Evinrude 30hp, another poor decision?


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If you look down the venturi of a carb on pretty much any 2-stroke you will see a fuel mist at a higher RPM. Normal.
That sound you said it made when it sneezed? You need to find the source of that. Let it sneeze and do whatever you can to find it.
The mixture will make it sneeze, also check for vacuum leaks. The oil return line from the bottom of the motor gets overlooked. I picked up an evinrude 20hp from a marina for cheap. Guy couldn't get it to idle right without sneezing. Turns out the oil return was hard and would sip a bit of air in to the manifold causing a lean sneeze. Cheap fix.

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I will have the mechanic look into the oil return line, thanks for the advise. Last I talked, the intake gasket was not the fix, he sighted a vacuum leak. He was planning on pulling the power head and putting new seals and gaskets on it. There was also a small leak down at the prop and he thought that would also indicate a seal being pushed.
The dirty 30 strikes again.

The sneeze problem has been solved, now it does not want to start once it warm.

My mechanic asked me to come get it, he is sick of looking at it. Keep in mind, he is just a guy that does this on the side.

Looks like I need to start with rebuilding the carb
One thing to think about……..ethanol wasn’t a thing when that motor was new. If you can’t get ethanol free gas make sure you bleed it dry (run it out) if you plan on it sitting for long periods.
First off.....definitely not an ignition coil.
I really doubt the gasket failed. Highly unlikely is an understatement. You need another mechanic.
After not running for so long I would disassemble the carb and do a thorough cleaning and install a new OEM kit.
That carburetor has a fuel mixture adjustment needle on it. Probably 1/4 turn richer would have gotten rid of your issue.
Your money though. Am sure he will tell you it was a gasket whether it was or wasn't.

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