Bite is on fire here in SD. :)

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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2011
Reaction score
South Dakota
I never done fishing tourneys before, so thought I would give one a shot on Saturday. It was my lucky day. were around 30 people entered majority did not catch a fish ones that did got 1-3, except for me. Lord blessed me I was only one who limited and was culling all day. Brought buddy over after wards so he could go home with some snack too.


Then went thought it could not get any better. hit water with other buddy on Sunday we caught easy over 100 perch ea over 14", number of eyes 15"-27". Released all over 19" and under 16" Now these are kinda of footballs I like playing with. :D :D


Great video. Congratulations. I don't know if I could get into ice fishing. I am use to the 60 & 70 degree days we have be having around here but I love seeing fish being caught.
I truly miss ice fishing back in Michigan and some days like that, it was a great way to fish. Like looking into a T.V. screen.
Buddy of mine has friend helped him guide 13 guys today.
They got a 15 man limit of those humpback perch. Plus caught & released many more once they had limit. :D
In SD limit is 15 perch each.

Captain Ahab said:
Hardcore - no way am I doing that - ice - cold bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Not as bad as you would think Ahad. If needed we have fish shacks with heaters if gets to cold or windy. One could sit in them with t-shirt and pair of blue jeans. Buddy has a number of them that are like small mobile homes of different sizes. One is 12' wide by 19' long with bunk beds, kitchen, tv, & forced air furnace. Right now we have 4' plus of ice so one can drive vehicle right to shack step out of truck right into shack. One has to walk less to get in shack then do if have to walk to one homes front door. Fortunately last week we really have not needed to go in shacks temps been in 30's with low winds, very comfortable for us northerners when out icefishing.

Here's kinda like one he has, but he has a bigger one:
I fish in the cold - I do offshore wreck fishing for giant sea bass and cod etc. in the winter - really cold sometimes - saltwater freezing to the boat cold!

However, sitting on the ice over a hole - not for me
Bite is still on but is getting tuff to get to them. In North East we were able to drive vehicles out on lakes, but now there is average 3'-4' snow on lakes, places with more. Also need 2' extensions in ice augers to get threw ice. Only people with snowmobiles or vehicles with trax are able to get around on lakes those that are making it out are doing very well. They can not stay in one spot to long though. once drill hole weight of snow pushes ice down and water up in ice and becomes 1' plus of slush around hole.
Only way I could do that would be if I was on fire along with the fish. But then I would just melt through the ice. Brrrrrrr :lol:

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