Well, just because a popular manufacturer makes them, doesn't necessarily mean they're legal. The article below may help. Based on this and some other articles I've read, I don't think the helm-mounted nav lights are legal. Neither are many of the popular "shark eye" style nav lights that are sold (i.e. Lavorsi, etc...) by some rather high end makers (ECC, Anoka, et al.). I don't think it's a matter of brightness, but one of range of vision. It seems like they would be in the way at night by continually lighting the inside of the boat, and in two different colors no less. Seems like it would impair your overall night vision. It may be worth flagging down a USCG/FWC next time you're on the water, just to be sure. Tickets are no fun. Congrats on the new girl friend! Proof positive that boats are indeed chick magnets.