- - > to reiterate my above Post: 18 Feb 2015, 09:41
I got this 1648 MV bass boat couple of months ago and had to tear up the
front carpet (that was glued OVER the screws) because the P/O put the 10 amp trolling motor
inline fuse UNDER the friggin plywood deck.... PLUS, the plumbing for the front live well leaked.
and now, today, the back live well hose broke (or fitting came loose) either way,
the back live well drain empties into the bilge.
Also, the hose that pumps water into the well for aeration is leaking.
so, gotta tear up the back deck now just to get the plumbing right >ggrrrrrrrr ](*,)
also, when he put in the aft plastic recessed rod holders, he just dug out the foam
and stuck them in. This allows all the rain water to sit in the tube and slowly let the
foam suck it up. (on both sides).
One positive thing is, he put S/S screws in EACH and EVERY hole in every piano hinge all over
the boat !!! LOL so when I put it back, I can do every other hole and have a whole passle of
screws left over for other things.
Of course, the screws under the carpet have friggin glue in every head !! oh well, ..................
There is nothing wrong with the existing carpet and the plywood is relative solid. But not now,
when I pulled up the glued down carpet, it also removed the sealer and sealing paint from the plywood.
so now, it is either replace or reseal the wood before putting down new carpet. Grrrrrrrr ](*,) #-o
if you are new to putting in a deck - - - - this is what NOT to do !!!!!!!!!!!!!