East Tennessee Weather!


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Jan 12, 2014
Reaction score
Kingston, TN.
Well guys, its official! I AM OVER WINTER.... As I set here in the living room looking out the window I see dang near 2 inches of ice on everything, and now its snowing ontop of that around an inch to an inch & half ontop of the ice.. And lets not forget the wind, its blowing about 15-20 mph at times.. And lets not forget the pipe busting cold.. weather guy said -1 tonight, and -4 tomorrow night.. I AM OVER IT, you can't do any fishing in this crap.. Oh well, I'll just keep the faucets dripping throughout the house, and watch recorded shows of Bill Dance and Jimmy Houston, and wait for the thaw.. You'll be safe & talk to ya later...
Faucets dripping and/or put clamp lights w/floods in places really susceptible to the cold - near foundation, etc. Also, keep cabinet doors open below sinks so the warmth of the house helps to keep the temps of the pipes a little warmer. If you're really worried you can shut off the water overnight and drain the pipes. Been there lots! Frozen or burst pipes are a drag. If you've got a crawl space it's even worse because you or someone has to crawl under there to fix it.

With wind chill it's -30° here today, but then it's always -30° here.
We got more ice over this way than snow, but it snowed this morning (just a decent dusting) but it's snowing again. the wind is supposed to pick up as the day goes along, gusts are cold as I just came in from walking the dog. She doesn't like the ice on the grass but loves the snow, likes to play bulldozer with her nose in the snow whenever she can (she's a boxer). I don't like the ice, can handle the snow much better, don't handle the cold as well as I did in my younger days, but at least I can still get dressed up for it and get out when needed or desired.

I just wish we could the 4 full seasons again here in E TN, 2 weeks of spring and 2 of fall sucks IMHO. :p

Some pipe insulation works good for preventing frozen pipes, ask me how I know this. :oops:
My Summer place is in Fairfield Glade TN. Sure am glad that I had the whole house winterized before I left. Still keep the heat at 50 degrees, but the pipes are empty ( I hope).

Seriously - I will take a TN winter any day - SHEESH!

Come visit here in SE Pennsylvania - if you like skiing anyway :mrgreen:
cherry blossoms are out,crocusses are up,snowdrops too,shrubs are budding. the local ski hills here took a hard hit this year,no snow at all.too warm to even make artificial.i love coastal bc in the winter.it was 14 c all week.great white north my fat *ss
Captain Ahab said:
Seriously - I will take a TN winter any day - SHEESH!

Come visit here in SE Pennsylvania - if you like skiing anyway :mrgreen:

Tried skiing one time, will pass on that. LOL. Was up that way a couple years ago, beautiful country.
I'm sorry I'm hard of hearing, did you say there's a town in MN where they measure the temp "In-Bare-A$$"? :lol: