female drivers enough said!!!


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2007
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warminster pa
well i kinda got derailed on the way to a show..
fog...wet roads..female driver who doesn't read sings =




I'm okay just pissed as hell she never took her foot off the gas while making the left out of the parking lot right into my truck
she was taken to the hospital with a cut to her head
now for the insurance battle and the stiff back and neck i am already starting to feel

i know that not all female drivers are bad but didnt Danica have a bad week too???
Whew now that will ruin a mans day.....bummer for sure. Could have been worse though, at least she didn't plow into the back of you while towing your boat heading to the fishing hole.

This reminds my of the gal that hit me from behind while at a red light. To busy yapping on her phone and apparently didn't see my suburban in front of her lol. I felt a nudge from behind, so I get out to look and my truck was fine accept some paint she scrapped of my towing hitch. But her little oldsmobile had the hood peeled back and a punctured radiator lol.
Sorry redbug, what a pain.
I own a body shop and would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the process. insurance companies have gone crazy over the past few years and its always the vehicle owner who looses. Call the shop anytime if you want to chat, Justin
I would bet money she was on the phone. Bummer about the Tundra, hopefully it cleans up good.
thanks for the well wishes I am sore as hell but i knew that was gonna happen
nothing broke other than the truck
funny thing is i was on my way to an outdoor show that was being held at the local church
I joked with my friend about being worried about having to walk through the church and being struck down
WELL I GUESS HE answered my question ... i couldn't get with in 15 miles of the church
the truck will be towed to the repair shop on monday and then the fun begins..
i just need to make it to work in the morning if i can
It's aspirin time, unfortunately. Glad to hear you weren't seriously hurt.

Not to escalate the topic, BUT a few months ago, my son was T-boned by a 17 year old female driver coming out of a parking lot who was turning right. Unfortunately my son's little Honda Fit was in her way and she flipped his car. He required minor surgery to remove pieces of the road out of his hand. Both of them had the same insurance company and it was still a hassle.

Good luck.
tuff luck on your truck. Hope the truck and you heal quickly.

I saw an article on msnbc the other day quoting a poll/survey that women drivers are safer than male drivers. Didn't really believe the article as I rode with the wife the other day after a medical procedure and while still groggy, she scared me. She says she doesn't drive fast (BS), she almost chirps the tires everytime she's at a stop sign. LOL. She says I scare her too but she can't prove it to me.
From now on, if I ever get into another wreck, they are taking me to the hospital too. The next day after mine, I was so sore I had to take myself to the ER. Glad you weren't seriously injured.
TNtroller said:
tuff luck on your truck. Hope the truck and you heal quickly.

I saw an article on msnbc the other day quoting a poll/survey that women drivers are safer than male drivers. Didn't really believe the article as I rode with the wife the other day after a medical procedure and while still groggy, she scared me. She says she doesn't drive fast (BS), she almost chirps the tires everytime she's at a stop sign. LOL. She says I scare her too but she can't prove it to me.

I suppose this study does not take in affect the women that are the passenger seat drivers, when guya are driving. I have never got a ticket or been in accident in 30 yrs. mrs. in one about every 3-4 yrs. and still thinks she has to tell me how I should drive. LOL Seems about 200 yrds before each light she has to tell me the color of it.
thank god i'm deaf in my right ear.can't hear the wife complain when i'm driving,just turn up the music a little and she isn't there. :LOL2: .
Mine claims to be an awesome driver just cause she hasn't gotten a ticket and her only accident was hitting a parked car when she was in college...guy wasn't supposed to be parked on the road and she didn't see it (blah blah)....she flies everywhere, stops way to late. And yes, she yacks at me all the time.
All great stories lol. My wife thinks she has the skills to race in NASCAR lmao and believes she is a great driver. Yet I have had to replace the bottom panel on the garage door twice because she cant wait until it opens all the way before driving in. And once hitting it continues driving into the garage while dragging across the top of our minivan! Not to mention the truck she ran into in the parking lot when pulling into a parking space #-o Thank god it was a lifted chevy with 38" tires on it. Plowed right into the right rear tire of the truck and we bounced off. Didn't graze it either, hit it a foot in on our bumper. Not even close to making it! Yet she blamed it on me for making her nervous lmao, oh the humanity :lol:
bummer Redbug, but glad you weren't hurt bad...... I had a 16 year old girl turn left in front of me once - she told the cop it was my fault cause I hit her.... duh??????????
Jdholmes said:
Mine claims to be an awesome driver just cause she hasn't gotten a ticket and her only accident was hitting a parked car when she was in college...guy wasn't supposed to be parked on the road and she didn't see it (blah blah)....she flies everywhere, stops way to late. And yes, she yacks at me all the time.

My gf is the same way, minus the accident. She's gotten lucky.

But I pray it stays that way.