This alcohol is so much trouble. There is a way to get it out.
The problem is that alcohol draws water vapor into the fuel(hygroscopic). It will pull it right out of the air. Water and alcohol combine and remain in solution...up to a point. After this point has been reached, adding more water causes phase separation. The alcohol/water comes out of solution and sinks to the bottom of the fuel container. If this container is your fuel tank, that puts the A/W right at your fuel pick-up. Guess what your engine gets next?
So the problem becomes the solution. If you want to remove the 10% alcohol from your 6gal fuel jug, put in 10% water(1/2gal), shake it up real good, and let it set. Hour minimum or until gas is clear, not cloudy at all(overnight is good). All the water/alcohol is now settled to the bottom of your fuel jug where you can siphon it right out. You have forced the phase separation. Prop the jug up on one corner and siphon from the bottom of that corner(low point) into a 1gal clear plastic container. Pull the hose out as soon as the A/W are gone. Any good gas that gets through the siphon hose rises to the top of the A/W container, so you can just pour it back in your fuel jug. Now you have a jug with roughly 5.5gal gas with no alcohol or water in it. You also have a 1gal bottle, mostly full, of water and alcohol with no gas in it. I don't advise drinking it. I haven't figured out anything to do with it yet.
The trouble with this is it's expensive. Time is valuable and this takes that time. Also you are removing 10% of the fuel you bought, making it over 11% more expensive.
Example: 10gal X 3.50/gal=35.00, 35.00/9gal =3.89/gal...not 3.85
I tell people all this and they think I'm nuts.