florida there are a lot of native critters
that are being displaced or disappearing altogether.
I just witnessed a road widening project near my home come to a complete HALT
because someone found a Sand Skink (a/k/a legless lizard, glass snake, underground lizard)
in the area. Almost a half acre was carefully dug up shovel full by shovel full and SIFTED
to ensure no lizards or eggs were present . . . this took two months.

09/14/2015 https://www.clickorlando.com/news/orlando-students-at-school-near-escaped-king-cobra-allowed-outside-for-recess/35261828

and our STUPID GOVERNOR just got back from Kentucky trying to lure even MORE businesses
to Florida . . . i could just puke at our - - - - sorry - that is my pet peeve.

No, the Diamond Back is not protected and roams freely where ever it chooses.
LOL just as the King Cobra, Python yada yada yada

You need to read some Carl Hiaasen, check out Sick Puppy for starters.

Very funny books about Florida politics, everglades, environmental activists.
its not illegal to kill rattelsnakes in va, unless you get caught. :) sorry but if there was one in my yard............ they are in the area that i live in. i have only seen one, did not kill as it was in a somewhat public area.
A friend of mine has a neighbor who just moved from Canada a couple months ago. They are now in the process of selling their house and moving back to Canada. Why? Because they came across a snake in their yard after moving in. I was told they were upset with the realtor because he didn't tell them there were snakes in South Carolina. How can you not know there are snakes in South Carolina? There was another instance a couple of years ago on Hilton Head where a golfer from Ohio was attacked and lost his arm to an alligator while he was trying to retrieve his ball. He sued the golf course because they failed to warn him of the fact that alligators are dangerous. The golf course settled with him although I do not know for how much.

Fyi, one of my neighbors when I lived in VA killed a rattle-tail about 5' long with a hoe in his backyard, where his 3 school-aged children routinely play & was seen by a "nosey" neighbor & turned-in to the County Police. = Cost him 150.oo in fine & 176.oo for court costs.

Darned expensive snake.

Fwiw, we crazy Texicans eat them & round them up, when they den up.
(Fyi, I like rattler BUT I only eat them when they are free. = Rattlesnake steaks are about 8.oo a pound & taste like channel catfish, when battered & fried.)

Remind me sometime to tell you about THE GREAT FT. STOCKTON RATTLESNAKE FEAST of 1986.
(It's a long "shaggy-dog" story that concerns "opening my mouth & inserting foot".)

yours, satx
Shoe, yes it is !!
The police have gone door-to-door with all the neighbors to give close encounter
shooting education. 00 buck is strictly forbidden..... nothing larger than
#6 bird shot. No Magnums. No rifles, no handguns with a solid projectile.
For the simple fact that IF someone should encounter the snake, the fear
of shooting through a drywall structure into the neighbors house is a definite safety concern.
IF the snake is encountered, it will probably be in a garage or enclosed pool area.
So a blast of #6 bird shot @ 20 feet or less is a pretty tight group of lethal force.
yeah yeah yeah, we all know - shoot first - let the law sort it out later.
In that area, there are a lot of "transplants"..... meaning Non-Floridians.
People from the big city that moved to the country and have no idea how to shoot a gun.
Personally, I would be more afraid of a neighbors 9mm copper jacket hitting me in the
chest while I sat in my easy chair watching Survivor than some 8 foot snake !!!

The REAL emphasis is to close the door and DIAL 911

The Saga Continues !!


You have made 13 posts on this subject plus you originated it.
I would say you have a concern for your little buddy the king cobra.
Get us a picture of your drawers when you find him in your garage. :)


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