Any amateur tackle makers?/update

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Well-known member
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Boonville, IN.
Making your own rod or some bait would be cool to try at least once.

I'd like to make an ol' devil horse. :)

Don't know the skill level for that one, but I'd guess I'd have to start with what kind of wood to use?
Thanks BA, looks like a killer sight.

I will have to look thru that one awhile.

I looked at messin around with pouring some plastic last year but was concerned about it due to fumes? Me and my son have a bit of an allergy lung, well anyway thats what turned me off, but I can't help of still thinking about it and heck we are to try it once on making your own :lol:

I was considering the hard baits but, seeing the plastic again is tuff. Now I'm not sure again on trying the plastic too :wink:
Years ago I used to be able to take a spool of mono and a baitcaster & make a nice birdsnest.....but I've gotten better :mrgreen:

Seriously, I'd like to start tying some crappie jigs, but haven't gotten aroung to getting a vise & materials. One of these days....... :roll:

FishingBuds said:
Thanks BA, looks like a killer sight.

I will have to look thru that one awhile.

I looked at messin around with pouring some plastic last year but was concerned about it due to fumes? Me and my son have a bit of an allergy lung, well anyway thats what turned me off, but I can't help of still thinking about it and heck we are to try it once on making your own :lol:

I was considering the hard baits but, seeing the plastic again is tuff. Now I'm not sure again on trying the plastic too :wink:

FB, have you considered mounting an old range hood in your garage & venting it outside or into the attic? Might pull away enough fumes to allow you to make your plastics? Might have to cardboard/plywood 3 sides.

SlimeTime said:
FishingBuds said:
Thanks BA, looks like a killer sight.

I will have to look thru that one awhile.

I looked at messin around with pouring some plastic last year but was concerned about it due to fumes? Me and my son have a bit of an allergy lung, well anyway thats what turned me off, but I can't help of still thinking about it and heck we are to try it once on making your own :lol:

I was considering the hard baits but, seeing the plastic again is tuff. Now I'm not sure again on trying the plastic too :wink:

FB, have you considered mounting an old range hood in your garage & venting it outside or into the attic? Might pull away enough fumes to allow you to make your plastics? Might have to cardboard/plywood 3 sides.


Yea I gotta garage, and I could do that, probably should :lol:

Need a good mask too, I also know about the "crap I burned myself" issue too, I'm just being very cautious for my son's sake.

I love to throw those palstics, so I would love to make a few

but I wonder if hardbaits would be more friendly?
FishingBuds said:
SlimeTime said:
FishingBuds said:
Thanks BA, looks like a killer sight.

I will have to look thru that one awhile.

I looked at messin around with pouring some plastic last year but was concerned about it due to fumes? Me and my son have a bit of an allergy lung, well anyway thats what turned me off, but I can't help of still thinking about it and heck we are to try it once on making your own :lol:

I was considering the hard baits but, seeing the plastic again is tuff. Now I'm not sure again on trying the plastic too :wink:

FB, have you considered mounting an old range hood in your garage & venting it outside or into the attic? Might pull away enough fumes to allow you to make your plastics? Might have to cardboard/plywood 3 sides.


Yea I gotta garage, and I could do that, probably should :lol:

Need a good mask too, I also know about the "crap I burned myself" issue too, I'm just being very cautious for my son's sake.

I love to throw those palstics, so I would love to make a few

but I wonder if hardbaits would be more friendly?

If you start either hard baits or soft be prepared to spend money this is a very addicting hobby. If you choise plastics pour in a well ventilated area with maybe a box fan or two to blow the fumes, a ventulator mask also might help. Also some plastics smoke more than others, When I started I quit after one or two pours because the brand i was using gave me migrains, then esquired turned me on to another brand and Ive been pouring ever since.
BassAddict said:
When I started I quit after one or two pours because the brand i was using gave me migrains, then esquired turned me on to another brand and Ive been pouring ever since.

Do not blame me for your addictions!

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Hey BA I was gonna PM ya but this is a good subject, let me thank you again on the site, I did join so I could look have axcess on some areas, It is a bit Intimidating with all the info, so I'm going slow for now. But I believe I have made a decision on what I would like to try and make and that is wire baits :)

My favorite to throw are the plastics and my second go to are the wires, the two make one on jigging :D so I will venture down that path for now. Jig heads could be a pay back investment for me since I use'em :lol: and me and my son have melted lead and other metals for bullets(muzzel loader).

Thanks again for the feed back and I'll keep TinBoats posted for my adventure. :lol:
Fishingbuds good luck with the wire baits. But you shouldnt give up on the idea of making you own plastics. I started last winter and I dont see my self stopping anytime soon.
slim357 said:
Fishingbuds good luck with the wire baits. But you shouldnt give up on the idea of making you own plastics. I started last winter and I dont see my self stopping anytime soon.

Hey slim357 did ya buy molds or did you do the other thing :wink: hint -hint

I had a fella tell me that him and his 9yr old daughter pours'em and he says its as safe and fun as can be, so this had me go back to the thought of the plastics.

Ya got any home made tool recommendations? heating and such? I was wondering about this?
Hey FB, I've poured some of my own designed worms, had someone make a mold for me and I enjoyed the heck out of doing it. So, give it a try and have some fun, especially when you catch fish on you own pours. When I return from MN next I'll show you the Mushroom Worms I make.
BassNBob said:
Hey FB, I've poured some of my own designed worms, had someone make a mold for me and I enjoyed the heck out of doing it. So, give it a try and have some fun, especially when you catch fish on you own pours. When I return from MN next I'll show you the Mushroom Worms I make.

Can we some pics? :D
BassNBob said:
Hey FB, I've poured some of my own designed worms, had someone make a mold for me and I enjoyed the heck out of doing it. So, give it a try and have some fun, especially when you catch fish on you own pours. When I return from MN next I'll show you the Mushroom Worms I make.

That be cool, I found some mold making stuff and it looks easy to do. I plan on starting at the end of September. got some honey do's right now that'll take me thru the next 4 weeks :(
Sorry I havent gotten back to this for a few days I got a new stick mold on friday and have been pouring all weekend. I bought my molds, I started with the silicone molds that are cheap, I just moved up to a aluminum stick mold, and I love it. My first order was a pint of med plastic, 2oz bottle of scent (which will last a while, im still on the same bottle) 3 2oz bottles of color, some blue fleck, and a mold. It was about 40$, then I went to the local walmart picked up a hotplate and some metal measuring cups, Ive sense started using pyrex glass cups. In retrospect I think I would have gone with a better mold to start with as I havent used any other molds sense I got my new one. At first it seems a little overwhelming but after you give it a try a few times it will only get easier. Ive literally made 100's of baits, this year, an bought next to none (only jig trailers I think).
Oh and if fumes are the problem avoid calhoun plastic, Ive only used it and lurecraft plastic, but the calhoun stuff gives off some wicked fumes.
How could I get into this?I'd like to do worms,jig bodies and maybe shad.I already cobble stuff together but nothing really decent looking.I only catch a fish with them if I hit one in the head and it's a reaction strike. :LMFAO:
ben2go said:
How could I get into this?I'd like to do worms,jig bodies and maybe shad.I already cobble stuff together but nothing really decent looking.I only catch a fish with them if I hit one in the head and it's a reaction strike. :LMFAO:

I would pick one style and go for it. I have someone making me some custom Spinnerbait heads. Something I want to start playing with is making spinnerbaits.
I've tied a couple jigs this summer. I think once winter comes I will do it a little more. I got too much going on right now and any extra time I have is spent bowfishing. I bought the $50 jig tying kit from Bass Pro, and a couple bottles of paint. They don't look anything too amazing, but its something to pass the time, and I can try colors not normally found. The vice that comes with the kit actually isn't too bad.

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