I've been retired now for 16 years. I recommend it highly.
I was "bored" after one year and I thought I should go back.... just one day a week. To keep my hand in, as they say. Quite willing to work for $1.00 a day. (My son took over my business).
Well, that didn't work. In my profession, you are either there 5 or 6 days a week, or you are retired.
After a few futile months of not really being helpful to anyone, and trying to work short days on a short week, I chose to stay with the retirement mode.
I did spend the last 20 years of employment working with new retirees. What I learned from them was that all of them had too much time on their hands for a while. However, after one year, nearly all of them said " I don't know how I had time to work...I am SO busy now!"
You will quickly find lots of things to do, but you might have to reach out for them. Sitting at home watching daytime TV will either cause you to get drunk often, or fight with your wife. Either choice can shorten your retirement time (and life) measurably.
No one will knock on your door and ask if you can come out and play. Well, maybe another fisherman might, but that's about it. Volunteer; join the YMCA; get involved with a local wood-working group; join Toastmasters and learn something completely new.
Heck, a couple of years ago, at age 73, I decided that I should go act in a play. I had never done any such thing unless you count doing a reading in English class at age 16.
I thought they could use me as a "spear-holder" or "doorman" or something light and easy. Wound up with the second lead in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest". Two months out of my shortened life, but.... it was great!
There is no end to the things that you have before you. Choose wisely and you will KNOW why you are retired, and why you never want to go back to work again.
Now that I have six Saturdays, and one Sunday every week...life is pretty great.
regards, richg99