SlimeTime said:
FishingBuds said:
Thanks BA, looks like a killer sight.
I will have to look thru that one awhile.
I looked at messin around with pouring some plastic last year but was concerned about it due to fumes? Me and my son have a bit of an allergy lung, well anyway thats what turned me off, but I can't help of still thinking about it and heck we are to try it once on making your own :lol:
I was considering the hard baits but, seeing the plastic again is tuff. Now I'm not sure again on trying the plastic too :wink:
FB, have you considered mounting an old range hood in your garage & venting it outside or into the attic? Might pull away enough fumes to allow you to make your plastics? Might have to cardboard/plywood 3 sides.
Yea I gotta garage, and I could do that, probably should :lol:
Need a good mask too, I also know about the "crap I burned myself" issue too, I'm just being very cautious for my son's sake.
I love to throw those palstics, so I would love to make a few
but I wonder if hardbaits would be more friendly?