big enough to mount?

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
Great Falls, Mt
what size is a justifiable size to mount a rainbow trout or brown trout? thats about all i catch, would kinda like to mount one, but i want it to be at least a little impressive haha. thanks!
we don't have very big rainbows down here, but the only rainbow I've ever seen mounted was right around 4.5-5lbs. He had the actual fish mounted - but I swear that thing looked like a 2lb fish... may just be me because I've never seen a rainbow in person.
BUT -- if it were me, I'd mount a few different sizes if your significant other will let you mount on your wall...
I've fished a fair amount in Montana and there are some very nice (read 'BIG') fish taken there. So I wouldn't wait till I caught the state record 'bow. What if you mount the catch that means something to you; a personal best, a memento from a memorable fishing trip with friends or family? And be sure you touch base with your taxidermist of choice to see what is recommended in terms of pictures, measurements,etc. to help make to best mount possible. Good luck!
I would have to agree too that it's the memory over the actual fish but if I got one over 30 I think I'd have to have a replica mount made.

Russ if you want to see and catch some big trout let me know I can get you set up on some good water not too far from you. Average fish are 18"-20" with monsters near 30"
thanks guys! im going fishing tomorrow see what i catch! i have a blast every fishing trip,, so i guess ill have a lot of mounts! haha. i also want to mount one if my son catches one this summer. that would be a good one to remember! rickybobby, if you ever get near great falls to fish, or holter lake hit me up!
If you're gonna mount one (or have a replica made) I'd mount a big brown. They are simply a more impressive looking fish, IMHO. Here's one a friend caught in a Great Lakes tributary in NY State a few years ago.


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could some explain the difference in mounting,, and replicating? i honestly know nothing about it,
The 2 types of mounts are a "skin" mount and a replica mount. The skin mount, as the name implies, uses the skin of the fish and is "stuffed" so to speak and then recolored to bring back the living colors. Just be sure to take a picture of the fish fresh out of the water and record all the measurements: length, weight, girth, etc. A replica is a "blank" the size and shape of the fish, made of Styrofoam, resin or fiberglass. The taxidermist then uses your photos and measurements to create an exact "replica" of your fish.

Either way you go, make sure you check out samples of the taxidermist's work -- with fish mounts, the quality of the painting and the paints and sealers used matters much more than whether or not there's a fish skin in the mount. If you have photos of the fish fresh out of the water they can capture the colors of the fish more accurately.
up here we have at least 6 different strains of rainbows. gerrards can get over 20 lbs.they are almost as big as lake trout but fight like coho salmon or really big biggest was around 12 pounds. i looked into getting one replicated once :shock: not cheap. pics will have to do. we also have f3n tripliod rainbows. the're sterilized females so instead of reproducing,all they do is eat. they look like giant footballs.
This was bigger than it looks, the tail is curled around. I wound up letting it go in good health.


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that is a nice looking fish! ill have to post a few pics here in a few weeks when it stops snowing long enough to fish!