Any Interest in a Rally/Get-together?

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Well-known member
TinBoats Supporter
Nov 29, 2006
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Shrewsbury, MA
Would there be any interest in trying to form a rally/get-together for the fall of 2009 or possibly 2010 for like 3 days?

We could try to find a body of water that has lodging, & boat rentals. This way people could bring their boats if they wanted or they could just rent. We could try to find a body of water that was central to all or close to central as possible.

I figure if we start planning it from now it would give everyone plenty of time to clear their calendars and save some money for the trip.

If there is no interest, that is fine too :LOL2: If I was loaded I would come out to each one of your States to fish with you guys at least once.

Any ideas or thoughts, please fire away.
I think it would be fun! Although I'd say its gonna be hard to get a "central" body of water for everyone as most I think are quite spread out. But I would be all up for it as long as I could get off and it wasn't too awful out of the way. :beer:
Bubba said:
I think it would be fun! Although I'd say its gonna be hard to get a "central" body of water for everyone as most I think are quite spread out. But I would be all up for it as long as I could get off and it wasn't too awful out of the way. :beer:

Thats the spirit! Your about to drive 17 hours to Canada :LOL2: From where you live you could be anywhere central in 5-6 tops :mrgreen:
Hey Jim i'll actually be reasonably close to you in a couple of weeks. I'm heading up to Eastford CT and will be there Aug 30 - Sep 8 I'm sure i could convince the wife to let me go play at least on one of those days. :mrgreen:
Great idea, but it would have to be local for me. If there was a local one, I am in.
check out lake shelbyville. It would still be a 6 hour trip for me, but there is lodging and camping available and it is a decent size lake with state parks on two sides.
How about everyone kinda start throwing out distances/time they could drive for something like this? That way maybe we could get a better idea of maybe where it could be at? :-k

As for me, I'm pretty open. If it was a 3-day weekend thing or something, I could probably do 5-6 hours anyway.
I just read the original inquiry and saw that you said fall.

I would probably be out at that time of the year. October is always booked solid on the weekends with family birthdays and other obligations. November gets heavily into deer season here and the holidays.
Quackrstackr said:
I just read the original inquiry and saw that you said fall.

I would probably be out at that time of the year. October is always booked solid on the weekends with family birthdays and other obligations. November gets heavily into deer season here and the holidays.

I was just throwing that out there to give everyone enough time to clear schedules and save a little $$ for lodging in stuff.
Or you can even make it a regional type of thing. You could break it into as many regions as you would like and we can have a tournament. With bragging rights for the region with the most turnout, biggest fish and most fish caught. Might be a little hard to put together but you could have 1 rep from all the regions do the research and find the locations… we would all do it on the same 3 days. Just a thought
I don't think I could pull off much more than an hour and a half at this point. And that even, is iffy. And, I wouldn't be able to do Friday night, just a Saturday night.
I would be interested if it were somewhat local. Maybe some where like Land Between The Lakes ( It is a four/five hour drive for me, but seems pretty central (geographically). I have never boated there, though.
Cubman said:
I would be interested if it were somewhat local. Maybe some where like Land Between The Lakes ( It is a four/five hour drive for me, but seems pretty central (geographically). I have never boated there, though.

I could probably make that since LBL is about 20 minutes from my front door. :lol:
Sounds good Jim but, I have to be in bed by 10:00 :lol:

I'd push for a 6 hr drive, 20 hour drives would put some out all week for a 3 day get together. would the location map we got share any light on the subject?

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