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CHP 9-7 & 9-8-09 Castnet
Hit the pier for about an hour from 3pm to 4pm and managed 6 Mullet .. Winds were stiff from the NE and I was limited to casting on the left side . Winds picked up and the rain started so I headed out .
I returned at about 1am and found dirty water with the same stiff NE winds .
I got 2 small 3.5" Kingfish , Lots of Snappers with one being the smallest I have ever caught at maybe 3" , Lots of small Black Drum , Lots of small Scup and 1 that was about 7" , Way too many Jellies and about 100 Speckled Crabs with a few Blue Claws in the mix .. some were softshells and even got a dozen small Squid and Ballys and a few Mullet .. Its a shame because I was after Cobbs and got NONE !
Got half a dozen of these too ?? Anyone know what they are ?
Headed home at 4am as the winds picked up to 30+MPH and the net would not open anymore .. What a PITA !
Only 6 people on the pier who ALL left around 3am .. Too bad I had to be home at 5am or I would have stayed and fished
CHP 9-13-09
Hit the pier at 2pm and started castnetting Peanuts while searching for Mullet in chocolate colored water . Ended up with half a bucket on Peanuts from 3" to 6" , 1 8" Bluefish , 1 Mullet and a small 2" Flounder .
Steve arrived and we fished the beach end of the pier and got quite a few TB's with one keeper at 18.5" caught by Mr Hook .. WTG Steve !
We tried here and there for Mullet while fishing for Flatties and when some of the crowd left we made our way out to the end .. I found my Spring light completely vacant and I stooped to give it a shot while Steve ventured to the end .
I picked up 3 TB's in a row and then got blasted .. I thought it was a striper because it was strong and kept trying to go against the tide and under the pier .. It came to the surface and I see its a nice Flounder thats just barely hooked . I made the decision to walk it to the beach and when I got close enough I just flipped it .. It made it on the planks after all .. It turned out to be just shy of 23" .
By the time I got back the once deserted section had quite a few people fishing .. Amazes me how that works :anxious:
Anyhow I get one more TB and miss another and then its over as the sun sets ..
Check out how close the Pilot boat came to the pier .. I am SOOO Glad I was not out there in my canoe !! :angry:
Steve and I packed it in around 8pm .
Steve's keeper ..
And mine
Not much else was caught by others today but they did try .. General consensus was NO SPOT today .. Its about time
Now if only those Spot slayers would take the hint and GO HOME
Other than the fish Steve and I caught I saw no other fish caught and it was packed
CHP 9-14-09 The Return of "LIPS"
I hit the pier at 2am and found the water much cleaner and very few heads on the pier . I asked if anyone was catching anything and got the same reply from everyone .. "NOTHING" .
I hit the end of the wide part and picked off 2 TB Flounder on the first 2 casts .. Made a few more with nothing but Speckled Crabs so I moved to the skinny part .
Yesterday before I left I noticed a certain car in the parking lot but didnt see "Lips" out there even though his car was there but as I walked on the narrow part I knew it was him perched in the corner . I stopped 1 light shy of him and picked off 3 more TB's and a few small Snappers (bait) . After a few more I got nothing and moved towards "Lips" and ended up fishing right behind him . He starts moaning and groaning about not being able to get a bite and I just ignore him . He comes over to the left side right next to me so I move to the right just as he's b!tching about no bites .. the guy never shuts up !!
I cast and land 2 Snappers on the same jighead and neither has the hook . "Lips" jumps up and says "hey man you can use my live well" and rushes to turn it on .. My reply was along the lines of "Are you serious ? Just get the heck away from me" and I grab the 2 snappers and move back to my spot . I enjoyed watching "Lips" use 3 rods and trying to set the hook on Crabs .. Quite entertaining along with all the b!tching and moaning that he missed all these fish .. Well I didnt get any more so I back tracked to my favorite light and popped 10 in a row with 1 being a 20" Keeper
The bite stopped just as the sun started to show so I switched gears and started to castnet for Mullet .. They were all over the beach but A Friend (Nam) had crab traps all along the beginning of the pier and I guess he had the Mullet Spooked . I got nothing but Speckled Crabs .. No fish at all . The winds picked up and when the sun was visible they just vanished ??
Well I stuck around and shot the breeze with Bobby and the GW and we talked about Mr "Lips" .. I got some GREAT advice .. LMAO !!
So I was about to leave (2nd attempt) and noticed Steve's truck in the lot , guess he snuck out while I was in the shop so I ventured out to see what he was doing .
Oh while I was fishing I saw "Lips" land 1 TB Flounder and another guy got 1 Spot .. That was it with about 15 people on the pier only 1 Spot caught .. I got a total of 27 Flounder with 1 Keeper and LOTS of Snapper Blues .
I get up with Steve all the way at the end and he states he's got nothing but 1 TB .. He got a few more while we talked .
I made a few more attemps to leave but it seems that everyone since not catching wanted to talk Fish
It was funny because I told people as they arrived that the fish were gone but they insisted that " I was just here and tore them up " and " they will start soon " .. I laughed as they slowly rolled back off the pier saying "Man you werent kidding" LMAO !!
As I chatted with Steve I asked around and 1 guy had 2 Spot and my friend Blake had 1 Spot and I saw a lady catch a small 4" Flounder but other than that .. Nothing !!
In the last 36+ hours there has been nothing outside of what Steve and I were catching .
I talked to 3 guys I know who got skunked and they were heading to NJ on the Ferry since no fish were here and 2 other guys who were dead set on going to VA .. I am glad the Spot are gone and just hope the masses dont try to "get blood from a stone"
LIPS .. The SOB climbed around the fence (barricade) and was fishing and I thought I had my camera to take a pic but I couldnt find it and still cant ?? I hope no one stole it from my bucket !!
"Lips" was also spotted 3 times fishing on the pier before Labor Day weekend was over .
Anyhow he will get his .. NO doubt about it
I finally make it to the beach end again and although I am beat I see Mullet and couldnt resist I threw the net a few times and got a good bit .. Steve was on the beach with Ringo throwing nets . The 3 of us leave together but as I get to my truck I find it dead and the alarm just go's off .. I jump it with the spare battery and head home ..
Good to see ya Ringo and Mr Hook
I get home and play around with the truck and although I know its related to the alarm .. I just cant find the dam thing ? What a PITA !
I was supposed to head back out but I was already "falling over tired" while playing around with my truck when the daughter pulls up and I am asked if I can fix her car .. I spend the next hour on my back trying to fix her muffler .
I get everything done and its 8:30pm and my relfux and hernia acted up and I just passed out .
CHP 9-15 / 9-16-09
Hit the pier around 3pm and started throwing the castnet for Mullet . Got about 3 dozen Mullet , 2 Spot , 2 11" Black Drum and a few Anchovies . I started fishing for Flounder at 5pm and it was slow .. Bobby came out and was throwing for Mullet when the Peanuts came in so he netted a few dozen and gave them to me They were the ticket
I began to slam Flounder on them . I fished all night and occasionally went back to the castnet for fresh bait but could only find small Blues so between the Mullet Fillets and Bluefish Fillets I did pretty well with numbers but no Keepers .
While throwing the net I also got 2 Striped Burrfish , a small Stargazer , another Spot and lots of Scup and Porgies as well as 4 Flounder with 2 being at 18" .
Good news is the Spot are back , atleast they were who knows after this blow ..
Bad news is I have not seen or caught in my castnet any Trout since before the last blow
Water was beautiful and pretty clean except for around low tide .
I disconnected my battery when I got there and when I went to leave it was dead ? Got a jump and was home at 6am . Threw the battery on charge and after fully charging I checked the voltage and I could actually see the volts dropping .. less than an hour and it was at 10 volts .. I am gonna be pissed if it was the battery all along especially after I told that guy at Autozone that it was the battery
15 hours with lots of Flounder but none for the box but still a great night with lots of pullage .
CHP 9-16 / 9-20-09
Fished from about 3pm to 8pm and caught about 25 TB's and one Keeper at 22.75" .. Left and came back around 11pm and smacked a few more TB's and one keeper at 18.75" .
Sport picked me up later that morning around 5:30am and we were started castnetting Mullet .. Sport got 1 Spot too .
We started fishing around 7am and the bite was dead slow .. I picked up about 16 TB's with a few nice fat 17's and 18's but most were a mere 12" or less ..
Spot were taken 3 at a time near daybreak with most being the largest I have seen this year .. One lady was nailing triples back to back while trying to read a book
I went out in search of Mullet and it was not a good time and I ended up with 1 Mullet . Stayed for about 2 hours without getting a line wet .
Returned around 5pm and fished till 8pm with a few Mullet in the bucket and landed a few TB's .
Headed home to meet up with Jimmy and we returned around 10:30 PM . Jimmy started nailing TB's off the bat while I threw the net for awhile . Nothing much around so I joined Jimmy and picked off a few TB's and 1 nice 18.75" and dropped a nice 20" fish . Jimmy loses 2 nice fish at 20+" on whole Mullet . We continued to find small pods of Flatties but most were in the 10 inch range .
Lots of Snapper Blues and WAY TOO many Speckled Crabs .. Its bad when you get 2 or 3 hanging off each piece of Mullet .
The winds kicked up around 3am and we sat in the car for awhile only to walk out to even worse conditions so we packed it in at 4am and headed home .
"We hit Trap Pond for a few hours"
We returned around 7pm and again I castnetted Mullet while Jimmy got to nail some TB's
I got a few dozen and joined Jimmy and we both got some TB's but it was crowded for the most part and we stayed closer to the sand and just picked at them until low tide when the bite just died .
Lots of Snappers , Speckleds and TB Flounder .
NO Spot .
Trap Pond 9-19-09
Jimmy and I hit Trap around noon and found our spot pretty empty .. Boy that would change !
I got bit off by a heavy Pickerel on the first few casts and then start landing Gills and Crappie .. They were way out there and liked the shiner 1.75" Fin"S" 26 inches under a casting bobber .
I was into them on every cast and Jimmy had issues getting out far enough but did picked up some fish .. Then 2 boats come over and criss cross right on top of where we were casting .. I could not believe it . This section is the rental beach and is a wide stretch and there is no reason for that .. !!
I found them again a few more times and we each got 1 nice Slab with quite a few smaller 5 to 8 inch Gills and Crappie .. Got to see some 1 to 2 pound LMB bum rush small gills right at my feet .
Water was clear and fishing should get better once they stop renting the boats .. Its open much later than last year ..
Oh well .
CHP 9-21 / 9-22-09
Hit the pier around 10am and fished till 2pm . I started by castnetting a few Mullet and Bluefish and then headed out to my spot to play with some Flatfish . The snappers were really bad but I managed 30+ Flounder with only one 18"er . The water started getting stained around 2pm so I headed home .
Talked to Sport and met him at the pier around 9pm . Started castnetting but very few Mullet were around but over the course of the night I got .. Mullet , Big Bay Anchovies , Sea Bass , Stargazer , Striped Burrfish , Snapper Blues , Spot , Trout , Sand Perch , Porgies , Conch , Speckled Crabs , Blue Claw Crabs , Hermit Crabs , Horseshoe Crabs , Jellyfish and 8 Flounder from 2" to 19" Yepp got the only keeper with the castnet !!
Anyhow I caught about 40 Flounder from 9pm to 6am . I got them on Live Bluefish and Mullet , Dead Bluefish and Mullet , Mullet and Bluefish Fillets & Spot Strips .. Best bite was on 3" Bluefish LIVE .
Hit the pier for about an hour from 3pm to 4pm and managed 6 Mullet .. Winds were stiff from the NE and I was limited to casting on the left side . Winds picked up and the rain started so I headed out .
I returned at about 1am and found dirty water with the same stiff NE winds .
I got 2 small 3.5" Kingfish , Lots of Snappers with one being the smallest I have ever caught at maybe 3" , Lots of small Black Drum , Lots of small Scup and 1 that was about 7" , Way too many Jellies and about 100 Speckled Crabs with a few Blue Claws in the mix .. some were softshells and even got a dozen small Squid and Ballys and a few Mullet .. Its a shame because I was after Cobbs and got NONE !

Got half a dozen of these too ?? Anyone know what they are ?

Headed home at 4am as the winds picked up to 30+MPH and the net would not open anymore .. What a PITA !
Only 6 people on the pier who ALL left around 3am .. Too bad I had to be home at 5am or I would have stayed and fished
CHP 9-13-09
Hit the pier at 2pm and started castnetting Peanuts while searching for Mullet in chocolate colored water . Ended up with half a bucket on Peanuts from 3" to 6" , 1 8" Bluefish , 1 Mullet and a small 2" Flounder .
Steve arrived and we fished the beach end of the pier and got quite a few TB's with one keeper at 18.5" caught by Mr Hook .. WTG Steve !
We tried here and there for Mullet while fishing for Flatties and when some of the crowd left we made our way out to the end .. I found my Spring light completely vacant and I stooped to give it a shot while Steve ventured to the end .
I picked up 3 TB's in a row and then got blasted .. I thought it was a striper because it was strong and kept trying to go against the tide and under the pier .. It came to the surface and I see its a nice Flounder thats just barely hooked . I made the decision to walk it to the beach and when I got close enough I just flipped it .. It made it on the planks after all .. It turned out to be just shy of 23" .
By the time I got back the once deserted section had quite a few people fishing .. Amazes me how that works :anxious:
Anyhow I get one more TB and miss another and then its over as the sun sets ..

Check out how close the Pilot boat came to the pier .. I am SOOO Glad I was not out there in my canoe !! :angry:

Steve and I packed it in around 8pm .
Steve's keeper ..

And mine

Not much else was caught by others today but they did try .. General consensus was NO SPOT today .. Its about time
Now if only those Spot slayers would take the hint and GO HOME
Other than the fish Steve and I caught I saw no other fish caught and it was packed
CHP 9-14-09 The Return of "LIPS"
I hit the pier at 2am and found the water much cleaner and very few heads on the pier . I asked if anyone was catching anything and got the same reply from everyone .. "NOTHING" .
I hit the end of the wide part and picked off 2 TB Flounder on the first 2 casts .. Made a few more with nothing but Speckled Crabs so I moved to the skinny part .
Yesterday before I left I noticed a certain car in the parking lot but didnt see "Lips" out there even though his car was there but as I walked on the narrow part I knew it was him perched in the corner . I stopped 1 light shy of him and picked off 3 more TB's and a few small Snappers (bait) . After a few more I got nothing and moved towards "Lips" and ended up fishing right behind him . He starts moaning and groaning about not being able to get a bite and I just ignore him . He comes over to the left side right next to me so I move to the right just as he's b!tching about no bites .. the guy never shuts up !!
I cast and land 2 Snappers on the same jighead and neither has the hook . "Lips" jumps up and says "hey man you can use my live well" and rushes to turn it on .. My reply was along the lines of "Are you serious ? Just get the heck away from me" and I grab the 2 snappers and move back to my spot . I enjoyed watching "Lips" use 3 rods and trying to set the hook on Crabs .. Quite entertaining along with all the b!tching and moaning that he missed all these fish .. Well I didnt get any more so I back tracked to my favorite light and popped 10 in a row with 1 being a 20" Keeper
The bite stopped just as the sun started to show so I switched gears and started to castnet for Mullet .. They were all over the beach but A Friend (Nam) had crab traps all along the beginning of the pier and I guess he had the Mullet Spooked . I got nothing but Speckled Crabs .. No fish at all . The winds picked up and when the sun was visible they just vanished ??
Well I stuck around and shot the breeze with Bobby and the GW and we talked about Mr "Lips" .. I got some GREAT advice .. LMAO !!
So I was about to leave (2nd attempt) and noticed Steve's truck in the lot , guess he snuck out while I was in the shop so I ventured out to see what he was doing .
Oh while I was fishing I saw "Lips" land 1 TB Flounder and another guy got 1 Spot .. That was it with about 15 people on the pier only 1 Spot caught .. I got a total of 27 Flounder with 1 Keeper and LOTS of Snapper Blues .
I get up with Steve all the way at the end and he states he's got nothing but 1 TB .. He got a few more while we talked .
I made a few more attemps to leave but it seems that everyone since not catching wanted to talk Fish
It was funny because I told people as they arrived that the fish were gone but they insisted that " I was just here and tore them up " and " they will start soon " .. I laughed as they slowly rolled back off the pier saying "Man you werent kidding" LMAO !!
As I chatted with Steve I asked around and 1 guy had 2 Spot and my friend Blake had 1 Spot and I saw a lady catch a small 4" Flounder but other than that .. Nothing !!
In the last 36+ hours there has been nothing outside of what Steve and I were catching .
I talked to 3 guys I know who got skunked and they were heading to NJ on the Ferry since no fish were here and 2 other guys who were dead set on going to VA .. I am glad the Spot are gone and just hope the masses dont try to "get blood from a stone"
LIPS .. The SOB climbed around the fence (barricade) and was fishing and I thought I had my camera to take a pic but I couldnt find it and still cant ?? I hope no one stole it from my bucket !!
"Lips" was also spotted 3 times fishing on the pier before Labor Day weekend was over .
Anyhow he will get his .. NO doubt about it
I finally make it to the beach end again and although I am beat I see Mullet and couldnt resist I threw the net a few times and got a good bit .. Steve was on the beach with Ringo throwing nets . The 3 of us leave together but as I get to my truck I find it dead and the alarm just go's off .. I jump it with the spare battery and head home ..
Good to see ya Ringo and Mr Hook
I get home and play around with the truck and although I know its related to the alarm .. I just cant find the dam thing ? What a PITA !
I was supposed to head back out but I was already "falling over tired" while playing around with my truck when the daughter pulls up and I am asked if I can fix her car .. I spend the next hour on my back trying to fix her muffler .
I get everything done and its 8:30pm and my relfux and hernia acted up and I just passed out .
CHP 9-15 / 9-16-09
Hit the pier around 3pm and started throwing the castnet for Mullet . Got about 3 dozen Mullet , 2 Spot , 2 11" Black Drum and a few Anchovies . I started fishing for Flounder at 5pm and it was slow .. Bobby came out and was throwing for Mullet when the Peanuts came in so he netted a few dozen and gave them to me They were the ticket
I began to slam Flounder on them . I fished all night and occasionally went back to the castnet for fresh bait but could only find small Blues so between the Mullet Fillets and Bluefish Fillets I did pretty well with numbers but no Keepers .
While throwing the net I also got 2 Striped Burrfish , a small Stargazer , another Spot and lots of Scup and Porgies as well as 4 Flounder with 2 being at 18" .
Good news is the Spot are back , atleast they were who knows after this blow ..
Bad news is I have not seen or caught in my castnet any Trout since before the last blow
Water was beautiful and pretty clean except for around low tide .
I disconnected my battery when I got there and when I went to leave it was dead ? Got a jump and was home at 6am . Threw the battery on charge and after fully charging I checked the voltage and I could actually see the volts dropping .. less than an hour and it was at 10 volts .. I am gonna be pissed if it was the battery all along especially after I told that guy at Autozone that it was the battery
15 hours with lots of Flounder but none for the box but still a great night with lots of pullage .
CHP 9-16 / 9-20-09
Fished from about 3pm to 8pm and caught about 25 TB's and one Keeper at 22.75" .. Left and came back around 11pm and smacked a few more TB's and one keeper at 18.75" .
Sport picked me up later that morning around 5:30am and we were started castnetting Mullet .. Sport got 1 Spot too .
We started fishing around 7am and the bite was dead slow .. I picked up about 16 TB's with a few nice fat 17's and 18's but most were a mere 12" or less ..
Spot were taken 3 at a time near daybreak with most being the largest I have seen this year .. One lady was nailing triples back to back while trying to read a book
I went out in search of Mullet and it was not a good time and I ended up with 1 Mullet . Stayed for about 2 hours without getting a line wet .
Returned around 5pm and fished till 8pm with a few Mullet in the bucket and landed a few TB's .
Headed home to meet up with Jimmy and we returned around 10:30 PM . Jimmy started nailing TB's off the bat while I threw the net for awhile . Nothing much around so I joined Jimmy and picked off a few TB's and 1 nice 18.75" and dropped a nice 20" fish . Jimmy loses 2 nice fish at 20+" on whole Mullet . We continued to find small pods of Flatties but most were in the 10 inch range .
Lots of Snapper Blues and WAY TOO many Speckled Crabs .. Its bad when you get 2 or 3 hanging off each piece of Mullet .
The winds kicked up around 3am and we sat in the car for awhile only to walk out to even worse conditions so we packed it in at 4am and headed home .
"We hit Trap Pond for a few hours"
We returned around 7pm and again I castnetted Mullet while Jimmy got to nail some TB's
I got a few dozen and joined Jimmy and we both got some TB's but it was crowded for the most part and we stayed closer to the sand and just picked at them until low tide when the bite just died .
Lots of Snappers , Speckleds and TB Flounder .
NO Spot .
Trap Pond 9-19-09
Jimmy and I hit Trap around noon and found our spot pretty empty .. Boy that would change !
I got bit off by a heavy Pickerel on the first few casts and then start landing Gills and Crappie .. They were way out there and liked the shiner 1.75" Fin"S" 26 inches under a casting bobber .
I was into them on every cast and Jimmy had issues getting out far enough but did picked up some fish .. Then 2 boats come over and criss cross right on top of where we were casting .. I could not believe it . This section is the rental beach and is a wide stretch and there is no reason for that .. !!
I found them again a few more times and we each got 1 nice Slab with quite a few smaller 5 to 8 inch Gills and Crappie .. Got to see some 1 to 2 pound LMB bum rush small gills right at my feet .
Water was clear and fishing should get better once they stop renting the boats .. Its open much later than last year ..
Oh well .
CHP 9-21 / 9-22-09
Hit the pier around 10am and fished till 2pm . I started by castnetting a few Mullet and Bluefish and then headed out to my spot to play with some Flatfish . The snappers were really bad but I managed 30+ Flounder with only one 18"er . The water started getting stained around 2pm so I headed home .
Talked to Sport and met him at the pier around 9pm . Started castnetting but very few Mullet were around but over the course of the night I got .. Mullet , Big Bay Anchovies , Sea Bass , Stargazer , Striped Burrfish , Snapper Blues , Spot , Trout , Sand Perch , Porgies , Conch , Speckled Crabs , Blue Claw Crabs , Hermit Crabs , Horseshoe Crabs , Jellyfish and 8 Flounder from 2" to 19" Yepp got the only keeper with the castnet !!
Anyhow I caught about 40 Flounder from 9pm to 6am . I got them on Live Bluefish and Mullet , Dead Bluefish and Mullet , Mullet and Bluefish Fillets & Spot Strips .. Best bite was on 3" Bluefish LIVE .