Cabelas Hardback 2010 Catalog

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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2007
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I got one today in the first time ever getting a hard cover edition. Anyone else?
My brother got one last week. Why he doesn't know.
I guess I finally spent enough money on fishing tackle last year to get one...although I think I spent more at Tackle Warehouse.
I spent a couple grand last year, and my wife gets a hard cover. Go figure.
I got one too, and to be honest, haven't spent that much from them this year... at least I didn't think so.

I'm with you Jim. I'm sure those things aren't cheap and I'd prefer lower prices.

Jim said:
not this year so far. I did get one a couple of years ago.

How about reduce your prices and save the hardcover throne material? :D
dyeguy1212 said:
I've never been by cabelas stuff for some reason. I'll stick to good 'ole BPS...

They both have cool stuff, and if your in the store and you catch a good clearance, you can score some decent stuff. That being said, I favor Cabelas just a little bit more. It seems to me the BPS stores try to pedal TOO much of their brand stuff and not much of the competition.
Got mine yesterday. I didn't spend a whole lot of money there last year either. :-?
Yep, I got one. I am actually very ticked off about it. I do all my shopping in a store or on-line. I make an effort to put myself on lists to *not* receive catalogs (yes, you actually have to get your name on lists to not get catalogs). I think in this day and age random catalogs are an unconscionable waste. The average paper catalog is looked at for less than five minute and thrown away. This thing takes it to a whole different level. I don't need a catalog the size of a college textbook that is destined for a landfill at my own hands.

I'm not a tree hugger. I am a sportsman who despises waste of natural resources. Cabelas claims to care about these resources and then they do this? Most likely the paper didn't even come from US producers where it could have provide some jobs (most catalog paper comes from SA). This stupid thing isn't even good for recycling (it's all cheap glossy paper). What if they took the money that they put in this random book mailing and donated it to fish and game outreach programs or conservation work in every state. Why don't these people get the point that they would probably make many more customers happy by just sendig a postcard indicating that they made such a donation instead of sending a stupid catalog but we can look at their website if we're interested.

Sorry to rant. But maybe a Cabelas worker will happen on this post during a random search and think twice about mailing random books.
fishshtick said:
Yep, I got one. I am actually very ticked off about it. I do all my shopping in a store or on-line. I make an effort to put myself on lists to *not* receive catalogs (yes, you actually have to get your name on lists to not get catalogs). I think in this day and age random catalogs are an unconscionable waste. The average paper catalog is looked at for less than five minute and thrown away. This thing takes it to a whole different level. I don't need a catalog the size of a college textbook that is destined for a landfill at my own hands.

I'm not a tree hugger. I am a sportsman who despises waste of natural resources. Cabelas claims to care about these resources and then they do this? Most likely the paper didn't even come from US producers where it could have provide some jobs (most catalog paper comes from SA). This stupid thing isn't even good for recycling (it's all cheap glossy paper). What if they took the money that they put in this random book mailing and donated it to fish and game outreach programs or conservation work in every state. Why don't these people get the point that they would probably make many more customers happy by just sendig a postcard indicating that they made such a donation instead of sending a stupid catalog but we can look at their website if we're interested.

Sorry to rant. But maybe a Cabelas worker will happen on this post during a random search and think twice about mailing random books.

A cabelas employee is a member here. He will see this. :D
fishshtick said:
Yep, I got one. I am actually very ticked off about it. I do all my shopping in a store or on-line. I make an effort to put myself on lists to *not* receive catalogs (yes, you actually have to get your name on lists to not get catalogs). I think in this day and age random catalogs are an unconscionable waste. The average paper catalog is looked at for less than five minute and thrown away. This thing takes it to a whole different level. I don't need a catalog the size of a college textbook that is destined for a landfill at my own hands.

I'm not a tree hugger. I am a sportsman who despises waste of natural resources. Cabelas claims to care about these resources and then they do this? Most likely the paper didn't even come from US producers where it could have provide some jobs (most catalog paper comes from SA). This stupid thing isn't even good for recycling (it's all cheap glossy paper). What if they took the money that they put in this random book mailing and donated it to fish and game outreach programs or conservation work in every state. Why don't these people get the point that they would probably make many more customers happy by just sendig a postcard indicating that they made such a donation instead of sending a stupid catalog but we can look at their website if we're interested.

Sorry to rant. But maybe a Cabelas worker will happen on this post during a random search and think twice about mailing random books.

I would write Cabelas and explain these very thoughts! Threaten to boycott their store and also explain that you will urge others to boycott as well. I think Cabelas, for the most part, is full of BS with their "save the environment" crap. They talk a good game but I see very little action.

BTW - I keep getting these stupid catalogs as well. I burn them!