After I responded to this, I started thinking about how to improve on my bait holding tank. I went out to my buddies business and picked up a nice blue 55 gal plastic barrel. Cut the top third off and drained a gallon of commercial grade Roundup concentrate out of it (enough weed killer to last me a couple of years lol). Washed it out real good then moved my pump and spray bar over to my new tank. I started with about 25-30 gal of water and 6-7 dozen minnows. Haven't gotten to fish much since I did this but so far so good. Haven't lost any other than the few I've used while fishing a little. The rounded tank really seems to help keep the minnows from bashing their skulls in on the sides of the tank. Every time I take minnows out to fish, I take about 1.5-2 gal of the water with them. When I get back home I put any un used minnows back in the tank and toss the water they were in and add 2 gal of fresh water back to the tank. Working great so far as I haven't lost any in my holding tank. Just wish the weather would improve for a little better fishing conditions.