Looking for some fabrication input. My boat don't need pods, but it could have some advantages. I have always said that if you buy a new boat with pods, you bought the wrong boat. Pods are an addition type thing. You could have bought a boat 2 feet longer. So, I bought the boat I needed, balanced it to let the entire boat float the motor. But, the benefit of slower speed on plane is a big plus. The rear not digging coming off plane. The added flotation in the event of it getting a hole knocked in it. The stability it offers to a transom. Many advantages. Since I like to fabricate things, I think I will add these to my boat. i have purchased the needed sheets of aluminum. I have drew pics of the shape I want. But, i'm still thinking. I don't want to build these and then think, "i wish I would have done this". So, I am adding internal sleeve from top to bottom for pole anchors, if I ever want to use this. I am pitching the rear back slightly, like the transom, parallel to the transom, so that reverse hits might not be as bad. Angling the bottom up about 3/4 so it does not drag on plane. And lining up the bottom transom to give the weld corner some protection. My input needed is in regards to spray deflectors. Or since I have a jackplate that extends the motor back, possibly build the pods as if 1 piece, all the way to protect the lower transom weld, stabilize the transom more, and create a leading edge lip, whatever you call it, the gap between the pods, enough to steer, becoming like a short tunnel. I have even tried to incorporate steer fins, deploy-able rudders, built into the pods to hold the boat straight in current when front anchored. LOL, Better to plan now than later. So, any input appreciated.