Filling Gaps in deck/flooring - over-sanded, prepping for glass. (Help!)

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Nov 24, 2023
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Centreville, MD
I thought I was being good while sanding all my edges before glassing but realized I might have taken a little too much off my edges.
Any thoughts on what I can use to fill this 1/4 gap all the way around my latch?
I had planned to just lift the whole panel out when I need to, but now it's going to flop around.
Maybe put a hinge on one side, that might help hold it in place.
Hate to cut another piece. Not likely to get it to fit right either.
Carpet would probably fill the gaps, after I glass it of course.

I'm open to all ideas!


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If you intend to install carpet, whether you use a hinge or not, I think it would definitely fill those gaps. In fact, if you intend to wrap the edges with carpet, you may need more of a gap. A long piano hinge would work for that hatch.

Just a thought -- instead of those metal straps, consider putting a 1x2 piece of wood along the bottom of the long sides to support the lid. Glue & screw from top or bottom. You could even cut strips from left over plywood to do this.

Like this:

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Thanks LDUBS.
My neighbor (Charter boat Captain) told me the same thing. Think I might change up the straps. It would make it more level as well. The straps are 3/4" drop and the wood it 5/8 so it is a little low when I drop the lid in.
Another thought (I got a million of them). That hatch looks like it is pretty long. If you think it would be cumbersome, you could put a center support across the middle and have two smaller hinged hatches (with the hinges on either the forward end or on the side of each hatch lid). Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with the current design. I just throw this out if you think it will be hard to handle because of the length. Or, if you intend at some point to mount a seat pedestal base on the lid, a center support might be a good idea too. Just food for thought.
Great minds seldom differ...
Had the same ideas. I was thinking about a pedestal seat, but my "lid" is too long to take advantage of additional support by going through the seat (under the ends of the deck) as support.
My main idea here was to get access to my gas tank (3 gal right now but going to a 6 gallon tank) to refill. Pulling the entire deck out each time to fill the gas can is excessive. I've also thought about starting over (I have a great template using the existing deck and I have more 5/8 plywood) and using a "real" hatch. (Something like attached) I also want to stow PFDs and foul-weather gear under the deck and don't want to have to "fish" (LOL) around for them too much so the opening size has to be considered.
It's funny, how, when you are ready to take a dive on a project's next step, you start double-guessing. My Resin and Matte arrived today! UGH!
Just re-read your response....I need to think about splitting the hatch in two, like opening french doors....Kinda like it...meets some of my thoughts above.

I really appreciate your feedback...makes me think.


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