anyone ever experience anything paranormal?

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free jonboat

Well-known member
Aug 23, 2009
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richmond, va
ive always felt like there was something in my house. odd things have always happened but here lately it has gotten worse. the raido just turns itself on, the brand new tv and cable box just turns off, the dog looks right at the wall and howls. when my brother was a baby, his room was right overtop of my parents. my brothers crib was in the middle of the room and mty parents would always hear a knocking sound on the wall coming from his room. i sometimes watch tv when no one else is home and my door upstairs will open when it is latched close so it cant be the wind. and a few years age i woke up in the middle of the night just to see a young boy and girl watching me from the door way and it WASNT a dream, i know for sure it was real. when we built our shed we were runing the electrical wires and hit an old septic tank which means there was obviously a house there before that. upon further research, we found that there were 2 houses on our property before we built ours. any ways, i was just wondering, aneone else ever experience anything paranormal or have any ghostly encounters?
:shock: when there's something strange..... in your neighboor-hood.... who ya gonna call...

just kidding :lol:

can't say I've ever dealt with anything like that before.
the determination is to whether your home is haunted is... is not very easy. what I meant to say was it might very well be a poltergeist intrusion instead of a classic haunting.
im not gonna sleep well tonight...bullets, bombs and bad guys, i can deal with. Ghosts, not my thing!
That's creepy. I haven't had any myself but my brother once lived in a house where doors opened and lights came on. My ex once worked at a place that was an old mansion. The caretaker lived in the "tower" and often reported the lights coming on in the main building at night. I'm not sure I personally believe in this stuff but I do believe in the possibility of it being true. I'm sure there are all kinds of things that are real in spite of the fact that we can't see or understand them...
I have only had one experience out of the ordinary. I was sitting at my mom and dads neighbors house one afternoon. There was a little electric candle light on the table next to me. It flicked on and off 3 or 4 times. I didnt think anything of it until I looked down and it was unplugged.
Just a little to freaky for me.
Wonder if it would help or hurt the re sale of the house...
Our first house had similar characteristics. It was built in the 20's and one family lived there for her whole life.

A few months after we moved in, I was walking down to the basement and I found dried blood along the walls - streaking along them as if pointing to the basement. Really weird but I figured we just hadn't noticed it after we moved in becuase we were always carrying stuff up or down the stairs. Then it got weirder...
The basement had an extremely creapy feeling - the hair on your neck would immediatly stand up. There was a room in one corner with a latch/lock on the outside of it. Switches for the lights were on the outside of the room, and it was all painted black. I'm hoping it was a darkroom as all the small window was blacked out and it was built floor to ceiling. It was so weird feeling, we never even stacked stuff against the ousside of that wall. And never stored anything inside of it. There was 'newer' cement in one corner of it, but I was not about to start digging it up.

We would hear creaking all the time, but didn't think anything of it - after all, we heard that old houses just creak. It was like someone was walking around. One morning I heard walking upstairs and figured my wife had come back for something, I called to her but no answer, So I glanced outside and her car was gone... Just then I heard walking and a door closed! Yikes, I went to investigate and cleared all the rooms and part of the walkin in attic. Figrued it was nothing so I went back down stairs. A few minutes later I heard walking again, a door creaking open, then closing. This time I went back armed and was clearing the rooms. I checked my kids room then closed the door behind me. I cleared the rest then entered the small walkin attic space I had ignored before, of course I couldn't see around a few boxes which could easily hide a person, so I'm trying to get an angle around the box when I heard running accross the floor, the door I closed earlier opend up then slammed shut. Just about crapped my pants, but there was no one visible in the upstairs.

One night when my firstborn was sleeping upstairs, we heard a crash in her room - like a huge chandalier fell to the floor. My wife and I looked at each other and raced to her room, to find her sleeping peacefuly with nothing disturbed anywhere upstairs. Craziest thing ever.

There were more stories, but these were most memorable. We sold that house after 2 years.
i read everybodys replies about an hour ago. as im reading, the raido turns its self on and guess whats playing..."only the good die young" :eek: i got out of the house as soon as i could :?
Wouldn't be a problem for me... at the first sign of something weird like that happening the for sale would going up in the front yard.

Will, I can't believe you lived in that house for two years. I'd be totally creeped out.
My cousin loves these guys, not me though I believe even watching/reading ghost stories is an invitation for a haunting! Supposedly they investigate said hauntings by eliminating all the things that could cause the troubles, Example: faulty wiring could cause lights to flicker, turn on/turn off or a rooms air flow could cause doors to slam ect.............. Id contact them and see if maybe they would be interested in checking things out
I grew up in a house that I KNEW had something else about it. Never could explain it for the 18 years I lived there. Slept with a pillow at the bottom of my bed, under the sheets as another layer at my feet. ALWAYS slept on my back for 18 years. I could tell you lots of stories that happened yet, NEVER brought it up to anyone else, but was ALWAYS freaked out. Wasn't until my parents sold the house and a couple years had passed. We heard the people that bought the house had people in to get rid of the ghosts/poltergeists (whatever you call them). THEN, my mother spoke up and said she always felt we were not alone in that house too. Made the hair on my neck stand up. I couldn't believe that she was quiet for 20+ years! Nobody was ever hurt, but apparently the people that bought the house were not as "liked" as we were. WOW...makes my hair stand up now.
My first ship (WWII/Korean War vintage) was haunted. Going up forward to make nightly rounds at sea was always a hair-raiser for me. There were sounds coming from inside the bosun locker (room) like someone was chipping paint. When you got near the door the hammering would stop. Only happened at sea at night, even with very calm seas. In the fireroom after hours, during "cold iron" (tied to the pier), the port side watertight door would open, there would be footsteps across the catwalk, they'd stop at the top of the ladder for a moment, pause (there was no one standing there), and then walk across the catwalk and exit the stbd watertight door. I used to go down there and visit a buddy of mine while he was on watch on the lower level. I got a brand new ship after that tour :)
When we were taking care of my wife's grandmother(she was dying), her house felt real creepy. While lying in bed one night, you could feel something just inches from your face, just staring at you. My wife's uncle is a preacher, and said there was something in that house that hated him, and he rarley stayed there. I've been to war, and I work out in the middle of nowhere from midnite till 8, and you couldn't pay me to go into that basement.

The house was built on the edge of Bushy Run battlefield, maybe has something to do with it? When her grandmother passed, the evil had left, and it seems like a normal house now.
I hate threads like this :shock:

I've always hoped that one day someone would discover something about old wiring that gives a charge to the air, explaining the neck hair thing. No such luck :roll:

I've gotten lucky, with nothing legitimate to report. My parents' first house had some crazy stuff going on, but I wasn't around yet.
My dad told us a story about an incident while he was in the Korean War. His unit was in a bunker one night, and he looked in the doorway and saw a vision of his mother (she was still alive), and she said "Harry, get out". He got his buddies out right before an artillery round hit the bunker and destroyed it.
I have not seen a ghost before, but I have given them many chances to show themselves to me. I hear stories about haunted houses but have yet to get a ghost to show himself to me. I am told that the ghost are apparently afraid of me and will not come out until I leave. They all say they came out after I left. I have even slept in cemeteries and no luck. I think it would be cool to see or hear a ghost.
Oh, I forgot about the old house my mom grew up in. My granddad added on a garage, bathroom and bedroom, back when everyone lived there (way before my time). My aunt was given the 'new' room. And years later when I stayed there, I was given that room since it was so far away from my parents room and I was the oldest. As far as I know, we were the only two people to live in 'the room"
Let me start by saying I have never been afraid of the dark or scared of the boggie man. But that room scared the crap out of me. I'd have nightmares that seemed to come true in that room. One particular night, I woke up to a noise, not sure what. Then I had to use the jon, but I was certain someone was in the corner of the room. I could feel them there, I heard breathing... I worked up the courage to flip on the lignt and nothing. I went to the bathroom and heard noises out side the door near the garage. I opened the door and all was dark, but I was sure I left the light on in my room. As I was walking the 5-10 feet to my room, I heard something behind me. Being a kid, I beelined for the bed and threw the covers over my head, as I hit bed, something else came from the corner of my room and crashed into the wall above me. I was certain I was dead. Stayed with my head buried in the covers for a LONG time. Finally worked up the courage to get the light on again. I checked the wall but nothing was there... The light stayed on for the rest of the night.
Years later, I was talking to my aunt and she swore terrible things must have happend on that land years ago. She said that room was haunted. There were time when she was not able to move her body or call out, just held down with an intense pressure. Her radio and TV would come on and go off by themselves. One time she said her TV came on to 'The exorcist" and she was not able to turn it off or get out of the room till it was over. This is a 40+ year old normal woman saying these things.
My uncle (her brother) swears to this day that a fire demon jumped out of the fire, danced on the hearth, then ran into that side of the house and disappeared.
That house no longer stands as years later it somehow caught fire and burned to the ground.
