Anyone else into Sous Vide cooking?

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JMichael said:
RiverBottomOutdoors said:
I used sous vide probably 6 or 7 times. I just use an old Styrofoam cooler.
Jonah, what brand/style cooker are you using with that cooler?

Redneck Yeti.... Just a styrofoam cooler that came from a mail order Christmas ham. I got two of 'em now. Holds temp for probably 2 hours, could top it off if needed to extend cook time. But, of course the cheap route means you have to do a little more babysitting. Without a doubt the sous vide method makes the best deer you will ever have. The biggest, oldest, toughest buck will melt in your mouth. Only way I will cook a deer loin now.
RiverBottomOutdoors said:
Picks from my first sous vides. ***Does anyone else say "sous vide" in an accent with inflection????***
Well I can't attest to the accuracy of their pronunciation of it, but my son says they pronounce it "sue-veed" at the restaurant he works at. Weed with a V. :lol:
lugoismad said:

Dang that looks good.

Deer loin?

I actually didn't know it was pronounced "Soo Vee" for a long time until my wife started making fun of me for sounding like an idiot for saying "Soose Viday"

LoL I was pronouncing it Soose Videee until my son told me how it's pronounced. :mrgreen:
Meld Knob


This was one of those kickstarter campains that would have been perfect for this type of cooking. It would automatically turns the burner up or down to keep the burner at a set temperature. Too bad they cancelled the campaign. It says they merged with a kitchenware company so there is still hope.

Video of it in action
Jim said:
Any concerns with cooking food in a plastic bag?

And I'm not one of those people, but just curious! :LOL2:

Nope. It's food safe at the temps the foods are cooked at.
Jim said:
Any concerns with cooking food in a plastic bag?

And I'm not one of those people, but just curious! :LOL2:
Evidently there are concerns by some while others give it a thumbs up. But I have read where they suggested using Ziploc brand bags or the vacuum seal bags because they are supposed to be BPA free, (what ever that is). Judge for yourself but there are lots of articles out there on both sides of the discussion.

All that considered, after watching and reading many many reviews, I pulled the trigger on one of these a couple of hours ago. It came out on top of the majority of the comparison reviews I read/watched.

Now it's everywhere!
Jim said:
Now it's everywhere!
You know I would think that the more companies that get in to this market (competition), the more the prices would start to drop. But based on that ad you linked, they appear to be doing just the opposite and are actually getting more expensive. :lol: BTW Based on the research I did before ordering one, there is absolutely zero chances I would buy one of these things without reading a lot of reviews by actual owners, much less get in on a pre order sale, but that's just me.
In the mail this morning, in the pot this afternoon. :mrgreen:

Decided to do my first test cooking a soft boiled egg based on time n temps from an online guide. While it's cooking, I decided to check the water with my inexpensive cooking thermometer. Surprised to see that there's only about a .6-.8° difference between the two. Shocked my cooking thermo is that accurate or consistent. Feeling like a kid at Christmas, excited to try cooking pretty much anything at this point and I'm not even hungry. :oops: :lol:

Some of my cooks so far -

I did a 4 hour flank steak at 130*

It was super tender. I used them for steak tacos with some guacamole pico de gallo.

Salmon. I did salmon at 125* for 20 minutes.

It was AMAZING. I will never do salmon any other way, ever again. It tasted like salmon flavored butter.

I finished it with a quick sear on both sides in a non-stick pan and a sprinkle of "Slap Ya Mama" seasoning.


I did some Blue Fin Tuna steaks I found on sale for $7 a pound, marked down from $25 because it was the last day they were good.

Took them home and cooked them in a honey teriyaki ginger sauce.


I did them at 125* and then did a quick sear. I wish I'd done 120* or less, I felt they were overcooked. My wife on the other hand LOVED them and says they were perfect.

Jim said:
You guys are killing me. I'm drooling over that flank steak.

So after the 4 hours you do a quick sear or no?

Yep, I heat my iron skillet up under the broiler for 20 minutes, then 30 seconds a side.
It all looks good, to me. My brother is up visiting so we decided to try some chicken breast at 150° for 1hr. The breast were huge and I probably should have increased the time because of that but didn't. I've always steered clear of white meat chicken because it's too dry for my liking. Decided to see if this made a difference. Used ginger, garlic, scallions, Julio's seasoning mix, and lemon.

Wasn't much skin left on them to brown but did what I could in a cast iron skillet with a couple of tblsp of oil.

Gotta admit that dryness was is no longer an issue but I still prefer the taste of dark meat. But it was good and I'll try it more often playing around with different choices of seasoning.

Gotta run to the market today and will decide there whether we're doing steak or fish tonight, depending on which looks the best at the store. Can't imagine I'm not coming back with both though. LoL
Thanks for the updates!

JMichael, I feel the same way about Chicken. Dark meat or beef for me, unless it's in some chicken salad configuration. :lol: