Don't touch my fishing equipment!

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2009
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Sussex, WI
So is it just me or are you very possesive about your fishing rods and such? I will loan my car out to just about anyone. Even offered the boat to a few friends. But you go touching my fishing poles and it really 'upsets' me. Does anyone feel the same way?

Some background might explain how I got this way...
As a teen, some gal cost me a very nice double hookup of specked troud on a two hook rig - these were big fish for the area. I had hooked them and knew I couldn't get both on the pier by swinging them up. She saw I was going to lift the fish by the line (hand over hand) onto the pier. She TOOK my pole from me and tried to flip these two trout on the pier. MMM yeah, that didn't work - don't remember is she lost one or both of them, but I do remember that she touched my fishing equipment - and that pissed me off. I didn't want to talk to her ever again - and didn't. :evil:

One day my wife and I were enjoying a day at the beach at one of our local lakes. We had fished a bit on the pier and I saw she was having trouble casting. We went to an open area on the beach and I was showing her how to cast with a spinning reel. So while we are standing there, a guy we know comes up and start talking. He found out what we were doing and 'stepped right in' He grabbed the rod and started showing my wife the same thing I had showed her. I got mad, but as he meant no harm - really he didn't - I let him feel useful. The results were one lost favorite fishing lure and me being mad at him. For some reason, he had adjusted my drag down tight. I had gone back to fishing and replaced the weight with my favorite fishing lure. On the first cast the bail flipped shut. That lure sailed on forever after the line snapped. Did I mention it was my favorite fishing lure? :cry:

To this day I have 3 rods that only I use. No kids can touch them. The wife can, but she doesn't. I don't even like other people handling the rods to store them in the boat for me. Maybe that's from letting the wife store the rods inthe car one day after a trip. She closed the door and managed to break off the tops off every single rod.

Sounds a bit neurotic to me. It's just fishing gear.

If you never spoke to that girl again because she lost a couple fish, why are you still married to your wife if she broke the tips off all those rods ??? :shock: :wink:
Interesting :| I am VERY picky about my fishing gear, but I do have to let others use my rodnreels because a lot of people do not have the gear to stand up to the fish and areas I fish. I'm most picky over my fillet knife. :? DON"T TOUCH IT!!! I have a bait knife that you can do anything you want to but don't touch my fillet knife. It's very very sharp and I want to keep it that way. It has literally cleaned tons of fish. It might be almost a inch shorter than when it was new due to years of sharpening, but it is broke in and fits ONLY my hand. Strange but I guess we each have our little pet peeves.
It does not bother me if someone touches my gear as long as I know they are not trying to destroy it on purpose. If I am fishing on the Folly Beach Pier and I have a fish on one rod and get a bite on the second rod I will ask a neighboring angler to handle that line for me. If I take someone out on the boat with me I will even let them decide which rods they want to use and I will use the remaining ones.
DocWatson said:
Sounds a bit neurotic to me. It's just fishing gear.

If you never spoke to that girl again because she lost a couple fish, why are you still married to your wife if she broke the tips off all those rods ??? :shock: :wink:

Great question. When you add to that her attempt to sabotage my hunting gear - she put an old milk jug in with all my hunting clothes for a few months- it makes me wonder.

I guess it's just Love!
wasilvers said:
DocWatson said:
Sounds a bit neurotic to me. It's just fishing gear.

If you never spoke to that girl again because she lost a couple fish, why are you still married to your wife if she broke the tips off all those rods ??? :shock: :wink:

Great question. When you add to that her attempt to sabotage my hunting gear - she put an old milk jug in with all my hunting clothes for a few months- it makes me wonder.

I guess it's just Love!

Must be Love.

With your feelings about your fishing gear, after hearing the milk jug story about your hunting stuff, I'm surprised she's still alive. :LOL2: :wink:
I don't let my wife or kids touch my rods. My fishing partner shares all my gear as he wants. He went fishing this weekend and took a setup I bought for my son. Its a Ugly Stick Light with a Abu Garcia Pro Max baitcaster. It's too much rod for my boy this year and its a silly right handed real so I cant use it. :shock: If he uses any of my lures, or I use his when then come of its expected the lure goes in that persons tacklebox until its wanted back by the owner. This weekend I am taking his muskie net and Lowrance H20 with me. I permanently use his muskie rod and he permanently has one of my trolling motors mounted on his boat.

So I guess with my fishing buddy that respects the gear he can use what he wants. For my kids that don't respect the gear. I have a $20 setup for each of them to use. :wink:
Only a select few can touch my stuff. Usually its the guys who pay just as much if not more for their stuff. They usually take good care of it.
Yep I have one person who can use my gear, and my son can use whatever he wants. I have a special rod for everyone else. It's one of those bright PINK Ugly Stick rods with a bright PINK spinning reel hangin' off it. Anyone who needs a rod gets to use that one. If' it is a guy using it everyone gets a good laugh, his price for not having his own gear; if it'sa a Gal she thinks I am the most thoughtful person for thinking of the women who don't have their own stuff!!! I'm a winner either way!

The bonus is that it is a great little rod/reel combo if you are manly enough to fish with a PINK rod!
but I do remember that she touched my fishing equipment - and that pissed me off.


anybody grabbing a pole out of my hand will piss me off but it never happens. i only let close buddys use my stuff and they always take care of it.

though that reminds me of last time i went camping with some friends. i fished that mrning solo, left my boat there and went out on my buddys dads triton who fished a tourni at the same place that mrning. i come back alittle while later see everybody watching my buddys youngest girl trying to cast my 200 dollar real in my boat. needless to say it took a good beating being knocked against everything in the boat twice and needed new line after that but i bit my tounge and tryed to help her learn to cast it, wich she did. it was very very hard
I used to work at BPS and I have gotten some good deals on gear and I have given away more lures to the Boy Scouts in my Troop then I care to admit. I have always been concerned for my poles if someone wants to use them and they don't know how to use them. But it is just gear. My father always seems to grab the first pole he finds in the boat (usually mine) and starts fishing. EWven if it is my best one he just uses it and I do my best to not say anything but keep an eye on it and as soon as he puts it down i scoop it back up. I have bags of lures that I might not ever use, so those anyone can use, but please return it after the day of fishing, otherwise I WILL run out of gear. :D
To me, it all comes down to respect. my wife and I have our fav rod/reels that we use all the time, however I have a few extras that if someone wants to go fishing and doesn't have their own gear with them, they can use, as long as they are not being stupid with them its all good to me. Just the same I have spare rifles that if someone wants to get a license and go hunting with me, they can use one of them. But at the same time, I have to say that if someone grabs my gear out of my hands it would cause a problem.

Now, as for my bikes, that's a whole different story, There are only a close few of my Brothers that will ever touch my bikes.