Well-known member
DaleH's something I started as a 'draft' back in 2008 and posted on myClassic Parker website and have sent out to many, many others. It's just an intro into DIY boat wiring.
The prices are out-dated and the link to 'Best Boat Wire' website was replaced by this one for Genuine Dealz, I don't allege it is complete nor the only way to wire a boat, but perhaps it could be helpful.
But if anyone has input and constructive criticism to offer, I'll update it, as I have the original MS Word version. Plus I am in the midst of re-wiring a 16' Starcraft, at least after I get the transom fixed, so I plan to update this tutorial anyway.
Then maybe with YOUR help and input, we can post it here as a sticky to help other tin boat owners.
Where were you four months ago
Great resource!