It sounds like it needs to be desulfated.. but to check the water just pop the caps off and make sure the water is up to the bottom of the spout that is inside (not all the way up to the top of the battery, they should be about 1/2-1" below).
I don't know if you have a charger that will desulfate, but the one I have from wal-mart will do it. It's a schumacher brand ( I didn't pay but $50 for it at wally world though..
If it is one of the Everstart Maxx Marine batts, you can take it back and get it replaced.
How are you charging it after use?
I check the fluids of my battery each time before I put the charger on (and I do this as soon as I get home from the lake). I fill them up as needed, then put them on charge in 2amp - regular automotive (maintenance free) and I leave them on them all week, alternating batteries [I have 5 batteries, but only 2 chargers] every other day until it's time to go back out.
When I get ready to go, each battery ranges from 13.2-13.4 depending on how long they have been off the charger. This might help you out some, but make sure you charge them immediately after using them. Some people don't do this thinking they will only charge back up to certain spots, but I've had these same batteries for almost 1 year and they are still going good. I did have to trade out 1 battery though - and that was my fault for not checking the water in it regularly.
Free replacement cost is exactly that - FREE.