Any cichlid keepers here?

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Years ago, and only convicts. Tried everything I knew...only thing they would breed in, was a large, white, plastic soda cup. We had to weigh it down with two pieces of slate as they always cleaned the gravel out of it. They LOVED that thing! Oh, had to lose the under gravel filter and use the cheap foam for a while. The fry were sucked through the gravel.
I used to have African Cichlids after a stint with Red Oscars. I really liked them. I give that crawdad a month before they eat it :)
Wow I'm surprised. They tore my crawdad to bits... But you never know because all fish are different like any pets. I had a plecostomus that would latch onto feeder fisher and push them out of water to die then suck the meat off the bones. It was so weird I would find these little fish skeletons all over. :)
[url= said:
panFried » Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:36 pm[/url]"]Wow I'm surprised. They tore my crawdad to bits... But you never know because all fish are different like any pets. I had a plecostomus that would latch onto feeder fisher and push them out of water to die then suck the meat off the bones. It was so weird I would find these little fish skeletons all over. :)
What type of pleco was it? some are meat eaters I had a mess of them until 2 weeks ago when my tank crashed hard $3500 in fish gone
Not sure on the type of plecostomus, common? He was just a younger one about 7" long.
that is one type I didn't have
I am getting the tank back in order I picked up an AQUAPURE nitrate filter and a new RO water filter to fill the tank
I still have about 45 Kirbs and 4 cory cats.

Ot will take some time to get my collection going again
@red WoW what all did you lose that totalled 3g's?

@panfried my pleco does the same thing with the exception of killing the fish himself, if i had the money I'd get a royal pleco.


My lfs had a baby for $30 but I am cheap!
I had a pair of sliver sultans
a 8 fish colony of king tigers
4 snowball s
6 long fin bristle nose
2 baby royal plecos
4 L46 zebra's
then there were the other fish
I had 8 glass catfish that I owned for 8 years
15 albino cory cats that I breed
6 long fin green cory cats
25 neon's and 10 Columbian blue tetras
this was in my 150 gallon tank I run 2 fuval XL5 filters
I think my problem started with a bad piece of cucumber that I feed the pleco's
it spiked my nitrate and then my tds spiked to over 800ppm
with daily water changes of 10% I have the tds down to 500 ppm and the Aquapure has Zeroed my nitrates
I will rebuild lol it may take some time first on the list is a new breeding colony of cory cats I can sell or trade the babies for other fish
[url= said:
BassAddict » Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:36 am[/url]"]
[url= said:
Captain Ahab » Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:23 am[/url]"]BassAddict killed Redbug's fish!

Kick his *** SeaBass

A few brain cells die every time I read one of your posts...........

Hmmmmm stop reading them - ban yourself!
What to do when it's too cold to fish? Head to a fish auction!!!
Buy cool fish, drink free beer, eat tacos!!!

Here's my buys

Syndontis enpterus catfish!

King tiger pleco

Also got some grasses and a bag full of baby albino bristle nose plecos I can hopefully raise and sell to get my money back on....... Thanks free beer!!!


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I like the king tiger I had a few of them
the albino are also nice I doubt they will last in a tank with cichlids
[url= said:
BassAddict » Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:59 pm[/url]"]Yeah they got beat up when I put them in, this morning I found them buried in the rocks..
lucky they survived the night it wont be long before they get caught out and are food.
plecos like peaceful tank mates they need to be feed not just the algae that grows on the sides of the tank.
They love caves. Some need to have drift wood to rasp on to help digestion.
do you have a 2nd tank that you could let the plecos live in? may be the best choice