Got a few things done to the boat over the weekend to get her ready for fishing now that the weather FINALLY seems like it's going to break. Once we got the motor issues figured out this past fall, we haven't had any issues with the boat and motor all winter. I'd guess we had her out over a dozen times over the winter waterfowl hunting. Everything seems setup just right for the way we use the boat. Glad I was patient in deciding exactly how I wanted everything setup. Hopefully everything continues to run well. Havne't had her out in almost 2 months due to the crappy weather we've been having. Missed the final month or so of waterfowl season due to either snow, ice or dangerous river conditions.
Got an extra seat and 2 13" pedestal for the rear bench and front deck. Front deck is WAY to flimsly though. Need to figure out a way to reinforce the stock aluminum deck and or seat base before it gets used. Any suggestions?
Here is the front deck base. It sits on the factory deck which is rather thin aluminum. It flexes ALOT from bow to stern with the seat and pedestal installed. Any suggestions on how I can reinforce before I rip up my bow deck?
Ordered a heavy duty tarp of Ebay last fall to use as a cover. It's OK for $30, but I've already had to tape up a few tears with some gorrilla tape. Worked pretty good with all the snow and ice we had over the winter, so I guess I really can't complain. Here is how I support my cover. 2 small sawhorses, a long 2x4, bucket and bungee straps.
Cover on
Made some rodholders out of PVC. I have a grip type additive on my floor and deck paint. I was afraid it would tear up my rods and reels so decided some rodholers were in order. Used 1-1/4" PVC for about $4.50 for 10'. Only used 4' of it though. Probably use the rest to make a rodholder stand for my rec room. I thought they turned out nicely.
I have 4 rodholders coming from Once I get those installed the only thing left to do is fabricate and install a stern deck. Then I think I can finally call her finished.