Determine Boat Model?

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Jun 22, 2015
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I have an old aluminum boat and I'm trying to determine the model. I'm hoping that someone here might have an idea. Here is the info that I have so far:

Year: 1959
Make: Rich Line
HIN: OHZ53915G059
Length: 14' 2"
Beam Width: ~59"
Transom Width ~53"
Transom Height: 16"

Here is are some pictures of it:

Thanks in advance!
I was able to find some information about a number of models manufactured by Rich Line right around the same year as mine but unfortunately, I didn't find a model that matched the measurements that I have. Here are the links:

At this point I'm not sure if I have possibly measured the boat incorrectly or if there are other models other than the models listed in those links :(
Well it looks like nobody has any ideas on what model this boat it :( One of the reasons I would like to no the model of this boat is so that I can determine it's max capacity and max HP ratings.

Based on the information that I found at the 3 links above, it looks like the boat may have a max passenger capacity of around 650 lbs and a max HP rating of 30 HP.

Does this sound right? Is there a way to determine these ratings without knowing the model of the boat?
Thanks for the welcome Barefoot_Johnny! :) I actually posted a link to photos of my boat in my first post. Here's the link again:

There should be 5 photos
good deal - sorry I missed the link in your first post. I am used to seeing
them in the post itself - not a link.

I just called my brother as I thought he has the exact same boat.
He has no idea of the model either. So I guess you are still in the research mode.
Thanks for checking Barefoot_Johnny! Is your brother's boat a Rich Line as well? If so, does he have a capacity plate on his?
Is it possible that these boats didn't come with capacity plates? If they didn't, am I still required to have one by law?

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