They’ve already screwed up our portable fuel tanks. It’s all 4 stroke heavy outboards now.
I’m going to run my 1992 40hp Yamaha until it explodes. I’m very adamant about checking everything on the outboard all the time.
I’m going to make it last as long as possibly. When I first got it I had heck finding what I needed to completely rebuild all the carburetors. I have a larger jet in the middle carburetor than what I took out. But when I did the link and sync it adjusted and runs great.
I love unloading it in the morning and letting it idle while I park. I love the smell of two stroke while I’m walking down to the dock.
Sure they’re times I wish it ran like a four like for trolling you can’t even hear a four stroke. Mine doesn’t like to idle very much it builds up and starts smoking normally it only smokes at start up then it runs clean on the Lucas semi synthetic Ashley’s oil.
I took it night fishing on a lake I didn’t know very well and idled everywhere I went. When I started it to head in it smoked like a train. The next morning I put it on muffs but I can’t raise the rpms like I need to so it can clear it’s throat. I had a lot of nasty sludge behind the prop that came out the exhaust. I still haven’t taken it out again but I’m going to in a couple of days and I’ll run it like I stole it. First I’m going to do a decarbonizer here in the driveway and see if any fire trucks show up.

Then replace the plugs and go straight to the closet lake.