drop shot knot


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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2007
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which knot is the best for drop shot fishing ? Why? How do you tie it ?

I want to try it this year with the fish tv I bough.

Fishhog Sr :wink:


There ya go, Palomar knot with a long tag end.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, I could test that out, but I will refrain.
who else fishes drop shot here i fish it religously and cant go on a trip with out usein the dropshot rod
KVD gave a little tutorial on how the tie the DS rig this weekend on ESPN. I think he tied a Palomar, then passed the long tag end back through the eyelet to tie on the weight, just like the pic ESQ provided in leiu of a thousand words. :wink:
I use the tidal drop shot rig...
it's like a dropshot on roids!!! 20lb test 7" worms and 1/2 oz teardrop sinker.. it is good fishing the grass on the river
I never gave drop shotting much thought until I fished the northern divisional on lake erie last year. Man, I couldn't beleive how effective this method was until I tried it. After a week of doing ds'ing, I couldn't stop once I got back home. I always alway always have one or two drop shot rigs set up on my boat. Especially on those finicky bass days. The only downfall to this method is you tend to catch a lot of short fish, but when it comes to the odds game, sooner or later you will connect with a keeper. Due to the small hooks, you really have to play out the bigger fish, or you will lose them.
I drop shot a lot for Crappie and Perch. Sometimes I tie on 2 hooks above a drop shot sinker. Now that's fun, 2 fish on 4lb line. :D
Pont said:
I never gave drop shotting much thought until I fished the northern divisional on lake erie last year. Man, I couldn't beleive how effective this method was until I tried it. After a week of doing ds'ing, I couldn't stop once I got back home. I always alway always have one or two drop shot rigs set up on my boat. Especially on those finicky bass days. The only downfall to this method is you tend to catch a lot of short fish, but when it comes to the odds game, sooner or later you will connect with a keeper. Due to the small hooks, you really have to play out the bigger fish, or you will lose them.

well said it is addicting but you do get small fish also